Updated links and removed dead links from The New Perspective on Paul: Around the Web: On the New Perspective.
This post is by Josh Westbury, a scholar-in-residence at Faithlife. Instructions are a vital part of everyday life. Imagine driving to a new place without directions, or baking an intricate dessert without a recipe, or—heaven forbid—having to put...
This post is by Josh Westbury, a scholar-in-residence at Faithlife. In addition to being a Hall of Fame baseball player, Yogi Berra is perhaps remembered most for his pithy witticisms, affectionately known as “Yogi-isms”. These short sayings often...
Added a link to Paul Fredrikson’s review of Paul and the Faithfulness of God by N.T. Wright to the Book Reviews section under The New Perspective on Paul: Around the Web.
What’s the best way to get the latest Logos resources at the best possible price? By participating in a program called Logos Pre-Publication (Pre-Pub). Here are five reasons to get started. 1. Pre-Pub gives you the best deal Using Pre-Pub means you...
This is the exhaustive canon of Western culture, science, and philosophy. And these 99 reasons just scratch the surface of this library, which contains 517 works by 130 authors in its 60 volumes. The City of God The Aeneid The Divine Comedy The...
With the 500th anniversary of the Reformation just two years away, Fortress Press has published the first two-volumes in their projected six-volume series The Annotated Luther. To get a closer look at this unique project, I interviewed series editor...
Added a link to my review of Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle, ed. by Mark D. Nanos and Magnus Zetterholm, to the Book Reviews section under Paul Within Judaism.
Of the “five solas” of the Reformation, sola fide (Latin for “faith alone”) was so important that Luther called it the “doctrine by which the church stands or falls.” Rooted in Scriptures like Eph 2:8–10, it drew a line in the sand between...
Added a link to Spectres of Paul: An Interview with with Neil Elliott under the Articles section of Paul and Empire.
“Are we reading the book of Genesis as if God has sort of subtly placed scientific information there for us to read 2000, 3000, 4000 years later as modern people?” asks Dr. John Walton. “Or are we supposed to read it as an ancient book? I’m inclined...
“There are two basic approaches, or philosophies, to translation,” says Dr. Mark Strauss in his course BI181 Introducing Bible Translations. The first is called formal equivalence. It’s also known as a word-for-word or literal...
Steve’s away at BibleTech this week, so we got one of our Logos pros to show us how we can use the principles of discourse grammar and Steve’s Hi-Definition resources in conjunction with Logos 6 to gain new insight for preaching and study. In this...
Book Review Matthew S. Harmon and Jay E. Smith, editors, Zondervan, 2014, 320 pp. This Festschrift for Doug Moo, after a biographical appreciation of the honoree, is divided into three major segments: “Exegeting Paul,” “Paul’s Use of Scripture and...
Added a link to Paul’s Ethnic Discourse on “Faith”: Christʼs Faithfulness and Gentile Access to the Judean God in Romans 3:21–5:1 by Stephen L. Young to the Articles page under the category of Paul Within Judaism.
Participles have been called the workhorse of the Greek language. They occur far more frequently in Greek discourse compared to English, and in ways that don’t work naturally in English. Here’s how Wallace describes the situation:...
Over on the Huffington Post, filmmaker Robert Orlando has posted his most recent comments related to his film A Polite Bribe: An Apostle’s Final Bid. I posted my reflections of the documentary after the 2012 showing in Chicago here. In...
Added a link to John M.G. Barclay’s review of Paul and the Faithfulness of God by N.T. Wright in the Scottish Journal of Theology to the Book Reviews section under The New Perspective on Paul: Around the Web and updated the link to Douglas...
In the years since its publication, William Lane Craig’s The Kalām Cosmological Argument has become a favorite of Christian apologists—and has been subject to fierce debate with prominent atheists such as Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris. In the...
Added the Festschrift to Douglas J. Moo edited by Matthew Harmon and Jay E. Smith, Studies in the Pauline Epistles: Essays in Honor of Douglas J. Moo, to the Bibliography under The New Perspective on Paul and Robert Orlando’s book Apostle...
Added a link to Paul’s Non-Jews Do Not Become “Jews,” But Do They Become “Jewish”?: Reading Romans 2:25-29 Within Judaism, Alongside Josephus by Mark D. Nanos under the category Articles under Paul Within Judaism.
Added a link to Judaizing the Nations: The Ritual Demands of Paul’s Gospel by Paula Fredriksen under the category Articles under Paul Within Judaism.
Added a link to Paul’s Relationship to Torah in Light of His Strategy “to Become Everything to Everyone” (1 Corinthians 9:19-22) by Mark D. Nanos under the category Articles under Paul Within Judaism.
Added a link to the Horizons in Biblical Theology article “Spheres of Influence” in the Epistle to the Galatians by A. Chadwick Thornhill under the category Around the Web: From the New Perspective.
Added Paul Within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle, ed. by Mark D. Nanos and Magnus Zetterholm, to the Bibliography of Paul Within Judaism.
Added a link From the New Perspective to N.T. Wright: Panel Discussion on Pauline Theology with Faculty, a YouTube video of a Duke Divinity School panel discussion with N.T. Wright, Douglas Campbell, Susan Eastman, and J. Ross Wagner. Thanks to...
N. T. Wright, Fortress Press, 2013, 605 pp. In the first volume of his two-volume magnum opus on Paul, Wright lays the groundwork for his interpretation of the apostle’s writings. He begins by quoting from a letter of Pliny the Younger to one of his...
Book Review Bruce W. Longenecker and Todd D. Still, Zondervan, 2014, 408 pp. This volume is an attractive new addition to the literature devoted to the life and letters of the apostle Paul. It is designed mainly as a textbook for college-level...
Added new links to the Book Reviews section under The New Perspective on Paul: Around the Web: Phil Johnson’s review of What Saint Paul Really Said by N.T. Wright and Guy Waters’ review of Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s...
When it comes to the works of the Pauline corpus, no book has been more central in recent controversies in Pauline scholarship than the book of Galatians. In this letter Paul chastises the Galatian church for submitting themselves to false teachers...