The Covid Vaccine has 666 Written All Over It…and Why that Doesn’t Matter According to Revelation

by Matthew L. Halsted, PhD

In an article published last week on theLAB, COVID-19 and The Mark of the Beast, I claimed that the mark of the beast (666) is most likely not a physical or visible mark (Rev. 13:16). The biggest objection I received from readers had to do with this very point: how could the mark be non-physical and invisible if having the mark was what allowed people to “buy or sell” things (Rev. 13:17)? Wouldn’t the mark need to be visible in order to do that? Furthermore, isn’t there enough evidence that the vaccine is the “number” of the beast, including a bill currently before the House of Representatives (6666) and the very letters “C-O-R-O-N-A” themselves?1 These are good questions, and I think a response would be helpful. But first, we need to start from square one and do some background work.

Letter to the Churches

First, we must remember that Revelation is a first-century letter to seven churches in Asia Minor (Rev. 1:4, 11). Letters in antiquity are much like modern letters—situational, personal, and contextual. To understand a letter between two people (or groups of people), you really need to know a thing or two about what necessitated the sending of the letter in the first place. In other words, you need context. In order to rightly interpret the letter of Revelation, we need to investigate these churches’ historical situation.

Many evangelicals tend to skip over this step and jump straight to application. This is a grave mistake. If we completely detach our modern-day applications from a text’s original, historical context, we risk misapplying the text—sometimes in embarrassing ways. Revelation 13:17 (“no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name,” ESV) is one such text. In order to interpret it rightly, we need to know its context. We need some historical data from the letter’s time period in order to gain clarity into its meaning. Is there any such data that might shed some light on this passage? As it turns out, there is.

Worshiping the Emperor

If you want to reconstruct the historical context of Christian people living in first-century Asia Minor, you must take into account the Roman imperial cult. There’s simply no way around it. The cult itself presented clear challenges to early Christians. But what do I mean by “imperial cult”?

For starters, Roman emperors were often deified after they died, becoming “gods” for Roman citizens to worship. For example, after Julius Caesar died, he was deified. His adopted son, Augustus, took for himself the title “son of god.”2 The logic was simple. If his father became “god,” then he got to be called, well, you guessed it: “son of god.”

Though it was true an emperor would be deified after he died, many Greeks living in various cities throughout the eastern parts of the empire jumped the gun; they would worship the Roman emperor while he was still alive.3 It is interesting to note that this was true of Ephesus (just like the letter to the Ephesians).4 The city of Pergamum, too, had long been a hotbed for imperial worship.5 Smyrna needs to be thrown into the mix as well.6 The list goes on. In fact, this was also true of the other four cities to which John directed his letter.7

The more despotic emperors of the first century sought to be recognized as gods while they were still living. Nero was one such emperor; Domitian was another.8 Suetonius, the well-known ancient historian, says Domitian demanded to be addressed as both “Lord and God” (Suetonius, Dom. 13). The situation was such that Domitian was “everywhere hated and feared” (Dom. 14).

Keep in mind that most scholars believe Revelation was written during the reign of one of these two tyrants. Either way, if you were a Christian, you very well might have been plagued with angst, fear, and uncertainty. After all, Nero was infamous for murdering his own mother, as well as killing innocent Christians by turning them into tar-covered human candles to light up the night. Suetonius tells a story of how Domitian once wined and dined his palace steward, lavishing on him kindness and generosity. Then the next day Domitian had him crucified. Why? Simply because he could (Dom. 11).

It is perhaps understandable, then, why other ancient texts came to refer to Nero and Domitian as a “beast.” This is documented in places like Pliny’s Panegyricus, the Sybilline Oracles, and Vita Apollonii.9 I’d say the shoe fits.

“666”: The Number of the Beast

Years ago, I remember hearing how some had taken President Reagan to be the end times “beast.” The reasoning went like this. When you take his full name, Ronald Wilson Reagan, you can see how each name contains exactly six letters. No wave of the wand or hat-trick was needed to see how that dreaded, mysterious number was embedded in the president’s name. To say this is silly is an understatement. (How odd that John wrote in such a way that only a person who was familiar with both the English language and modern American politics could rightly interpret his message!) In order to avoid embarrassing interpretations like this one (and similar ones that seem to prevail in 2020), we must deal with the text’s original context. Again, you can’t simply jump to modern application without dealing with the historical context.

Scholars often associate “the number of the beast” with Nero Caesar. There’s actually good reason for doing so. For instance, we know from Suetonius that many people were at the time toying with the numerical values of Nero’s name (Nero 39). This practice, known as gematria, took a letter of the alphabet and assigned it an equivalent number. So, for example, in the case of Greek, the first letter alpha would be given the number one. The second letter beta would be understood as two, and so on. When you take Nero’s name (Neron Kaisar) and transliterate it into Hebrew, the result is the number of the beast: 666.10

The Image of the Beast

Recall that in Revelation “the mark of the beast” is tied closely to the worship of the beast’s image (Rev. 13:15; 20:4). Since we have a pretty good idea about the identity of the beast, is there any other historical data we could look to that would link the worship of the beast’s image with the worship of Caesar’s image? Again, the answer is yes. From the writings of Pliny, for example, we learn how professing Christians’ faith were put to the test by having them worship the image of Caesar (Pliny, Letters, 10:96-97).11

The emperor’s image was everywhere, especially on coins. Modern folks are used to this. In my country, images of former national leaders are on our money. But Rome was slightly different. Caesar’s image would be on coins along with his claim to divinity. Quite literally, the emperor’s boast that he was in some way “divine” was etched (dare I say marked?) on money, decrees, and the like. One scholar observes that, “One could do little in commerce . . . without handling such a ‘mark,’ because allusions to the emperor’s divinity appeared on many coins and even shipping bills and other documents.”12 During this time period, involvement in local economies would have often required some sort of participation in pagan worship. For example, trade guilds often had feasts that centered around the worship of idols. If you were part of the guild, then your participation in these feasts would have been compulsory—that is, only if you wanted to be able to buy and sell.13

Buying and Selling

What, then, can we conclude about that “buy/sell passage”? When it comes to the beast, his mark, and the worship of the beast’s image, the historical data seems to be pointing us in one direction: It’s simply a reference to how the imperial cult impacted one’s participation in the local economy. If the “mark” is an allusion to the emperor’s claim to divinity (symbolized on Roman coins, statues, images, etc.), then a person in the first century could genuinely be said to “take the mark of the beast” by participating in the economy at the expense of their faith in Jesus. That last part is key. In other words, at certain times and in certain locations in the empire, the only way to be a good-standing citizen would have been to simply curse Christ and worship Caesar’s image (see again Pliny, Letters, 10:96-97). Again, this would have been a particular problem for Christians in Asia Minor. They would often find it impossible to make a living and worship Christ exclusively.

Of course, a person could respond by saying, “Yes, but the text says the ‘mark’ is placed on the ‘right hand or the forehead.’ Does this not therefore necessarily imply a physical mark?” The answer is no. Craig Keener offers helpful thoughts on this point. He notes how “the mark of the beast” in Rev. 13 acts as a parallel to the “seal” that is placed on the foreheads of Christians in Rev. 7:3-4. This “seal” actually has an Old Testament basis, namely, in Ezekiel 9, where a “mark” was said to have been placed on the foreheads of God’s people (Ez. 9:1-6). Keener also points to another Jewish text of the period (known as the Psalms of Solomon) that describes a mark placed on evil people. He observes how the two marks in Ezekiel and the Psalms of Solomon are clearly “symbolic . . . visible only to God and his angels, not to people.”14 And so it is quite reasonable to conclude that the mark of the beast, like the seal of the Lamb, is also symbolic.

So is the Vaccine the 666 Mark of the Beast?

Growing up, I never heard any of this stuff. I reckon that most people in my evangelical tradition haven’t either. But without all the background information, people are being tossed to and fro by endless speculations and fears. Sadly, some people—many of them sincere Christians—are terrified that they will be forced to take the mark of the beast (no, it’s not Bill Gates) in the near future. Could it be the vaccine? Is it a computer chip? What if I get tricked into taking it?

