Tag - seminary

Setting Goals in Seminary

So, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to this semester and trying to determine how I will know if the semester is a success. Is it a successful semester if I get straight A’s? Is the number of pages I read this semester a measure of...

Two Cent Tuesday – Seminary Prayer

(First, let me begin by saying sorry to those who are not a current seminarian and can’t answer this question… however, I think the results are important for both current and future seminarians and something we must ask here.) I’ve...

Bible Meme

First, I still don’t really understand this whole “meme” thing… I think that since I got tagged, I now have to answer and then tag 5 other people? I’ll do it, but someone please explain this whole phenomenon to me: 1...

Share the Semiary Love – WINNER

Well, the first contest put on by Going to Seminary has come to a conclusion on this St. Valentines Day. As you may or may not know, we’ve been running a contest to see who could drive the most visitors to the site and over the past couple...

Seminary Bibliography Made Easy

Happy Valentines Day. I got you a gift… but truth be told, it is a re-gift. But I still think you’ll love it. I give FULL credit to Chad over at Outside is Better for this wonderful re-gift. Be sure to visit his blog and thank him for...

First Steps to Finding Your Seminary

These aren’t four magic steps. I just thought it might be helpful for those who are wondering how to start the process of finding a seminary if I gave a couple “first steps.” Pray – Seminary is a big decision. So much of what...

Money and Flowers

Strange how stressed we get about money… or maybe that is just me… right? As Christians aren’t we supposed to look at the flowers of the field and see that God clothes them is splendor and be reminded that he will also take care of...

The Religious Life of Theological Student

BUY THIS BOOK! It only costs $2.50 This book is for you. “Before and above being learned, a minister must be godly. Nothing could be more fatal, however, than to set these two things over against one another. Recruiting officers do not dispute...

Seminary Studies and Devotional Time

Lots of Christians have a “devotional time” or something like that… a time that is set aside daily to study God’s word, pray, and worship. Me, I try to do it first thing in the morning. Starting my day focusing on God and his...

Moving – A seminary’s advice

There is a brief post on the Concordia Blog with some advice for those who have to relocate for seminary. While not an exhaustive post on the subject, there are some great little pointers in regards to the practicals… Like don’t pack...

And so it begins…

So, I just returned home from my first official, residential, seminary class. Before the class started I was just sitting there, taking it all in… 6 years to get here… wow! So, the class was great. The 3 hours FLEW by. While the material...

Seminary Orientation

I’m 30 years old… the last time I went to an orientation for school was… 12 years ago. Today is new student orientation at my seminary and me and Just a Gal will be heading over to campus while Just a Brother watches the Little Man...

Budgeting Made Easy

I’ve spent years trying to find the best way for Just a Gal and I to manage our money. While I’d like to think that I had the noble motives of being the best steward of the gifts God gave us, the reality was that most of the time I was...

Finding the Will of God

Trying to decided if God is calling you to seminary or not can be difficult. While you could give the magic eight ball a try, there is probably a better way to determine what God is calling you to do. For me, I found Finding the Will of God by Dr...

Tough transition day

My heart broke today. I walked into the kitchen to fix some lunch and saw my wife crying… enough said, right? I walked up and simply held her. “I’m sad,” she said through her tears. “I miss my friends.” There...

Date Night, Marathons, and Seminary… huh?

Just a Gal is a runner. She loves to run… Me, not so much… Last night was date night and I took Just a Gal out to see Spirit of the Marathon. Chronicling the lives of 6 individuals preparing to run in the 2006 Chicago Marathon, the movie...


As you may or may not know, I recently completed a 2 week intensive for Hebrew 1. Today I got my grades and was very pleased with my B+. The grade however got me to thinking… do all seminaries have the same grading scale? My B+ was a 91...

Kids – The best seminary study guide

A recent conversation with Little Man: Just a Guy (JG) – So, what did you learn about in class (Sunday School) today? Little Man (LM) – Ummm… Jesus— and Matthew. JG – Oh, what did you you learn about Jesus and Matthew...

Seminary Blogs added to Blogroll

I took a little time this weekend and updated the Seminary Bloggers blogroll. Check it out and see if you’re on the list and to visit some of the bloggers out there who are going to seminary. If your blog isn’t on the list and...

Vintage notes

I love technology. In particular, I love computers. In more particular, I love macs. That said, I think it might be time to unplug the drug and start taking notes the old fashioned way… with pen and paper. “Crazy” you say...

My son is going to seminary

At dinner I was explaining to Little Man that I was learning Hebrew and that Hebrew has a alphabet (he has learned the English alphabet so I was trying to bridge that connection). So, I got out my Hebrew alphabet sheet and we went through the letter...

Seminary Bathroom

Ok, this is just too funny not to post. Apparently the Student Ministry at Western Seminary has stumbled upon Going to Seminary and has posted some flyers on campus… including above the urinals and in bathroom stalls! Thanks to Eric for...
