Introduction The Lautenschlaeger Award is a prestigious academic prize awarded to ten doctoral or first post-doctoral works in theology and biblical studies. Each winner is awarded $10,000 and the opportunity to propose an international colloquium...
Added Joshua Washington’s review of Paul’s ‘Works of the Law’ in Second Century Reception by Matthew J. Thomas to the Book Reviews: Around the Web section of The New Perspective on Paul .
Added Emma Wasserman’s book Apocalypse as Holy War: Divine Politics and Polemics in the Letters of Paul to the Bibliography of the Paul and Empire section.
Book Review Emma Wasserman, Yale University Press, 2018. 352 pp. Review by Scot Miller. This present era of binary perspectives and hyperbolic representations of conflict or truth finds a convenient source in biblical literary genres. The...
Added a link to Overthinking Christian‘s interviews of New Testament scholars James Dunn, Scot McKnight, B. J. Oropeza, Mike Bird, Andrew Das, and Kent Yinger, as well as B. J. Oropeza’s review of Garwood P. Anderson’s book...
Added Paula Gooder’s book Phoebe: A Story to the Bibliography of the New Perspective on Paul section.
Book Review Paula Gooder, IVP Academic, 2018. 316 pp. Review by Reta Finger. I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church at Cenchreae, so that you my welcome her in the Lord as is fitting for the saints, and help her in whatever she...
Added Tom Holland’s book Tom Wright and the Search for Truth: A Theological Evaluation to the Bibliography of the New Perspective on Paul section.
Tom Holland, Tom Wright and the Search for Truth: A Theological Evaluation (London: Apiary Publishing), 2017. Pp. 495. by Don Garlington This full-sized volume consists of thirteen chapters: (1) “Probing the Contours of Recent Research;” (2)...
Added Rediscovering Paul: An Introduction to His World, Letters, and Theology, 2nd ed., to the Bibliography of the New Perspective on Paul section.
Book Review David B. Capes, Rodney Reeves, and E. Randolph Richards, editors, IVP Academic, 2017. According to the Introduction, the work is intended as a student textbook that covers, in a manageable size, several aspects of Paul: his background...
Added Paula Fredriksen’s latest book Paul: The Pagans’ Apostle to the Bibliography of the Paul Within Judaism section.
Book Review Paula Fredriksen, Yale University Press, 2017, 336 pp. Widely recognized for her works on Augustine and Christian origins, in her latest book Paula Fredriksen turns her full attention to the apostle Paul. She impressively develops a...
Added B.J. Oropeza’s book Jews, Gentiles, and the Opponents of Paul: Apostasy in the New Testament Communities, Volume 2: The Pauline Letters to the Bibliography of The New Perspective On Paul section.
Added Robert J. Cara’s book Cracking the Foundation of the New Perspective on Paul: Covenantal Nomism versus Reformed Covenantal Theology to the Bibliography of The New Perspective On Paul section.
Robert J. Cara, Cracking the Foundation of The New Perspective on Paul: Covenantal Nomism Versus Reformed Theology. Reformed, Exegetical and Doctrinal Studies. London: Mentor (Christian Focus Publications), 2017. by Don Garlington This book is the...
Added Kimberly Ambrose’s book Paul Among Jews: Rehabilitating Paul and J. Brian Tucker’s book Reading 1 Corinthians to the Bibliography of the Paul Within Judaism section.
Added Mark Nanos’ new book Reading Corinthians and Philippians within Judaism: Collected Essays of Mark D. Nanos, vol. 4 to the Bibliography of the Paul Within Judaism section.
Added Paul’s New Perspective: Charting a Soteriological Journey to the Bibliography of The New Perspective on Paul section.
Book Review Garwood P. Anderson (IVP Academic), 2016, 457 pp. What began as a promising breakthrough in Pauline studies just three decades ago — “the new perspective on Paul,” as James D.G. Dunn famously dubbed it in 1982 — seems in...
Updated more links and removed some dead links from The New Perspective on Paul: Around the Web: Challenging the New Perspective.
Updated some links and removed some dead links from The New Perspective on Paul: Around the Web: Challenging the New Perspective.
Updated some links and removed some dead links from The New Perspective on Paul: Around the Web: Challenging the New Perspective.
Updated links and removed dead links from The New Perspective on Paul: Around the Web: From the New Perspective.
Updated links and removed dead links from The New Perspective on Paul: Around the Web: On the New Perspective.
Added a link to Paul Fredrikson’s review of Paul and the Faithfulness of God by N.T. Wright to the Book Reviews section under The New Perspective on Paul: Around the Web.
Added a link to my review of Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle, ed. by Mark D. Nanos and Magnus Zetterholm, to the Book Reviews section under Paul Within Judaism.
Added a link to Spectres of Paul: An Interview with with Neil Elliott under the Articles section of Paul and Empire.
Book Review Matthew S. Harmon and Jay E. Smith, editors, Zondervan, 2014, 320 pp. This Festschrift for Doug Moo, after a biographical appreciation of the honoree, is divided into three major segments: “Exegeting Paul,” “Paul’s Use of Scripture and...
Added a link to Paul’s Ethnic Discourse on “Faith”: Christʼs Faithfulness and Gentile Access to the Judean God in Romans 3:21–5:1 by Stephen L. Young to the Articles page under the category of Paul Within Judaism.