With these questions in mind, let me offer a few remarks about modern-day application. First, the historical data does not permit us to think the “mark of the beast” is something you can accidentally take. It’s a mark of loyalty and worship, which requires full cognitive and heart-felt awareness of what you are doing (otherwise it’s not worship). If there is some future mark imposed on people by some nefarious person, then to take that mark, you’ll know exactly what you are doing—namely, cursing Christ and pledging devotion to his enemy. Scripture and other ancient writings from that timeperiod point us in this direction and, quite frankly, there isn’t much leeway on this point (although you can debate me in the comments, if you wish).

Second, be careful and wise with how you apply these texts. Let me give an example. Right now, in my own country (and it’s been this way for a long time), a person might find it very tricky and difficult to operate within our local economies without a government-issued social security number. Let me be as clear as I possibly can about this: There is no biblical reason to think that accepting government-mandated social security numbers is the equivalent of taking the mark of the beast. Whatever the current issue may be (vaccines, SSN, chip implants, SIM cards, etc), we need to be careful about confusing our personal and/or political convictions with the meaning of a biblical text. Some public policy ideas are good; some are terrible. But either way, unless “They” require you to forsake your faith in Jesus as the exclusive object of your worship, They have no relation to the mark of the beast. Again, given what we know about the historical context of these biblical texts, the “mark of the beast” must be tied back into worship if it is to be applied properly.

To take all of these things into account allows a much-needed moratorium on all the pointless anxiety and fear-mongering. The message of Revelation beckons us away from angst and worry. It bids us to gaze upon the slain Lamb—to worship him with loyalty, devotion, and commitment. Let’s make Christ our focus, not endless speculations that, at the end of the day, have very little to do with the message of Revelation.

*Correction: An earlier version of this post stated that the Senate had a bill before it, when it is the House of Representatives.

Comments? Leave them below. Also be sure to read Dr. Halsted’s earlier article, Covid-19 and the Mark of the Beast.

  1. I recently saw somebody construct a numerology from the word “COVID” that goes something like this:

    C =   3

    O = 15

    R = 18

    O = 15

    N = 14

    A =   1

    6     66

  2. Floyd O. Parker, “‘Our Lord and God’ in Rev 4,11: Evidence for the Late Date of Revelation,” Biblica 82, no. 2 (2001): 213–14.
  3. Craig S. Keener, Revelation (The NIV Application Commentary; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000), 37.
  4. See again Parker, “‘Our Lord and God,’” 213–14. See also Tae Hun Kim “The Anarthrous Yios Theou in Mark 15,39 and the Roman Imperial Cult.” Biblica 79, no. 2 (1998): 221–241.
  5. Mark Wilson, “The Early Christians in Ephesus and the Date of Revelation, Again,” Neotestamenica 39, no. 1 (2005): 171.
  6. Duane Warden, “Imperial Persecution and the Dating of 1 Peter and Revelation,” JETS 34, no. 2 (June 1991): 211.
  7. Keener, Revelation, 37-38.
  8. On Nero, see Wilson, “The Early Christians,” 177–78. On Domitian, see Warden, “Imperial Persecution,” 207–8. Even taking into account Warden’s cautions about overplaying Domitian’s claims to divinity with respect to the dating of Revelation, his conclusions are still insightful. See also Keener, Revelation, 37.
  9. Wilson, “The Early Christians,” 185.
  10. See how the values work in Wilson, “The Early Christians,” 184. For a helpful introduction to “666,” I recommend Keener, Revelation, 354–56.
  11. Keener, Revelation, 351.
  12. Keener, Revelation, 352.
  13. Keener, Revelation, 353.
  14. Keener, Revelation, 353.
Written by
Tavis Bohlinger

Dr. Tavis Bohlinger is Editor-in-Chief of the Logos Academic Blog and Creative Director at Reformation Heritage Books. He holds a PhD from Durham University and writes across multiple genres, including academia, poetry, and screenwriting. He lives in Grand Rapids with his wife and three children.

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    • Charles, I am not sure I understand your comment. Are you saying a call to focus on the Lamb of God rather than minor issues such as “the mark of the beast” is evil, or are you referring to something/someone else?

      • Matt is my friend and I thought I would start him out properly given the guy who’s comment follows this.

          • The vaccine is the mark of the beast and covid 19 is fake, dont listen to this people theyre out for your souls!

          • If the Bible you read is true why was 75 books taken out of the Bible? Was it to hide the truth that white peoples are pagans (Edomites). That’s Evil they are greedy people and care nothing but about power and money.

          • Thanks Brother for thsee explanations.It is sad that most Christians do not study The Bible.They have have reduced Christianity to shouting and noise making.It is time for us all to start serious,meticulous and in depth study of The Bible.Many Christians memorise just verses and use them out of context.Please,I will like to always receive your writings in my mail:divinenjoh@Gmail. Com May God bless you abundantly. Pastor Divine Ekie Njoh.

          • I’m sure that your comment suits your belief system and that it makes complete sense to you.

          • “First, the historical data does not permit us to think the “mark of the beast” is something you can accidentally take. It’s a mark of loyalty and worship, which requires full cognitive and heart-felt awareness of what you are doing (otherwise it’s not worship). If there is some future mark imposed on people by some nefarious person, then to take that mark, you’ll know exactly what you are doing—namely, cursing Christ and pledging devotion to his enemy.”

            The above is your statement which I’m taking you up on..

            The mark is a mark of loyalty and worship – loyalty and worship to what??? THE ANSWER IS MAMMON.

            People’s dependency and worship of Mammon over the One and Only True God would be so evidenced in the coming days…

            Let’s begin by examining why people go for the vaccination.

            1. Fear of the ‘virus’ – this is the dumbest reason considering especially the facts that our governments have clearly told us that the vaccine does not make you immune to the ‘virus’.. Any Christian who believes this, already has a question mark… WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POWER IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST? Can the blood of Jesus not heal anymore??

            2. Fear of losing their jobs and livelihood (economic gains), travel ban and other restrictions – I don’t need to speak much here, you can clearly see a total dependency on Mammon. Jesus Christ said, “ cannot serve God and serve Mammon..”

            My thoughts:
            From Genesis till date, we see that the operations of the devil is covert, deceitful, tricky etc. How come we’re now expecting the devil to act overtly and honestly by telling you that ‘hey, this is the mark of the beast, take it or not..’ Makes no sense at all. It’s just same way he’s made lots of God’s people worship him without knowing..

            The signs of the end are so glaring, but many including the writer of this article have chosen not to see because of their allegiance to MAMMON – the god of this world.

            The end is here..Hold fast to your salvation and don’t loose it for momentarily freedom/enjoyment like Esau did loose his birthright..

        • Once all the true Christians n children till a certain age when u start to know right from wrong ur held accountable for ur actions when poof everyone is just gone children then the mark n all that will come out after the rapture

      • I’m not a bible scholar but I am trying to imitate Christ. How can all of these different opinions be correct and really- what does it matter

        If you’ve accepted Jesus and try to imitate him that’s all you can do. I do believe that once saved always saved, otherwise you would be trying for salvation through works not faith.

        I think salvation is not just for biblical scholars or people who think they have it all figured out.
        We weren’t meant to know what God is thinking or planning. Anyway,I’m just a Christian and I’m not worried about Covid or Bill Gates. They will both come to an end.

        • Thats correct Janie. Once saved always saved. And don’t worry about Bill Gates, he is an OK Guy and has been falsely maligned by people who have no idea what they are saying.

          • An ok guy? His father was the head of planned parenthood, and now Bill Gates uses abortion as “population control” Gates has said for a long time now that he wants 7 billion people vaccinated, and not only that he wants everybody to have some sort of an ID with that vaccination for contact tracing, to prove whether you’ve had the vaccine or not, and then you can just imagine what’s after that.

