Students and pastors should have a few really good introductions to the New Testament in their personal library. The good news is that there are lots to choose from. But with such a wide selection comes questions about preferred academic level...
Rochester Bible, Walters W18. Source: Wikipedia
Nijay Gupta shares his final post in this helpful series on best commentaries by listing two essential works on Philemon.
"The Pastoral Epistles have long been regarded wise instruction for the benefit of the church. But in the last two centuries these texts have often been sidelined in the academy..."
Colossians is an underappreciated jewel in the Pauline corpus, often sidelined from academic conversations because of its debated authorship. It is a beautifully-crafted meditation on the cosmic-and-crucified Christ.
This short Pauline epistle has long fascinated scholars, especially the so-called “Christ Hymn” (2:6-11), offering the possibility that Paul embedded here a piece of liturgy or tradition from earliest Christianity (or Paul proves himself here a poet...
Manuscript leaf with the opening of the epistle of Saint Paul to the Ephesians. Image source: Wikipedia commons. Ephesians is widely considered one of the most beautifully composed texts of the New Testament. And yet, because some scholars argue...
Image source: Proclaim Software Scholars have long been fascinated by the window that 1 Corinthians provides into life of the early Christians. In this letter we also have creedal information, gender relationship teachings, and—what’s up with...
Image source: Faithlife Proclaim Nijay K. Gupta, associate professor of New Testament at Portland Seminary (PhD, University of Durham) is beginning a blog series at theLAB on biblical commentaries on the Pauline epistles. Dr. Gupta has written three...
I have already offered thoughts for the preaching scholar concerning first things and meditation, as well as my suggested exegetical resources for preaching (including exegetical commentaries). Here I want to pass on my favorite theological...
Pastors of different types and in different contexts have varying amounts of time for “sermon prep.” We all know 5 hours is not enough, but most do not have the luxury of 20+ hours.
We continue our LNTS 2016 interview series with Nijay Gupta, discussing a volume he co-edited with Kristian Bendoraitis entitled Matthew and Mark Across Perspectives: Essays in Honour of Stephen C. Barton and William R. Telford.
Collaboration, curiosity, endurance, creativity, passion, courage (willing to challenge stubborn consenses), and dedication. Many of the virtues of a good detective!