Author - Jonathan Watson

The Godfather of Jerusalem

Many readers will remember Francis Ford Coppola’s classic, The Godfather. The movie is vaguely reminiscent of the narrative in 1 Kings 2. An aging patriarch explains to his son the steps he must take to solidify a new regime. In the movie, Michael...

Sense of the Day: Sound Wisdom

Sense: sound wisdom n. — a particular kind of wisdom, perhaps with an emphasis on soundness or efficiency. I have good advice and sound wisdom [תּוּשִׁיָּה]; I have insight, I have strength. Proverbs 8:14 (NRSV) In Proverbs 8:14, we find that Lady...

On Writing Academic Paper Proposals

Today’s guest post is from Dr. Steve Runge, a scholar-in-residence at Logos Bible Software and author of the Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament, the Lexham High Definition New Testament, and the Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament:...