            Just think, right now it’s a mask… If you don’t have a mask on, many times now you cannot go into a grocery store and buy food, or any other kind of services like Walmart or Lowe’s. It does not take a genius to see what’s coming next, it’s a mandatory vaccine with contact tracing which is already in the form of like a Band-Aid with small little needles, which absorbs into the skin creating a invisible tattoo… That’s too complicated for me to explain. But… Next it will be if you do not have the tattoo or the vaccine, you will not be able to buy food or services. That’s exactly how Revelation 13 plays out, if you don’t have the Mrk, you can’t buy or sale. No, I do not have it all figured out, but when I started seeing all the stores not allowing people in without a mask, it’s easy to figure out that next will be a vaccine. Bill Gates… And you can find yourself online… Had a meeting at John Hopkins University on October 2019 With many of the filthy rich elites of the world, and guess what it was titled? “Simulating coronavirus pandemic”… During the course of their meetings they drew a set of mandates and guidelines and everything that’s happening right now was pre-determined three months before the virus even started. This is not even difficult information to find, with a simple search. Bill Gates and his wife are very evil people, and believe me his intentions are not philanthropy

          • Its through the grace of God which we are saved,but it is a continuous choice to follow him and his church. The mindset of once saved always saved takes our suffering on our own cross, which we are meant to carry to be Christ’s disciple, and gives it to him to carry again. When Jesus told us to suffer to be like him, as suffering is spiritual purification, we(in the once saved alwayssaved mindset) put ourselves ahead of Christ and His will. Our happiness is not for this world but the next. And while He loved us so much to die for us, we should love Him so much so as to continuously die for him. God sees our hearts. We should seek the truth of all things

            Start with the founding fathers such as Saint John and two of his apostles, Ignatius and Polycarp. Learn the early church. Learn of the truths. And come back to the universal church.

            I will play for you through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For Jesus loves her, and honors her as his mother. When it wasn’t His chose time at Cana to institute His miracle of changing into blood, He listened to his mother anyway. Out of love and respect. May we also ask her to pray for us, so that we may be worthy in the eyes of the Lord to withstand the test of the Great Tribulation.

          • Once saved always saved isn’t true the bible says he who endure until the end the same shall be saved. So once saved always saved is a false doctrine

          • T you do know that there are many species of coronaviruses, it’s a type of respiratory virus, so this isn’t the first or only one. That’s why John Hopkins held a simulation, because they were preparing for a highly likely future flu virus pandemic, not because they planned one. Do a little research, man.
            Also, even assuming everything you say about the tattoo is true (it’s not, I’ve read the patent and the tattoo doesn’t function in the way you allege it would, and it could not be applied through a vaccine injection) what’s the problem with getting a tattoo?. I’ve heard so many versions of this theory, often saying that the tattoo will serve as a digital ID for social security and health benefits. Again, so what? Other countries are using biometrics as identification. It’s easier and more efficient. I’d get an invisible tattoo if it meant never going to the DMV again!

            And no, Bill Gates dad was not the head of PP, he served on a local board… Stop parroting articles that willfully misrepresent facts and extrapolate fantastic conclusions from frankly mundane patents and wargames

          • Hi, I’m in middle school, but I do know that God will protect us. He says that He will be by our side our whole lives if we let Him and I intend to do that. I know that He loves us so very much and He will not let His sheep run blindfolded straight to the wolf. He would at least take off the blindfold so the sheep could see. So I think that if we pray with all our heart and truly believe we will get an answer we will. This goes for the people going through other things right now too, not just COVID. One thing my mom told me that I will never forget it this and I hope you never forget it either. Bless you all:

            People say show me and I’ll trust you but, God says trust me and I’ll show you.

            They are two very different things and I pray for all of you reading through these comments and this article that you are not afraid because Jesus is always with you. I love you my brothers and sisters in Christ and may much wisdom and blessing pour over you for all the days of your life. Bye

          • Bill Gates, if he wants to onnoculate 7 billion people against a light version of the Covid and saying openly that he expects 700.000 people to die of it, is a pure luciferian !

            So he is NOT an okay guy !

          • Not true the Baptist believe once saved always saved the word of God tells us you can backslide which tells you than you are no longer saved! Read the whole bible not just what applies to your life. God doesn’t sugarcoat neither should we!

          • Well, except for the fact his vaccine program has caused blindness, autism and many deaths among children! Apart from that, he’s an ok guy

          • I don’t believe in once saved always saved, you can fall away and backslide. Thus repentance comes into play. As for Bill Gates, he’s an atheist who denies grants for any religious group.

          • I believe once saved always saved is a false doctrine as Billy stated, because that should not be used as an excuse to remain in a sinful lifestyle. 2 Timothy 4:7 exemplifies how life is a race where we need to continually pursue Jesus trying to emulate Christ our entire life knowing it is by the grace of God that if you accept it, you are saved!

          • I beg to differ, Gates has indeed pushed his eugenics oriented vaccines to sterilize minorities in certain vulnerable impoverished countries! Research his company, Gate’s Foundation controversial lawsuits!

          • Nowhere in Bible does it says once saved always saved
            There’s a falling away and many “Christians”will go to hell. Period
            Also, Bill Gates is evil and has nephillim spirit. Do your homework on him.
            You are deceived

          • 2nd Thessalonians 2:9-12
            9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

            So many are already believing in the lies about the Covid numbers, and the vaccine. This whole Covid issue is a huge lie. It is to condition you. So many want to get back to “normal” so they will accept anything the media and the government feed them. If we lean on the Spirit of Truth, He will guide us in all truth. Those who do not lean on Him will blindly follow what the media gives them. The Word says the prince of this world is Satan. God will send a strong delusion to those who are perishing. We have to be connected with The Father in Heaven. The God of Jacob, the God of Abraham, The God of Elijah.
            Pray that you don’t get deceived.

          • HIS FATHER IS THE OWNER OF PLANNED PARENT HOOD why can’t anyone open their eyes!! we don’t know when Jesus is coming back, he is going to come like a theft in the night. The covid vaccine in the mark of the beast!! my dad isn’t taking the vaccine nor is my step-mom. my step mom told me one time she was walking out of the grocery store and some random man came up to my dad and step-mom. he looked at my little brother and said “whatever you do, don’t give your children the new vaccine coming out. The government does not know what they are doing!” so please listen to me! i’m only a 14 year old girl. Spread the Gospal to everyone. let everyone KNOW. God bless you all <3

          • Once saved always saved is a Calvinistic teaching which came from Augustine who came from gnostic heretical teachings and brought them into the church…which is the same root as Catholicism which all go back to Jewish mysticism or the kabbalah which is why the two are actually very similar if you study the doctrines. I have for years and I’ve come to scripture alone and pure gospel away from any man made tradition or doctrine. Please look into it. Somehow Calvin’s tulip has infiltrated even non denominational Bible believing churches. These are the deed of the Nicolatians in revelation Jesus warned of. God bless

          • You obviously have done “0”research! The Bible says to “To study to show yourself approved unto Yahuah ,(the Most High ) a workman that will not be ashamed”. Bill Gates has lawsuits against him for vaccine damage , killing and maiming children! He is also deeply involved with Monsanto,creating Frankenfood for the world! Indian farmers are being forced to buy Monsanto seed, then, when their crops fail , they commit suicide! Look it up! This is all in addition to killing millions of children through abortion! Covid-19 in Hebrew Gematria means sheep to the slaughter! If you are a believer in the son of Yahuah, you are one of his sheep and people like Bill Gates are the goats ! One of the ones which the book of Rev, says will wear out the saints of the Most High! The pale horse is riding as we speak as every ignorant person takes the CV vaccine! It will combine with your DNA and replace it , making you a fallen one who can be controlled by the govt. (the Beast system!) A person that is a cyborg or hybrid that the blood of Yahshuah cannot save like the Nephillim of Gen, 6!

