Greek, Grades, and Grace

“Surely that can’t be right.” I leaned closer to the computer screen, willing away the obvious. However, it was hard to deny the pull of reality, and the next few minutes were spent coming to grips with the fact that in my first...

How to Survive Greek Exegesis Capstone Class

The hardest class I have taken in seminary is Greek Exegesis of James. This was the capstone class for the Biblical Greek classes and includes creating narrative flows, taking weekly quizzes, a Final exam, and writing the “notorious” exegesis paper...

3 Tips for Learning Greek

Greek class often gets a bad rap in seminary. Bible students would probably interpret Paul’s words about trials and tribulations to be a reference to Greek class. “For what can separate us from the love of God…certainly Greek class...

Theology and Spirituality in Seminary

One of my teachers in the Seminary once remarked that theology has the tendency of making theological students and teachers become complacent and lukewarm about spiritual things. At first, I joined others in criticizing the teacher’s statement on...

Developing a Prayer Life in Seminary

Developing a prayer life is important as you go through seminary life. It is important because of the busyness of your schedule, to prepare you for future ministry, and to equip you lead your family. One of the reasons why you want to develop a...

Around the Web: Church & State Edition

“No Politics in Church? Not So Fast.” | Religion & Politics // As many of us have heard, Pew Research recently came out with a study highlighting the decline of Christianity and the rise of the unaffiliated and atheist. Many of these...

“Knowledge” of the Holy

A while back, I attended a performance of Rebirth of a Nation, a film created by Paul Miller (aka DJ Spooky) that seeks to deconstruct and remix the 1915, W.D. Griffith film, Birth of a Nation, a highly acclaimed cinematic venture and one of the...
