"While the Handbook is hardly a substitute for the real thing, Barth is a fairly intimidating author."
"If we truly believe that the church is one body, then we ought to be aware of what is happening in the rest of the world. After all, our scholarship ought to serve the Church and society. This is the concept of unity in diversity and the...
"The reason that the work of Barth on the Word of God is so important for the evangelical church today is because it is essentially (and practically) where it already stands."
"Within Barth, there is a fresh and vibrant way in which to view revelation as well as better understand the human element within the text itself."
"Education needs to recenter around the idea that every human’s primary calling is to put God on display and that our workplaces are simply one of many contexts for doing so."
Photo: Tavis Bohlinger In a nondescript yellow brick building in SE London last weekend, two unassuming pioneers in the fight for autistic people held a workshop considering the question of autism and the church. In this post, I interview both Grant...
Essay by Genevieve Scheele* Introduction The history of biblical exegesis and hermeneutics is not without controversy, and the apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is no exception. It has more allusions and quotes from the Hebrew Bible than any...
By Douglas Estes Describing Ben Witherington III as prolific is like saying water is wet. Over the past thirty years, he has written commentaries on all twenty-seven New Testament books—plus dozens of other volumes. He is currently working on a...
This has been floating around the blogosphere for a few days now and so you might have seen it already, but if you haven’t, you’ll dig this. J.R. Woodward, who head up Kairos Los Angeles, a network of neighborhood churches in LA, has...
I’ve been thinking a lot about the role of the local church in the life of the seminarian and plan, God willing, to write some posts on it in the near future. Until then, I’d love to hear about your involvement in a local church...
This post was written by Jon of Live.Work.Play. Jon is married to Grete and is a small group guy. He’s currently in Chi-town during Fuller Theological Seminary quarter break. (Hey Jon, grab a slice of this while you’re up there!)...
Some times the best thing I have to say is, “Hey, you should really go listen to someone besides me.” Such is the case today. On Monday I read a post by Matt Schmucker at the 9Marks blog on things that a pastoral candidate should ask of...