          • That is patently wrong! Bill Gates has harmed many many people in the world! He is an evil entity!

          • BILL Gates and his wife are EVIL. I can go on for days, however, if you profile them as OK you really have to take a look at how you profile people because I have to say it, YOU ARE WAAAAY OFF. Let me help you out, Bill Gates loves to display FOOLS DELIGHT (look this up if you dont know) when expressing his opinions, especially the ones regarding the corona virus. You have to wake up and smell the coffee, BILL GATES IS NOT AN OK GUY he is evil

          • If you think Bill Gates is ok: you need to do research! He is about money and power and less people on this earth! This was planned months before the virus dear

          • Then how come Bill Gates and his family won’t take the coronavirus vaccine. Please Answer That.

        • Check out Ezekiel 18. Specifically verses 23-24 but the whole chapter is relevant to my point. Based on pure scripture instead of tv preachers, the “once saved” copout is very dangerous, inaccurate, and unbiblical.

          Also see the book of James. Nothing in there suggests that simply acknowledging Christ will save you. Satan knows who Christ is. He “believes” without even needing faith because he knows from inside knowledge. He’s obviously not saved just for believing in Christ.

          • ‘Also see the book of James. NOTHING IN THERE SUGGESTS THAT SIMPLY ACKNOWLEDGING CHRIST WILL SAY YOU. Satan knows who Christ is. He “believes” without even needing faith because he knows from inside knowledge. He’s obviously not saved just for believing in Christ.’

            i would site the thief on the cross as one who just ‘acknowledged Christ’ and yet Jesus told him that he would be with him him paradise ? Satan is not human and not a son of Adam. So is in no way is that a just comparison.

          • Well, in Timothy 4:1 it says that in later times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. For the Armenian among us, we would ask, how could you depart from something you never had? The Calvinist would say, well, they were never saved ro begin with. Why? Because once you become a son, you cannot become unborn. In other words, your works will be burned up at the Judgment Seat of Christ, not the Great White Throne judgement. In other words, you cannot unscramble scrambled eggs. Even Peter says ‘for if the righteous be scarcely saved …” 1 Peter 1:18. So there is a very thin line between Calvinism and Armenianism. In the end, we are ultimately saved by grace, not of works, lest any man should boast. We do good works as a result of our salvation, not to procure it. But Christians are also capable of making bad decisions and sinning. Are we not saved because we have sinned? Of course not. If yes, then nobody will make it. It has been said that Christians bury their wounded. There was also a play on an old hymn that said: “oh to dwell with the saints on high, that will be glory. But to live with them here on earth, well that’s a different story!” So, you figure it out and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling!

          • Exactly. Boy, OSAS is the end times heresy foretold by the Spirit in 1 Tim. 4 and 2 Tim. 4, that people will gather around them teachers who say what their itching ears want to hear, and will believe the doctrines of DEMONS.

            “Unless you REPENT,” Jesus HIMSELF said, “You will ALL LIKEWISE PERISH.” The modern day twisting of God’s Word includes REDEFINING repentance as a despised “work of the Law” (and please note that whenever Paul wrote that “by no works of the Law shall any man be justified,” if you go back and read the passages, in EACH ONE, he is talking about CIRCUMCISION. There was much confusion back then concerning keeping LEVITICAL LAW and salvation.

            Repentance, turning from sin, is not a “work of the Law”–it is a REQUIREMENT before God grants His free gift of salvation (and no, repentance alone cannot save us; our sins need to be atoned for by the blood of Christ), and Paul also told King Agrippa (regarding men being saved,” that “Men should REPENT and turn to God, and PROVE THEIR REPENTANCE BY THEIR DEEDS” (Acts 26:29).

            Amen. AND, “IF we confess our sins, He is (THEN) faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

            And regarding the commenter above who claims that “the blessed virgin Mary intercedes for us,” I beg to differ with you. For SCRIPTURE says “There is ONE God and ONE MEDIATOR between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, who gave HIMSELF as a ransom for ALL PEOPLE” (1 Tim. 2:5)–INCLUDING HIS OWN MOTHER! Mary was a SINNER saved by grace, same as US!

            And in Jeremiah 7:18, the Lord DENOUNCES people idolizing and worshiping the so-called “Queen of Heaven.”

          • “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.””
            ‭‭John‬ ‭10:27-30‬ ‭ESV‬‬

          • Of course satan know jesus. He use to be in heaven til he wanted to take over heaven thats why he became the falling angel

          • I never knew Satan believed in christ?? How do u mean?? He definitely acknowledged that there is a christ. Why would he go against him if he believed in him!! And you do not JUST have to endure to the end to be saved. If u believe in both, the Son, and God. Then u will be saved.

          • Kaitlyn up there is very wise for her age. If you are truly in Christ and part of him, his spirit is in you and you wont be fooled. Trust in the Lord and he will always guide you John

          • Woooow this is Powerful, as a child of GOD You have to repent, King David would wear sackcloth and cry to GOD repentance is very important. GOD forgives. How

          • I believe once saved always saved until God Himself tells me otherwise. God compares our relationship to Him in Ephesians 5:23 “For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.” Mark 10:8 “and the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.” Mark 10:9 goes on to say “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” God speaks to us in parables so that we can have a better understanding of His message. God provides a clear message in Romans 8:35, 37-39 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Can a person “backslide?” Definitely! But it doesn’t mean they have separated themselves from God. It does mean you will live a very unhappy life separated from the one you love and the one who loves you just like in an earthly marriage. If I am a married man married to a woman and I am in the military or any job for that matter but since I spent 30 years in the Air Force I can relate to what I am about to say better. If I am deployed to a foreign Country thousands of miles away from my spouse does that mean I am no longer married? Of course not. “In Matthew 19:9, Jesus forbids divorce ‘except for unchastity.’” She explains, “When a spouse breaks the marriage covenant through sexual sin—porneia—there are biblical grounds for divorce. The only way you can separate yourself from God once you have received Christ as your saviour by One eternal or unforgivable sin (blasphemy against the Holy Spirit) is specified in several passages of the Synoptic Gospels, including Mark 3:28–29, Matthew 12:31–32, and Luke 12:10.

          • replying to Wesh August 24, 2020 at 4:54 am
            re tattoos.
            Leviticus clearly prohibits tattoos.
            Jesus never abolished old laws.
            Jesus was following them to the T.
            God bless.

          • Well stated, but I would like the answer to once you give your heart to Christ in total belief, how do you become unsaved after that? I personally believe that if you back slide you are answerable for the way you lived your life, you will go to heaven for your belief, you just won’t reap rewards.

        • This us wrong. WE ARE MEANT TO KNOW what God’s thinking or planning. But this ‘we’ isn’t the whole population. It’s the selected few who are saved and reborn through Jesus Christ. The Bible reveals thats Jesus told his deciples in Mark 13v11 that unto them mysteries of the Kingdom – in other words, God related stuff – is revealed to them and not to the people, he said they look but they can’t see and hear but won’t understand.


          • I would not be listening to Pastor Chris. A false prophet from Nigeria who like his other “Christian” counterparts from the same nation, obsess with prosperity and wealth in this current world rather than achieving happiness and salvation in the next one. I’m sure that Pastor chris and others like him are enjoying their earthly prosperous pleasures right now. Those pleasures that they have accumulated over time through exploitation of people looking for answers and meaning to their lives. I lost my only baby Son Isaiah because of crank false prophets like him but I know that Jesus and God will grant me true retribution in the next life even if it costs my earthly life in this one. That is the meaning of enduring. You have to be able to give up everything that meant something to you in this world in order to transition to the next. I will never take this vaccine even if it costs me my earthly life. Nuri Zaydik from Canada.

