Author - Larry Baxter

Getting it All Done

A frequent question we face is ‘How do we get done all that we want to do?’ It’s a very important question, but if we think about this way, it’s the wrong question. A better question is ‘How do I do all that God has...

Life Doesn’t Get Easier

We like to think, during times of challenge or stress, that life will get easier. I have bad news. Are you sitting down? It doesn’t. Not without intentionally letting some things go. It took me a long time to see this. College was a huge step...

Maximize Your Learning Experience

As a volunteer leader attending seminary online I sometimes feel out of place. I don’t have the experience or skills of many of my classmates. But as an ex-professor and someone with a PhD in Chemical Engineering, there is one thing I do...

Seminary? Who, me?!

Have you ever thought about going to seminary? Chances are your answer is ‘No.’ Maybe ‘No, I’m not looking to become a minister’ or ‘No, I want to do ministry, not just learn about it.’ If you had asked me...
