Author - Paul Burkhart

“Knowledge” of the Holy

A while back, I attended a performance of Rebirth of a Nation, a film created by Paul Miller (aka DJ Spooky) that seeks to deconstruct and remix the 1915, W.D. Griffith film, Birth of a Nation, a highly acclaimed cinematic venture and one of the...

Organizing Seminary: Apps for Writing

It won’t take you long upon your arrival at seminary how much things may have changed from previous generations of seminary educations. One of the biggest differences is just how digital everything is. Most seminaries have some sort of online class...

Around the Web: Holy Week Edition

This week is Holy Week. And though we are in the final days before the highest annual joy of the Christian Calendar–Easter–these days are meant to be marked by the deepest and most difficult times of meditation on suffering and death...

Seminary Pro-Tip: Get a Children’s Bible

In your first year at seminary, you will inevitably be on either the giving or receiving end of what is probably the oldest seminary joke in existence, perhaps dating back to the time of Jesus himself. “Why do we have to buy all these textbooks? You...

Going (Back) to Seminary

My last post on this site, years ago, was a fiery little piece called “Realizing Seminary’s Not For You“. At the time, God had powerfully and clearly led me to a place of realizing that seminary was not the place He had for me at...

Around the Web: Lent 2015 Edition

Using the Christian Church Calendar can be an incredibly meaningful way of engaging God, and the tradition of the Community of Faith. It’s also a way of sharing one’s spirituality with the global church, both past and present. Here, I...

The Beauty of Theology (an Advent Call)

[This article is based on parts of the manuscript for a message I gave on “Beauty” at Epiphany Fellowship. On my personal blog and the webzine I run you can find the audio, manuscript, and full blog series inspired by the message.] We...

Don’t be this guy…

How many of us will come out of seminary, just to relate to our friends “out there” “in the world” in this way?

Thanks to my friends at Patrol Magazine for originally posting this video.

Seminaries & the Nature of Truth

photo credit: loreshdw I recently wrote an article about letting seminary change you doctrinally. In it, I laid out some broad ideas of Truth, doctrine, and how the seminarian needs to treat these things in order to get the most out of their...

Letting Seminary Doctrinally Change You

“I knew perfectly well at that time, as I had for years and years, that the Lord absolutely transcends any understanding I have of Him, which makes loyalty to Him a different thing from loyalty to whatever customs and doctrines and memories I...

Realizing Seminary’s Not for You

I think it’s time for me to start the site It’s almost been five whole months since my last article was posted on this site. Much has happened. As I recently revealed in a recent post on my personal site...

Hobby? Or Passion?

As usual, I’m going to to take the rhetorical back door to my topic. I’ve spent all week moving. I’m moving from a room in the third floor of a Brooklyn Jewish woman’s house to a house in a slightly “rougher” part...

Lessons from My First Semester

Semester 1 Stats: Less than 4 months (Sept-Dec) Pages of papers written: 114 Pages of notes taken: 154 Pages read: about 1,900 (+/-100) Total pages written: 268 (I produced just over 13% of what I consumed) Ending GPA: 3.2 Wow. That first semester...

Confessions of a Preachless Preacher

I don’t know about you, but I live in a strange tension. I’m a preacher at heart. Every conversation no matter how casual somehow turns to Christ and his impact on our hearts and lives. Every biblical text I read goes through the...

Paul’s Going to Seminary

This post was written by Paul of The Long Way Home and Reform & Revive. Paul recently got accepted to Westminster Theological Seminary and is currently in his last semester at Virginia Commonwealth University. Hello world, my name is Paul. Just...