        • the mark of the beast captures your soul to ,lucifer . if you accept it you are separated from god forever . you need . to know what to do and stay with god and christ . the un and nwo are part of the deception . the antichrist is already here . the antichrist is all that is separated from god . the false prophet is government and the media . even religion serves lucifer . the meak shall inherit the earth . the meak are the followers of christ and god . its very simple . to accept the separation from god and christ is the mark . no vaccine and no chip . you will be asked to denounce god for the good of the world which has always been under the control of lucifer since god cast him from heaven . lucifer is the destructive ego of man

          • I’m genuinely curious can someone elaborate on my thought, currently vaccinations are mandatory through schools in the us and if they incorporate this COVID vaccine ( let’s say unbeknownst to us mark of beast ) In Essence these are children unknowingly taking this . There’s gotta something more something intentional.

          • Ok so I am 13 and I’m worried about this so just to be reassured is this the mark of the beast or no because my dad does not believe in god and I don’t really have the choice in weather I can get it or not. Because I live with him

          • This Response is for Zuma: There are two vaccines that just came out, the later from Moderna is 95% effective, and they use a type of RNA to create immunity, there are no chips or anything like that.
            You can feel safe taking this vaccine. Don’t let these people scare you, sweetheart.
            Pray about everything and whatever gives you perfect peace is from God, because He will never leave
            you or forsake you. Blessings, T.

          • So are you saying that the mark of the beast would be to denounce God for the good of this world and not get vaccinated with a microchip?

          • For Zuma: Do not take the vaccine. You do not need it. We do not know if vaccine is safe or not. The globalists/satanists have gone to great lengths to fear monger people into wearing masks. This is for the purpose of then forcing people through fear or other means into taking the vaccine. Trust the Holy Spirit to keep you healthy. Pray for your Dad’s salvation without ceasing. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️🕊🕊❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️✝️⚔️🙏🏼🙏🏼

          • The bible says the Antichrist will sit in the temple and declare himself to be god. If this is true then the Antichrist is not going to ask you to renounce god because he is going to claim to be god. Furthermore, Antichrist does not mean “against” Christ. It means “false” Christ. Be very careful for anyone who trusts in a vaccine or in the person or organization who creates it to save them instead of trusting in god and his son Jesus Christ is by definition not truly trusting on God. They are instead trusting in a false messiah. A false savior.

            I choose to trust Jesus for my salvation. I choose to believe the hubris of this world is sin but it is not a false Christ because it it does not claim universally to save from anything. Once again, be careful.

          • I do agree that the mark of the beast does seperate you from God. The Anti-Christ may be here but he has not acknowledged his presence yet. That’s biblically inacurate. The Anti-Christ is labeled in the bible as a specific person who will perform miracles and decieve people that he is “all knowing” and is a god. It isn’t the government and media. Especially due to the reason that their isn’t “a governement” or ” a media” but rather many governments and many medias. I don’t think that it would be the mark of the beast because God isn’t like that. He isn’t a hateful God who will try to deceive people into taking something that will forever force them into hell for eternity – even his followers. The mark of the beast is related to the beasts that would be seen as gods in revelation. I don’t see how this is praising a beast. Yes, we will be asked to denouce God but … you aren’t asked that for the vaccine. At all. And believe me, I know blantant denoucing of God. Places in China for example. Blantantly killing christians, burning bibles, stuff like that. But…this? I don’t know. I personally know people and other people who know people who have gotten the illness and passed away from it. So I refuse to believe it doesn’t exist. Also, I know 15 people who got it and many people in my church who got it as well as a lot of my family members. We had moments where they would be coughing, barely breathing and we would pray to God for Him to heal them. Thankfully He did. Except for my grandmother but it was her time to go. She was a faithful woman and I know where she will be going. But here is the thing, there has been 1.6 MILLION PEOPLE who have died from this. That’s heartbreaking and all. But…how does taking what will reduce that number going to anger God? How is it praising a beast? It has to be from our heart. Spite built. It has to be us praising something rather than God. This isn’t. The Anti-christ will be decietful and gain MANY CHRISTIANS as well into beleiving that he is almighty and holy and stuff. He will have done GREAT THINGS for the world. AMAZING THINGS. And people will love him. And care for him because of his dark magic accomplishments. I believe the antichrist and the mark will go hand in hand. I don’t see how the mark of the beast is found here
            Rev. 14:9 : “And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,”

            Rev. 20:4 : “Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”

            REV. 13:18: “This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.”
            – not 66666 or 66.

          • you coud make same logical that people in trump hats are the mark of the beast

            The Antichrist is given the title “man of lawlessness” because he will oppose in every way the biblical God and His law. He will be completely lawless. Daniel 7 speaks of this man as a “boastful” king who will “try to change the set times and the laws” (verses 11 and 25). He will come offering a false peace to the world and will with his charismatic personality, incredible promises, and breathtaking miracles unite all nations politically, economically, and religiously under his leadership. sounds more like trump

        • In regards to the comment that we don’t know what GOD is thinking, The Scriptures teaches us in 1Cor. 2:16, that we have the mind of CHRIST, so HE has made it possible to see into the plans of GOD to a certain extent and only those who endure to the end shall be saved, CHRIST own words. So once save always save does not work. The article makes a lot sense, to be tricked into taking a mark of commitment from an enemy does not show allegiance to that foe, but rather willful commitment, worship and service to the enemy does in fact show loyalty to him, so there is no way you can take the mark by accident or be tricked into it is possible. Those who took the mark and worship the image of the beast cannot be saved (Rev.14:9-11), so if you were tricked or deceived into taking a mark you had no intentions of receiving your salvation cannot be lost to that degree, therefore accidental acceptance of the mark is not possible. When you look at the word receive in the text of Revelation, it does not allude to one who is deceive but rather one who is active in their acceptance.


          • Don’t you know there will be another Exodus.. Heaven can wait until the resurrection…. So much to do and learn and get ready for.

        • Once saved it’s not always saved. You could possibly loose your salvation if you don’t stand fast and do the will of God.
          Read; 1 Timothy 4:1

          • After adult baptism staying in a state of constant repentance i(bagging forgiveness and tring to walk away from that sin) when we fail to live according to the bible is nessessary, we have to stay the spotless bride for the coming of the messiah. It says in the bible the path lest traveled is the way to salvation. Also we are not to pray to any human for intercession, nor Mary or Saint the only one we are to pray to is the one God worthy of prayer the God of the Bible, His Holy Spirit, and our God in human form Jesus the Christ. Every day we should lay our fears at the foot of the cross, and ask God to protect us from the enemies plan to steal, guide our decisions, give us courage to follow His lead, the ability to distinguish His voice from the enemy, and that we will remain clean and worthy for His return and judgment. Remember fear, and faith can not live together.

        • Amen to that brother,look at the storms,change of weather,fighting killings,wars and family going against 👪, we all better wake up,God is preparing us and is not happy about his name being removed outta schools,sports or gathering and courts,they can kill me bc i won’t deny our heavenly father

        • The vaccine has the patent number 666. It is also made with an enzyme called luciferaise. It is made with a Caucasian male aborted fetal cells and adult tumor cells. If that’s not enough there is nanotechnology involved and hydrogel. Both of these things will bind with your dna and you will be hooked up to the big beast computer. You will no longer have control of your own body. You will belong to the beast computer. To me the vaccine is meant to take your intelligence(soul) and be controlled by artificial intelligence. That’s just how I see it?

          • can you link the article? i’ve looked up a couple things and haven’t seen a lot of these claims

          • I’ve heard this also but I’d like to see evidence because this is going to be a huge decision once they force it to participate in society. Do you have any to send? Thank you

            Also people, don’t believe the lies, getting vaccinated does not help others and is not a civil duty, scientifically speaking, it could actually harm others despite the deceptions of the media. I know because I have a few auto immune disorders and I Cannot be around vaccinated people because of the shedding.

          • This is incorrect. The vaccine components are listed here:

            Or here:

            As you can see, there are very few ingredients, none of which have the ability to combine with or alter your DNA, and none are called luciferase. mRNA are instruction only, they are translated by the ribosomes in your cells (not in the nucleus where your DNA is stored) to produce proteins. That’s it. mRNA is destroyed by your body after it is used. There are no microchips, RFID, or another non-biological components. Most of those chips would not fit through the needle used to inject the vaccine, check it out for yourself, the vaccine needles range from 22 to 26 gauge. The smallest RFID chip is 0.15mm.

