Tag - competition

Is Seminary Highly-Competitive?

Perhaps you are blessed with a blissfully content heart that enables you to attend seminary for the purest motive of simply learning. You shrug your shoulders at a C+ and praise God that your friend pulled off an A. When someone else’s sermon...

Seminary Meme Winner – Chuck

Note: Chuck, please use the contact form so I can get you your prize. Congrats go out to Chuck (aka, Chuckles, Chucklebunny, Chork, Chubbs, Charlie Bucket, Bucket, Bucket-Boy) who was the winner of our April Seminary Meme Competition. For answering...

Seminary Meme Competition

Update: For some reason Technorati and WordPress are not picking up all the links from everyone’s site who is participating in the meme. For this reason, please drop a comment on this post after you’ve filled out the meme so we can...

48 Hours

We’re starting to see some people get into the iPods of March competition. Jeff, from deTheos.com has posted some flyers on campus and sent me two pics. Sad as it may be (no offense Jeff) but he is, at this point, going to collect the...

Share the Semiary Love – WINNER

Well, the first contest put on by Going to Seminary has come to a conclusion on this St. Valentines Day. As you may or may not know, we’ve been running a contest to see who could drive the most visitors to the site and over the past couple...
