by J. David Stark, PhD Logos is an incredibly useful tool straight out of the box (or off the website). But as with any tool, it can take some time to get to know it well and use it better. As an academic user, you’re also coming to Logos from a...
"Think of your life on the other side of the pandemic. How will you retroactively judge the decisions you made during lockdown?"
"Reading the Bible in the original languages causes us to be more thoughtful and careful about the actual wording of the text." -- Robert Plummer
Image: © Tavis Bohlinger by Prof Steve Walton This list is aimed at providing a starter list for useful journal, book series, sources of book reviews, and online sources for journal articles. It’s not the last word, but hopefully it’s a useful guide...
by Ryan Lytton Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Proverbs 4:5. Wisdom and understanding are everywhere available but are nevertheless ostensibly rarely found. A student of the Word must be diligent in...
Library of Congress, Washington, DC Ryan Griffith | Indianapolis Theological Seminary Although library archives are most often the domain of historians and other students of the humanities, research interests will take seminary faculty into the...
Colossians is an underappreciated jewel in the Pauline corpus, often sidelined from academic conversations because of its debated authorship. It is a beautifully-crafted meditation on the cosmic-and-crucified Christ.
Master Journal Bundle 3.1 gives you affordable, digital access to current conversation in theological scholarship.
What you need is a system that allows you to take notes easily (one that is not clunky); allows you to use your notes for drafting essays (one that allows you to find and search easily); and one that protects you from plagiarism, both now and for...
The series on translating German texts with Logos continues but this time with a list of invaluable resources for your Bible studies.
Let’s talk about Greek. And what you need to master it. To gain fluency. Study. Years of hard labor bent over grammars and ancient texts. Speaking Ancient Greek with strangers on Skype. Dreaming in Koine. Right. Perhaps mastery at that level...
Workflows in Logos are powerful tools to provide an organized process for reading and studying the bible. Read more from Tavis Bohlinger.
Latin is a language that I picked up during my PhD studies, and it has proved useful and enjoyable. I wish that I had learned it as a youth, which is why I’ve begun teaching Latin to my children. But if you’re reading this article, I’m guessing...
Learning the biblical languages can be very discouraging and frustrating. Studies and experience have shown that this is the most difficult aspect of theological training for students over the centuries. Many theologians have come to believe that a...
My one year at the first seminary I attended was perhaps the most formative time of theological change in my life. The seminary itself was in the midst of a redefinition and realigning of its commitments and leanings, and so points and counterpoints...
By Rebecca Dobyns In seminary, Greek is always the subject everyone winces about. I have heard more “I’m sorry”s or “Have fun with that”s about taking Greek than about any other subject, except perhaps Hebrew. Granted, much of it is in jest, and...
One of my teachers in the Seminary once remarked that theology has the tendency of making theological students and teachers become complacent and lukewarm about spiritual things. At first, I joined others in criticizing the teacher’s statement on...
By Mikel Del Rosario. Have you ever felt like the more you study the Biblical Languages, the more Greek and Hebrew you seem to forget? I felt that way, too, when I was first starting out. Today, I’ve completed my fourth semester of Greek and I’m...
I’d like to propose a fundamental question about your experience at seminary. Why are you at seminary? What do you hope to get out of it? Are you there to earn a degree so that you can get hired to do ministry full-time? Are you there just...
I started seminary as a 32 year-old who experienced some serious personal trials. By the grace of God I had been set free from both pornography and self-gratification as well as gluttony and laziness. I had served in a ministry helping men find...
A frequent question we face is ‘How do we get done all that we want to do?’ It’s a very important question, but if we think about this way, it’s the wrong question. A better question is ‘How do I do all that God has...
I wonder if you have a growing list of things you are going to do ‘when you get time.’ For most people there seems to be at least a few things that are on a project list that are waiting for the right time or resources to be implemented...
Anytime I think about how to make the most of my time, I am reminded of an episode of the popular television show The Simpsons. In the episode one of the main characters, Homer, has a near-death experience. He is told that he has been poisoned and...
As a volunteer leader attending seminary online I sometimes feel out of place. I don’t have the experience or skills of many of my classmates. But as an ex-professor and someone with a PhD in Chemical Engineering, there is one thing I do...
Jack was frustrated as he stared at his laptop screen. He was on an annual personal retreat planning his twelfth year as senior pastor at Christ Community Church. The screen showed all his learning activities from the year before — the...
We’ve heard hundreds of horror stories of students losing their paper. Whether it is computer theft or a hard drive crashing, we are all vulnerable to loss of intellectual property. Days, even months of work can disappear in an instant. Each...
When I was in High School I occasionally got lunch detention (aka. Study Hall). Looking back, I couldn’t tell you what I did… but I’m sure I deserved it. That said, I will admit that it wasn’t really punishment. I mean, I got...
While scouring the internet today for more information to help us all on our seminary journeys I stumbled across a great post on tHe Resurgence (not to be confused with The post, Advice for Seminary Students with Families (&...