        • Once saved always saved is a lie of Satan. You have to stay in a relationship with Jesus. Satan tricks people into thinking that if you say the prayer you’re saved for the rest of your life and I t’s OK to sin all you want!!! Sin for the next 10 years it’s OK because you’re going to heaven. What a lie!

          • Is the vaccine the mark of the beast or not. My mom believes that the vaccine means no harm and I have no choice but to listen to her because I’m only 14. If the vaccine is the mark of the beast I want to turn my mum away from it. Taking something that will turn me away from God is the last thing I want to do. Even if it means dying.

        • No it clearly says in Ezekiel 33:19 that if the righteous man turns to wickedness that he will die. You can not be saved and do evil or fail to worship the Creater in any way that he has not approved of .

        • Janie, that’s not right. Look it up.
          John Calvin created this doctrine from a misinterpretation of Saint Augustine’s Treatise on the Gift of Perseverance, written around A. D. 429. Augustine believed it was possible to experience the justifying grace of God and yet not persevere to the end. Please repent when ever you sin. God Bless.

        • Once saved always saved has no biblical reference, therefore that’s false to think that way. That kind of thinking leads to the same false teaching as hyper-grace, this is why you have people going to church on Sunday but practice all sorts of gross sins throughout the week justifying it as once saved always saved mentality, this is basically saying that God is a fool. Remember too that satan (I purposely will not capitalize his name, he doesn’t deserve that sort of recognition), satan originally was created by God as an Angel, he therefore was saved, but he went bad and now he is no longer saved, if satan is no longer saved then who the heck do we think we are in believing once saved always saved will save us from our intentional sins! Don’t forget too, that God looks at the heart, if our hearts are right then we won’t take once saved always saved as the reason we’re saved and go off and do whatever we please.

          Sure we’re saved by grace, but within reason, I can’t justify going out and killing someone because I hate them and they deserve it for something they did and think I’m going to be covered by Gods grace, or have sex with a child because I think God will simply close His eyes to it because I’m covered by grace, or whatever sin you can list. Grace is for those things that bother people in a regular sense, like our thoughts, God understands our struggles with sin, remember Jesus came to this Earth and experienced those struggles we have; it’s the same sin(s) that Paul wrote about that was within himself in Rom 7:7-25, those sins are not unique to him, they are in ALL of us, and that is what grace covers.

          • You are saying once saved not always . Then what about the grace you spoke about . You are saved by grace and we live under grace after we are saved . I believe once saved always saved.

        • Am a christian and do believe there is a reason for a reason. If all z true, GOD is there for everyone

        • Once saved always saved is simply not true. You have to strive to live a Godly life. The Bible tells us that faith without works is dead. Read James 2:14-26. It clearly says by works a man is justified not by faith only!

        • Question- Do you believe that you can know the law of God in your mind, heart and soul, willfully disobey it, while simultaneously thinking you will just say sorry and ask forgiveness after the fact, that you will and can be saved without consequences? If so, why does the Bible talk about backsliders going to hell? If they were saved once, wouldn’t they still be saved and not be in danger of going to hell?
          It seems like it is mocking God and erroneously and arrogantly believing that a mere human could somehow trick God’s system or worse, force God’s mercy or word.
          (Not trying be sarcastic, just trying to understand your belief on OSAS.

        • Christian’s these days are deceived because pastors and preaches have taught a false gospel to man kind.

          It is not once saved always saved.

          Jesus offers free gift of salvation and once accepted you receive it but if you don’t repent and have a lifestyle change on a daily basis, to live in the image of Jesus then you can end up with soiled garments (your spirit) and if that is the case then you will be thrown out of heaven in your filthy garment.

          Lack of knowledge and lack of wisdom and lack of an intimate relationship with God causes humans to remain in the flesh.

          God says to die to flesh and live in the spirit while here on earth. You do not have to die and leave earth before you can go to heaven.

          Some of you might read this and say “what” but honestly if you have an intimate relationship with Jesus you will see him, hear him and get divine counsel from him.

          Now ask yourself….do you hear him, See him or love bold like Jesus?
          If not then you are just lying to yourself about what you think you have.

          Now…if you end up taking this vaccine for the covid/corona virus Scam, you will be privileged to enjoy all the wrath poured out on you by God for Bowing down to the beast.

          You will not escape.

          Everyone alive will make a choice. Take the vaccine and return to normal or do not take it and be hunted down and martyred, flee and be hidden, or be caught up.

          Only God knows what your destiny is so just put your trust in God to provide for you.

          2021 is where it starts and from there we march on until we are called home.

          After all Jesus has 1000 years to rule and reign in peace while satan is locked up in the bottomless pit.

          After the 1000 years is up then the earth will be destroyed in fire because satan will be released and cause another deception and bring war against the holy ones…God will rain fire on the earth like Sodom and Gomorrah when that happens.

          Do not take the vaccine.

          Prepare now with what you can and prepare if you have to run for your life and leave all your belongings behind (like when Moses took the Hebrews out of Egypt and through the red sea to the wilderness). They only had what they could carry on their backs and animals. One outfit and shoes that never wore out.

          God can and will provide for you but you must trust him without grumbling and complaining. If you whine then that upsets God and he will deny you not to enter the promise land.

          Here we go again on a journey to escape the modern day Pharaohs.

          If you are still in doubt then do your research and pray. Seek God’s face. God does nothing without first revealing it to his prophets.
          They are sounding the alarm.

          One thing is sure. You can not fool God. He already knows your heart. God is a living God and a just God.
          He still loves those lost souls that are in eternal torment in hell…but he still loves them…and he will not remove them from hell because they made a choice not to obey but rather deceive themselves who they assume God is so they could live a life of sin and pleasure while on the earth and then they died in that filth and caused themselves to enter eternal hell.

          What is your choice?

          Give up your WILL and die to your flesh!! Time will delay no longer.

          If you make the wrong choice then you will pay the consequences.

          Just look at it like this. Don’t think you are to good to be beaten and tortured and killed like Jesus. I

          The most perfect life lived was by Jesus, the true living God but he went through and passed his test.

          Now he is King of the Universe.

          Prepare and do not love your life unto death.

          If you die in the next 5 minutes will you be holy enough to enter heaven?
          If not prepare now.

          • So you are saying, to get saved you need to believe in Jesus + repent(Live a sinfree life) to get saved? I think that’s an impossible task. I know many says, when you have holy spirit, then you can not sin anymore. I believe we will always be sinner, so it’s not about your lifestyle, it’s about God should be the biggest priority in your life then you are saved.

          • Yes to everything you said and Amen. For bless you speak the truth brother. May God give us strength to endure.

          • If God is love and the highest form is unconditional love, then He understands that people cannot be perfect. In fact, people can harm themselves by doing so. You can think it is wrong to get angry, never allow yourself to, and have intense repressed anger issues. It is by Christ’s obedience that we are saved, not our own.

            I’m not saying that means to live a life of debauchery without any obedience, only that to try and imitate Christ is an impossible task. The only thing that would make that possible is if one is truly baptized by the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of God Himself is what is living inside of you and making your choices from a place beyond what man can conceive of.

            If God loves us He does not want us to be constantly afraid of not being good enough, or feel a burden to be perfect. What loving parent would want that for their child, with a threat to disown them if they fail in some way? I’ve dealt with spiritual warfare for several years, and that is exactly what the enemy wants people to think. Focus on their since, perpetuate that guilt, rather than accept God’s forgiveness and live with the power and authority that we are meant to have and walk in. To be able to stand before Him without guilt, or condemnation. How many people did Jesus condemn while he was here?

          • If God is love and the highest form is unconditional love, then He understands that people cannot be perfect. In fact, people can harm themselves by doing so. You can think it is wrong to get angry, never allow yourself to, and have intense repressed anger issues. It is by Christ’s obedience that we are saved, not our own.

