Tag - goingtoseminary

Family Life

There is a generation of pastors ministering today who were taught that they should take care of the church and let God take care of their families. As a result, the term ‘PK’ exists among parole officers to refer to a pastor’s kid...

College Scholarships Blogging Contest

College Scholarship.com just announced the 4th annual Blogging Scholarship. They thought the great readers at GtS mightbe interested in it, as it offers student bloggers a chance to be awarded a $10,000 scholarship. They have been awarding student...

Serving Pizza and Making Copies

Desire: Have you ever had a desire for something deeper than yourself? Of course, as a Christian, we all have. Has that desire been so strong and so internally compelling that it scared you? Has a desire like this driven you to pursue God in a way...

Rebuilt Houses

I started seminary as a 32 year-old who experienced some serious personal trials. By the grace of God I had been set free from both pornography and self-gratification as well as gluttony and laziness. I had served in a ministry helping men find...

I Keep My Eyes Open During Prayer

On my first day of class, my professor began class with a prayer. While students closed their eyes, listening to the professor’s plea for wisdom in our studies, my eyes remained wide open. Was it because that pile of new textbooks near me...

Winners of the Kindle Contest

We are a bit late posting our winners. Our deepest apologies for the delay. Thanks to all who entered. We pray for your seminary journey to be one of great transformation. We’ll post the first article on Monday, September 6. And, the winners...

Leaving a Legacy

Many of the posts here on GTS have pointed out that seminary students realize during their academic career just how starved they were for formal training. Even students who were reared in church all their lives have commented on how little they...

Getting it All Done

A frequent question we face is ‘How do we get done all that we want to do?’ It’s a very important question, but if we think about this way, it’s the wrong question. A better question is ‘How do I do all that God has...

The Balancing Act

“There is a danger of doing too much as well as of doing too little. Life is not for work, but work for life, and when it is carried to the extent of undermining life or unduly absorbing it, work is not praiseworthy but blameworthy.”...

Seminary Students can make $100 per hour

Plaza Research, a market research firm inSan Diego, California, is currentlyperforminga study regarding Religious Leaders. This is a nation wide study that can be completed from the comfort of your home, and you will be compensated for your time...

Life Doesn’t Get Easier

We like to think, during times of challenge or stress, that life will get easier. I have bad news. Are you sitting down? It doesn’t. Not without intentionally letting some things go. It took me a long time to see this. College was a huge step...

Prisms of Thought

“Each word…is like a prism whose shape allows the refraction of many colors. The color or colors you see will change, depending on your position and the position, angle, and source of the light interacting with the prism.” -Brian K...

Seminary Learning Redefined

When I began my online seminary degree three years ago, I was a bit hesitant because I feared that the substance that the final degree “ the actual paper I would receive “ might not be as ‘weighty’ in the minds of those who...

Maximize Your Learning Experience

As a volunteer leader attending seminary online I sometimes feel out of place. I don’t have the experience or skills of many of my classmates. But as an ex-professor and someone with a PhD in Chemical Engineering, there is one thing I do...

When Your Family is Along for the Ride

For those ofyou who have families of your own, you may very well recognize the blessing they are in your life. While these relationships can require a great deal of patience, grace and love at times, they can also be very rewarding and love-filled...

I Didn’t Know What I Didn’t Know

I grew up like a lot of guys in full-time ministry. I was in church every time the doors were open “ my mom made sure of it. I did my part as a good Baptist by visiting with her and helping out in ministries that had captured her heart. She...

Seminary? Who, me?!

Have you ever thought about going to seminary? Chances are your answer is ‘No.’ Maybe ‘No, I’m not looking to become a minister’ or ‘No, I want to do ministry, not just learn about it.’ If you had asked me...

Pregnant with Purpose

Today’s post is the first from our Kindle Contest winners. I’m pregnant. Well, not in the real sense. Allow me to explain. You see, I’m a newly-minted seminarian and I’m dealing with the reality of what I wrote as part of my...

And The Winners Are

Instead of beginning with how we judged I’ll just tell you who won. Congrats To: Nancy Wilson – Pregnant With Purpose Larry Baxter – Seminary? Who, Me? Gregory Hartnett – Developing a Reading Plan for Seminary Michael Eubanks...

What to ask a seminary rep before you apply

Today’s guest post is by Dr. Sam Simmons. Dr. Simmons is co-founder and vice president for learning design at Rockbridge Seminary. ©Copyright 2010. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Bob rubbed his tired eyes. For three hours he had been...

The Beauty of Theology (an Advent Call)

[This article is based on parts of the manuscript for a message I gave on “Beauty” at Epiphany Fellowship. On my personal blog and the webzine I run you can find the audio, manuscript, and full blog series inspired by the message.] We...
