By Donald McIntyre The doctrine of the resurrection has drastic implications for life here and now. If Christ was resurrected on the third day, then there are necessary truths that follow which should seriously impact one’s worldview. This article...
See first Part 1 and Part 2. by Jeremy Walker | Pastor, Maidenbower Baptist Church As the years passed and Spurgeon continued to mature as a preacher, membership at the Tabernacle reached over five thousand. As his health allowed, Spurgeon preached...
by Jeremy Walker | Pastor, Maidenbower Baptist Church Rapidly, rapidly, the gospel spread, and crowds flocked to hear this unorthodox and “unschooled” preacher. This country boy, who had learned vigorous and full-orbed evangelical...
by Jeremy Walker | Pastor, Maidenbower Baptist Church The Young Recruit The life of Charles Spurgeon was so full of grace, gifts and labour, and so much has been written by and about him, that we must leave out much that is of interest and...
by Dr. Jonathan Stricklin | Grace Bible Church of Cedar Ridge Introduction “The Prince of Preachers” is the title bestowed upon the great English expositor, Charles Haddon Spurgeon. As Spurgeon’s weekly sermons were being transcribed and published...
By James P. Chaisson, Ed.D. Introduction After his resurrection, as he was preparing to leave this earth and ascend to the right hand of the Father, Jesus told his followers, and by extension the church universal, to go into all the world and make...
by Peter Santucci Soulcraft. It’s a word Eugene Peterson thought he’d coined. It was the intended title for the book which became Practice Resurrection: A Conversation on Growing Up in Christ. Little did he know Soulcraft would become the name of a...
Photo by Pars Sahin on Unsplash by Luke Nagy We’ve all heard the saying, “this world is not my home; I’m just a passing thro’.” The words are from a hymn penned in 1919, and arranged in 1937. It reflects a popular attitude among Christians in...
By Justin Eimers Introduction The influence of Cyprian of Carthage is felt to this day in some of the doctrines and theologies of the Roman Catholic Church on penance and church unity. Many have believed that because of this influence Protestants...
"Rather than reflecting Beauty, we must look at and listen to and feel every object of beauty as nothing more than imprints of divine creatio ex nihilo."
Image source: Aleteia If you’re in the mood for some profoundly thought-provoking reading, I recommend working your way through some of Thomas Howard’s books. Whether you adhere to the teachings of the Catholic church, or find your...
Image: Pixabay The intersection between Christianity and science is fascinating subject material, especially in regards to the question of origins: is the Christian faith intrinsically opposed to evolutionary theory, or can Christian exegesis and...
"While the Handbook is hardly a substitute for the real thing, Barth is a fairly intimidating author."
The fourth interview in our series on the OUP Handbooks is with Robert Kolb, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, editor of The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology. The LAB sat down (virtually) with...
by Christopher M. Date “What does God say about hell?” asks Kris Brossett, kicking off his two-article series on the topic. Brossett proceeds to survey the three historic Christian views of hell—eternal torment, conditional immortality, and...
by Phillip Cary The key concept in The Meaning of Protestant Theology is there in the subtitle: The Gospel that Gives Us Christ. That’s the core of Protestant theology and the key to its meaning, as well as the center of the distinctively...
"This [digital] edition will open up the research of the Handbook for easy access...It is a welcome development in the dissemination of the Handbook."
by Kris Brossett In Part I of Kris Brossett’s series he discussed three views of hell, including Eternal Conscious Torment (ECT), Annihilationism/Conditional Immortality (ACI), and Christian Universalism (CU). In this second section, Kris...
"What does God say about hell? What is left to mystery and what is definitively revealed in the biblical texts? Not everyone arrives at the same place when they survey the Scriptures, so how are we to respond?"
"Grudem’s new chapter deserves a full response, and particularly one which presses in on the coherence of his affirmation of eternal generation with his reaffirmation of eternal functional subordination and with his view of the divine will"
"TBAC has three main distinctives. First, as already mentioned, it is substantially longer and more in-depth. Second, it is explicitly Christocentric in its entire structure and orientation. And third, it follows a different sequence that is...
"Like the Second Generation of Israel, Jesus's covenant obedience would lead to an inheritance of the promise of God, but like Adam, his inheritance could be passed down to the entire nation."
"Thus, the physical body that goes into the ground when buried is the physical body that will be raised up out of the ground one day, albeit changed"
Christ in the Wilderness, Ivan Kramskoy (1837-1887) In this article, I argue that we have been too apt to accept ancient and popular interpretations of Jesus’ wilderness testing in Matthew 4:1-11. Three issues warrant a fresh interpretation: the...
"If we completely detach our modern-day applications from a text’s original, historical context, we risk misapplying the text—sometimes in embarrassing ways."
Watching the news a few days ago, I saw photos and videos of those protesting the COVID-19 quarantine on full display. I’m growing weary of how certain biblical texts are attached to certain political movements and demonstrations—texts that are...
"Even in our isolation, we live as members of a divine reality, a community made real by God through Christ and by the Spirit."
I thought, “If a nonbeliever can study theology, certainly believers should be studying theology with folks of different theologies.”
"There is a sense in which we can say that men like Gerstner, and Edwards before him, 'lost' their battles with Culture."