by Mark Ward | Editor-in-Chief, Bible Study Magazine Plenty of Bible interpreters treat New Testament Greek the way my three-year-old girl treats my one-year-old boy: with well-meaning, blundering over-attention that ends up making him cry...
Exploring the Relationship between Education and Spiritual Formation Jeff Dryden | Covenant College Last semester I assigned the classic C. S. Lewis text The Abolition of Man to my New Testament Ethics class. Although it had been at least a decade...
"What is clear, however, is that one of the chief aims of the theological educator is the growth of individuals into deeper people."
by Peter Santucci Soulcraft. It’s a word Eugene Peterson thought he’d coined. It was the intended title for the book which became Practice Resurrection: A Conversation on Growing Up in Christ. Little did he know Soulcraft would become the name of a...
COMMUNITY, CULTURE, AND THE QUEST FOR DISCOVERY A Conversation with Robert W. Yarbrough From lumberjack to professor may not be the most obvious career change, but for Robert W. Yarbrough, both represent hard labor. During his thirty-six years of...
"TBAC has three main distinctives. First, as already mentioned, it is substantially longer and more in-depth. Second, it is explicitly Christocentric in its entire structure and orientation. And third, it follows a different sequence that is...
"Education needs to recenter around the idea that every human’s primary calling is to put God on display and that our workplaces are simply one of many contexts for doing so."
A recent article detailed what higher education might look like after COVID-19. I agree with most of the observations in that article, if the goal is simply to return to the pre-pandemic status quo. But what if we took this disruption as an...
Integrate Knowledge and Praxis Through Contextual Teaching and Learning Kristen Ferguson | Gateway Seminary If information automatically led to transformation, then it would be easy. We could upload our fact-filled videos, pour ourselves another...
Image: © Tavis Bohlinger Until a few weeks ago, COVID-19 was a distant problem that many discounted as superfluous to their life; it is a global catastrophe. No one today questions the relevancy of COVID-19 to their local community. The surge of...
Google Classroom . . . has great potential to meet several institutional needs and can be easily adopted for theological education.
"Seminary students want to know and be known in their classes. If you are committed to caring for your students, they will respond and engage."
by David Stark | Faulkner University One of the most significant features of online education is its ability to deliver education to students who live away from their institutions—and, frequently, also away from each other. Significant investments...