Tag - the seminary journey

Going to Seminary 2.0

Today is the official launch of GoingtoSeminary.com v2.0! So, first off, all you feed readers come check out the new digs. Second, let me show you around the new site. For one, you’ll notice that we’ve given the site a general face lift...

Seminary Writers Wanted

The semester is winding down and summer “break” is approaching. On my to-do list this summer is launch goingtoseminary.com version 2.0. One aspect of version 2.0 I am really looking forward to is the addition of more writers. As the...

It is Friday

I’ve survived! This week I had one paper due, two test to take, one group presentation to give, and one quiz (which I failed). However, despite the huge amount of work, I managed to survive. The biggest help in it all is that Just a Gal and...

Seminary Meme Competition

Update: For some reason Technorati and WordPress are not picking up all the links from everyone’s site who is participating in the meme. For this reason, please drop a comment on this post after you’ve filled out the meme so we can...

Going on Vacation

So, after sprinting full speed since mid December it is time for a little vacation. Starting Friday the family and I are heading off for some MUCH needed rest and relaxation. I’ve already cleared my work schedule and plan on only taking a...

Going to Seminary Gets a Facelift

Wow… it is 2:56 a.m. and it is finally finished. If I wasn’t so exhausted I’d explain how INCREDIBLY difficult this conversion was. Well, I hope you like the new digs… I’ll be tweaking it here and there over the next...

Vintage Hypocrite

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. James 5:16a Well… I feel dirty just saying it… I took my laptop to class today. Despite my outspoken advocacy of Vintage Notes, I broke down...

Googling to Seminary

After months of hard work we’ve finally claimed the #1 spot for the search query “going to seminary” on google. For the last 4 months I’ve been #2 on this results… behind some blog post some guy wrote in 2006. My...

The Art of Distraction

I am the KING of being distracted. However, I tend to be distracted by things that are actually important. The bad thing about that is I feel justified and guilty at the same time. I find myself having a plan for the day and easily diverting from...

Setting Goals in Seminary

So, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to this semester and trying to determine how I will know if the semester is a success. Is it a successful semester if I get straight A’s? Is the number of pages I read this semester a measure of...

E.R. and Atonement

We interrupt this Two Cent Tuesday for a video clip from E.R.
Why do I go to seminary? Because I want to be that “real chaplain (minister) who believes in a real God and a real hell.”
This is intense:

Seminary Studies and Devotional Time

Lots of Christians have a “devotional time” or something like that… a time that is set aside daily to study God’s word, pray, and worship. Me, I try to do it first thing in the morning. Starting my day focusing on God and his...

And so it begins…

So, I just returned home from my first official, residential, seminary class. Before the class started I was just sitting there, taking it all in… 6 years to get here… wow! So, the class was great. The 3 hours FLEW by. While the material...

Wow… thanks!

Just wanted to thank everyone for the encouraging words today. Very cool! Orientation was good… nothing spectacular, but good. As I was walking out I got a call from my mom (a flight attendant) who happened to have an unexpected layover in our...

Seminary Orientation

I’m 30 years old… the last time I went to an orientation for school was… 12 years ago. Today is new student orientation at my seminary and me and Just a Gal will be heading over to campus while Just a Brother watches the Little Man...

I might have a problem

82%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
My favorite question was, “When you finish this quiz do you plan on blogging about it?”
I laughed out loud because I knew I would… HA!
Have a good Saturday everyone.

Tough transition day

My heart broke today. I walked into the kitchen to fix some lunch and saw my wife crying… enough said, right? I walked up and simply held her. “I’m sad,” she said through her tears. “I miss my friends.” There...

Date Night, Marathons, and Seminary… huh?

Just a Gal is a runner. She loves to run… Me, not so much… Last night was date night and I took Just a Gal out to see Spirit of the Marathon. Chronicling the lives of 6 individuals preparing to run in the 2006 Chicago Marathon, the movie...


As you may or may not know, I recently completed a 2 week intensive for Hebrew 1. Today I got my grades and was very pleased with my B+. The grade however got me to thinking… do all seminaries have the same grading scale? My B+ was a 91...

My son is going to seminary

At dinner I was explaining to Little Man that I was learning Hebrew and that Hebrew has a alphabet (he has learned the English alphabet so I was trying to bridge that connection). So, I got out my Hebrew alphabet sheet and we went through the letter...

Taking Virtual Hebrew

So, I’m five days deep into taking Hebrew 1. To make the class harder the seminary has it as a winter session class (2 weeks) and it is done online! That’s right… online Hebrew. Here is how it works: The class has a CD that...
