Author - Daniel Moch

Why Johnny Can’t Preach

Gordon, T. David. Why Johnny Can’t Preach: The Media Have Shaped the Messengers. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2009. 108 pp. $9.99. Homiletics will only get us so far. Something more is necessary in order for an average preacher to...

Here’s To Changing Attitudes

I have a way of getting through something tough and then wishing I could go back and do it again. It’s not that I enjoy torturing myself. Rather, it’s that I usually learn a lot under such stress. Because I knew more coming out of the...

Choosing a Church

As I was writing my previous post, ‘Balancing Church and Seminary,’ I realized that a lot of what I was writing assumed that you were in a time in your life where you needed to choose a church. But since not everyone in seminary is in...

Balancing Church and Seminary

Seminary students are a transient bunch. They blow into town, spend three years too busy to do anything but study, and then they’re gone. For many of them (or, I should say, us), the whole seminary thing can seem like a hassle. If we...