            I’m not saying that means to live a life of debauchery without any obedience, only that to try and imitate Christ is an impossible task. The only thing that would make that possible is if one is truly baptized by the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of God Himself is what is living inside of you and making your choices from a place beyond what man can conceive of.

            If God loves us He does not want us to be constantly afraid of not being good enough, or feel a burden to be perfect. What loving parent would want that for their child, with a threat to disown them if they fail in some way? I’ve dealt with spiritual warfare for several years, and that is exactly what the enemy wants people to think. Focus on their sins, perpetuate that guilt, rather than accept God’s forgiveness and live with the power and authority that we are meant to have and walk in. To be able to stand before Him without guilt, or condemnation. How many people did Jesus condemn while he was here?

          • I agree with you Jones, its dangerous for a Christian to think “once saved always saved”.
            Paul says,” fight for your salvation with fear and trembling. If we confess christ and then relax and not fight for what we accepted, then we are bound to backslide without knowing. ” Once saved always saved is a cult belief of sorts”

          • Jones, then you can certainly share with us what Jesus looks like. Right???

            What does He look like???

          • So what would fallowing him look like. Like being a true fallower. I want to be able to take myself and my family to heaven and be prepared. This is all new to me a little. I didn’t really have anyone to teach me the true ways.

          • Once saved always saved sounds great but as long as you stay grounded daily in his word and repent as well, as leave your sinful lifestyle behind and seek God daily and his will and plan for your life. Being saved is like a marriage, a commitment. We seek God’s will not our own and allow the holy spirit to guide you.

          • I’m a born again and fully believe in the gospel. I got the vaccine. I’m a FF and have seen people die. I haven’t had my faith shaken by taking the vaccine. It’s just medicine. Just like insulin for diabetes or any other med. The things we are arguing about are important and not a tenet of faith. Christians are getting side tracked. Christ died for our salvation. Go evangelize to the unsaved. Don’t get caught up in conspiracies.

      • I think he said the opposite, focus on the Seal of the Lamb, not the mark of the beast.

      • forget about the mark of the beast and continue to grow in faith in the word of god and tell everyone to repent for jesus is coming back soon and dont accept anything from bill gates or any vaccine that is not confirmed by WHO and thank you.

        • The covid ” vaccine” is not really a vaccine. Its an elaborate plan to insert technology into the human body..Tracking and control technology. Covid is not even a year old and already there is a vaccine for it?? Really?? What most people arent aware of is that the “vaccine” was already there waay before covid. But they needed a global pandemic to make a global vaccination rollout necessary.. The ” vaccine” (technology) has been developed and tested for a long time and its ready to be rolled out..Covid is just being used to justify the injecting of the technology..Few people know that there are specific detectable signals and chemical movements that happen in the human brain when one makes a choice or a decision. And nanotechnology makes it possible to access these parts of the human brain. It also makes it possible to literally manipulate human DNA..Just as they have manipulated food and plants through GMO the same can be done to human DNA.. Babies exist today with dna from more than 2 adults.. I know of a child ,who is alive today,with DNA from 1 man and 2 females. Those twins in China had their DNA edited while they were still embryos and they are alive today.. What kind of humans they gonna grow to be,physically and intellectually, no one knows. What we know however is that they are different from the normal human being. Their offspring will inherit their edited DNA..Which means they are the first of a new human species.. The ”vaccine” that they want bto force the whole world to get will be used to access and control the human mind.. They are after your freedom to choose and make decisions.. They want to hack your Free Will.. They will choose for you..That’s why the bible says you cant be saved after getting the mark of the beast.. Becoz your free will will be owned by them..

          • I believe that this vaccine will alter our DNA and make us unable to connect with the Holy Spirit since our God created code will be altered into something he did not create. If it is forced on us then it is not so. If we are given a choice to take it or suffer certain consequences, then it surely is something we should all be considering as a mark of the beast. I have heard it said that the mark is just a choice of who you will serve ( the mark on the hand symbolizing your works and the mark on the forehead symbolizing your thoughts or the system you align yourself with) this may be so but then the mark is just sin and our sinful nature. It just doesn’t make sense. Makes more sense that it would be a physical mark or a physical change that there is no coming back from. Those who have the mark can not be redeemed unlike those who have fallen away. The mark is permanent, not just an action or thought in my understanding.

            9And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

          • I agree with this do much. Deception will be used. Much of the church designs vaccines and they are all straight from the pit of hell. There has never been an RNA vaccine like this one.

          • How do you know this much is it just from research. I believe this is true I already sensed it somehow.

          • Coronavirus has been within the world for years already….this is just the only strain we know of so far that can infect humans and who knows how many years is took for a mutation allowing that to occur. The vaccine was made relatively quickly because of several reasons. The main ones being we’ve already been researching and had dealt with a previous strain of the coronavirus family, so half the research portion has already been completed. 2) the virus isn’t nearly as complicated as the flu virus with all it’s changing and editing, thus making it a relatively easy thing to come up with a solution for. And finally because of the high demand. If people are dropping like flies due to this virus, ofc most of the world is gonna take a stand to put as much effort into creating a fix for it. Plus tech and informatiom is much more advanced now, so what would’ve taken us 1-3yrs in the past could be accomplished in a mere 6-12 months.

            As for the manipulating human DNA portion. That has already been a thing of known progress that science as of rn, has actually sworn not to tamper with on humans yet as they don’t know what will happen and it goes against the morals set in place. This isn’t called manipulating DNA either. It’s called Gene Editing.

            From what I remember, the person who edited those twins in China did so because the parents wanted to edit out a gene that coded for a fatal hereditary disease within their family. This however, is not accepted by science but the man who performed it didn’t care and only sought to help the family.

            It is still a looked down upon practice and gene editing has been looked at as a means of preventing diseases and other problems such as cancer and whatnot. Just as we have antibiotics that tamper with our immune system to help protect from different diseases.

            I don’t know where this nanotechnology info is coming from, but it’s very unlikely they would Inject this into your body along with the vaccine as it could trigger an autoimmune response, which will lead to death.

            All I’m saying is that a lot of the ppl in the replies don’t seem to understand basic biology or even how vaccines and our bodies properly function. Making these basic assumptions and spreading fear isn’t going to bring God’s people together.

            The one thing it might do tho, is kill us all

          • I think both are true actually. Once saved, always saved as well as not. The reason I think both could be true is bc one wasn’t real. If you truly give your heart to Christ, then you will fall under the once saved, always saved. However, I believe that if you have to get saved more than once, it wasn’t 100%. But honestly, it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t really care if it’s once saved always saved or not. There’s way more to focus on than that. However, I’m not sure about this vaccine. Covid is very real, I don’t believe in that conspiracy that it’s fake (and I love a good conspiracy) but I don’t know how a vaccine was created in less than a year. My employer found out today that we’re now eligible for the vaccine, and he’s not requiring it, but has signed everyone up for it. The decision whether to get it or not, has come much earlier than I thought. I don’t think it’s the mark, simply bc there’s no antichrist who’s come to global power. My understanding is the mark comes after the rise of the some world leader. Mostly I don’t like my government trying to force things on me and I really really don’t trust this vaccine. I worry about long term side effects. Plus I don’t think the mark of the beast will be a 2 part application. This vaccine is 2 doses. I suppose they could be saying that to further trick us into accepting the mark, but I really don’t think a vaccine is the mark.

          • You right. But just to reminding you that the Covid-19 vaccine itself, is not the MARK of the BEAST. Why? Because the Bible says that the MARK of the BEAST is opposite to the MARK or SIGN of the Lamb or Yahweh-Hoshua, and since the SIGN or MARK of the Lamb of God is the Seventh-day Sabbath Ezekiel 20:12,20 that is why the MARK of the BEAST isn’t Covid-19 vaccine or microchips, but SUN-day false substituted Sabbath is the MARK of the BEAST. Your comment is also true but again it is only the BEAST’S devices or tools…that they will use to tracking…not to buy or sell etc. The Bible also mentioned that we are not to ignore the devices or tools of the Devil or Satan meaning if we know that inside the vaccine has something that belongs to the BEAST 060606=666, and all kinds of things that we not suppose to put inside our body than all we got to do is to refuse it.

