The Paul Page: New and Improved


Designing and maintaining The Paul Page has been an incredible experience. Ten years ago, I designed a personal web page “dedicated to the new perspective on Paul,” threw up a few articles, and began inserting links to on-line articles on the new perspective. It never occurred to me then that it would eventually become the single most comprehensive on-line resource on the topic.

A lot has changed in those ten years. Neither Pauline scholarship nor technology has stood still. Until last month, I was still trying to keep up with the explosion of on-line material and wrestling with the increasingly difficult task of maintaining web pages with Microsoft Word and uploading them via dial-up (which I’m still on). That arrangement couldn’t have lasted much longer. I’ve known for years (and several of you have said as much) that The Paul Page has been long overdue for a makeover.

That time has finally come!

The Paul Page has now entered into an institutional partnership that will involve a team of editors — no longer will it be simply a personal web site maintained by a single person. I’ve now partnered with the NT Gateway and Logos Bible Software to give The Paul Page a fresh look and content management system to make it easier to keep up-to-date. More importantly, the revised format will better facilitate the broadening of content beyond “the new perspective” which, admittedly, isn’t quite as “new” as it once was.

Despite the makeover and changes, of course, some things will not change — like the importance of your participation and contributions. As always, links, suggestions, and submissions to the ongoing dialogue are most welcome. Thank you for helping The Paul Page to grow and mature over these last ten years, and for helping to take it to the next level in the service of accessible biblical theology for all.

Mark M. Mattison

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Faithlife Staff
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1 comment
  • “…wrestling with the increasingly difficult task of maintaining web pages with Microsoft Word and uploading them via dial-up …”

    It is a miracle you lasted 10 years with that system. Every time I read that line I have to chuckle.

    Hopefully the new site will serve you much better!

Written by Faithlife Staff