LISSA M. WRAY BEAL | PROVIDENCE UNIVERSITY The Old Testament speaks of the importance of memory. For instance, Deuteronomy repeatedly calls for remembrance (5:15; 7:18; 8:18 et passim), Israel recounts its history in Psalms (105, 106), and failure...
"Mounce is to be commended for producing a quality seminal grammar, and this latest edition is a worthy upgrade."
What makes a good biblical scholar? Lots of things, many of which have to do with self-awareness. In no particular order:
Words and Photographs by Tavis Bohlinger The last day of the Tyndale House Conference in Cambridge was bittersweet. While excellent papers were presented all around, at every social hour including coffee breaks and meals there was a sense of pending...
Hey everybody, here is the second instalment of our coverage of the 2019 Tyndale House Conference. Yesterday I posted some commentary and a photo essay on Day 1 (well, actually it was Day 3 since the conference began on Monday, but NT and Biblical...
Words and Photographs by Tavis Bohlinger I’m here in Cambridge right now for the second half of the annual Tyndale House Study Groups. This is my first time attending the conference, although members of the Logos team have been here in past...
The new habitus of the Christian community "is always patterned around the death and resurrection of Jesus."
by Daniel K. Eng
Last week, I gave a talk for an undergraduate course, Introduction to the New Testament, at The King’s College, New York City, per the invitation of my friend Benjamin G. White.
June is a busy month full of academic conferences in the UK. I’ve been running around the country these past few weeks trying to cram in as many conferences, symposiums, and whatever-you-want-to-call-them’s as possible, as the blog will...
Preparation, Prayers, and Cookies Through intentional support, teaching while pastoring can benefit students as well as parishioners by Stephen Witmer, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Adjunct teaching can be either dynamite or disaster. When I...