      • Bill Gates has a patent for proposed vaccine. A Dr has noted that the patent number is: 060606.

      • Did you call the MARK OF THE BEAST MINOR?! do you know know what REVELATIONS says will happen to those taken the MARK OF THE BEAST? This is a QUOTE from
        REVELATIONS 14, 9-10
        9 A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, 10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb

      • Even if the mark of the beast is not going to be visible. The fact that we have scanner to scan barcode. You will be scan before entering to buy or sell thru that vaccine barcode. The mark of the beast will or can come in many form as the devil chooses. Is luciferance a good name for a vaccine that supposed to cure people. So if your DNA can be alter thru this vaccine from any part of the world. Who can stop the implications of the number 666 at a later date

      • Ahhh yes the modern arena says of “professors” says “the ONLY WAY “we can ” rightly divide ” scripture is KNOWING CONTEXT …mans heart IS DECIETFUL & DESPERATLY WICKED WHO CAN KNOW IT (Jer17:10/ o & what Context was this written ??? 🤔2Tim3:16-17 …but the TRUTH REMAINS “Where there is NO CONVICTION there is NO SPIRIT” (((OR WHERE TRUTH is suppressed to invite/incite UNRIGHTEOUSNESS ))) 2Tim3/2Peter2/Jude1 look up the “Doctrine of BALAAM” it’s happening ALL OVER AGAIN ♻️♻️♻️ In the Churchs BY That know the Word & misuse it because they do NOT LOVE THE TRUTH (JOHN3:17-21)(2Thess2:7-13)/John4:24)/( Matt24:10-13)/(Acts20:29:30)/ they have Pleasure in UNRIGHTEOUSNESS

      • There would be no COVID-19 vaccine without first aborting / killing a baby. All of the vaccines are tainted with aborted fetal tissue. That is all that matters.

      • Mark is not a minor issue. To the article author, if you take a dna altering vaccine like a gmo veggie, first thing it’ll do is it’ll make you a new spec. Think of it as an antivirus subscription. But like any antivirus in your pc, someone controls you and you need upgrading and therefore you are duped. Eve did not say yes to the apple without Satan’s lies. “Even the elite will be deceived”

      • What he means is that we do not need you desecrating the scripture and interpreting it like you know everything. You twisted the scripture. Scripture is what scripture says. You have are over thinking it. CORONA is the big reset, the new world order and who knows what else… scripture is not simple and this time is significant. You are too certain, and you analysis is cute but it twists scripture and you are not supposed to do that.

    • Great article, i like the bibel centered anaslisis.
      If you know some German or french there ist a documentation on Chinas controll of people through face recognition, which Chinese people start to use also to sell and buy, together with the social Rating system in China, leeds it to an immpossibility for people,thats not accept the KP or the political Leader as the one and only highest Institution, to live a normal lief, especially when you in religious groups activ. So they put thousands maybe much more uiguirian people( an merely muslimic nation)in education Camps to brainwash them through violence.
      And the worst, the offer their System of face recognition to western nation, who are in fear of terrorism.
      The documentation made by the french/german broadcast Arte, called: watched , 7 billions at focus., by sylvain louvet ,capa presse 2019.
      Best greetings

      • Yes this is true about the Chinese Communist Party. Any insight into them would be great thanks.

        • The number one deception of all is the pre-tribulation rapture. A 5-year-old can read the Bible and understand that JESUS SAID HIMSELF IN RED WRITING IN MATTHEW THAT “IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TRIBULATION” THE SON OF MAN WOULD APPEAR IN THE CLOUDS WHICH IS THE LITERAL 24-DAY AFTER THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION ENDS AND THE NEXT DAY IS THE “GREAT DAY OF THE LORD”. That day is a 24-hour day when we join Jesus in the sky to begin the battle against the devil, and doesn’t refer to the tribulation. I used to believe we were gonna be raptured before anything bad happens but that’s not what’s the Bible teaches. It’s crystal clear that the devil “makes war with the saints”. Most people who believe in a fantasy rapture happening before the tribulation also believe “once saved always saved” which is the second biggest doctrine of Satan. Here’s a great scriptural destruction of that heresy:

          • It actually is the mark of the Beast literally. Corona virus is one word for the sake of those who named it this years ago. Take the word Corona. Upon closer examination you will find the word has 6 letters. U following me? There is the first 6, now the first letter C is the 3rd letter of the Alphabet. Now O is the 15th letter, R is the 18th letter, O is 15, N is the 14th letter, and finally O the 15th letter. GUESS WHAT THE SUM OF THE LETTERS ADD UP TO? YES 66 !! SO CORONA IS 666 !!! IT IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST, THE CORONAVIRUS IS THE SYMBOL 666, THE VACCINE WILL BE APPLIED AS A WAY TO FINISH OFF THE HUMAN RACE. WELL THOSE OF WHICH ARE THE TARGETS. THE WORKING PEOPLE, THE POOR PEOPLE, THE PEOPLE OF FAITH IN GOD . I CANNOT BELIEVE IT ADDED UP AS I WAS LOOKING FOR A DIRECT CONNECTION THAT I WAS SURE DIDNT EXIST. WELL IT DOES INDEED MY FELLOW PEOPLE. TIME TO UNITE AND DO NOT LOSE FAITH FOR THE MARK OF THE BEAST HAS ARRIVED…. PEACE AND HEALTH TO ALL, AND PRAYERS!!

          • Hi Phi .I cant agree with you thinking the Tribulation is future. Its talking about the destruction of Jerusalem
            in AD 70, and the coming in clouds sounds like the second coming but in this particular case its
            referring to the judgement of God on the Jewish nation. That’s what the whole theme of Matthew is
            Also can’t agree with you that once saved always saved is incorrect and a scheme of the devil. 155
            theologians or Godly Divines as they were known in those days from England and Scotland put
            together the Westminster confession of
            Faith over a 5 year period and they declared once saved always saved. You would have to be
            something extra special to say. I am right and they are wrong.

          • I think you are right when you say the pre tribulation rapture is a flawed teaching. A good teacher of the Revelation is Dr Ken Gentry on You tube. He spends a some time on explaining why it is incorrect.

          • Chris Fox. Corona is latin for crown because with electron microscopy the virus looks like a crown. It has been around since the 1930’s and with all it’s strains, only 7 are known to infect man. SARS, MERS and SARS CoV 2 (covid – 19) are the three associated with more significant disease. The remaining 4 are associated with minor symptoms such as the common cold. Whenever you create a system to “interpret” something apart from scripture you are the precipice of false teaching and apostasy. The very nature of God does not allow him to try and confuse His People. Jesus himself said that He came to Testify to the Truth. Not schemes of man. Respectfully submitted.

          • people listen carefully to this message ‘, things are just starting ,well done for trying what you can ,have you not heard what jesus said that the devil is given permission to test all people?i can tell you that the kingdom of God is near behold,be awair,be ready for you will see things happening on your sight,you will hear many things happenings haa for you will not be able to controll them you will be filled with many question,you will really wonder,you will try anything ,you will be confused of so many question but all of this you will know that lord God is the only GOD .IS THIS THE END TIMES?be alert of your sight to proove to you.ACTUALLY,many people don`t know what is happening,they just hear but they dont put it into practise,dont worry about that coz this evenings you will see mysterious and anexpected things happening and you will say to yourself`DOES STILL GOD EXIST?SO what will we do now? wear mask?take vaccine?following presidential speech?0794974503 watsapp me for anything .have you not had about people who is believed to be not humans?what are you waiting for ,arrise and shine ,this is just early beggining for i tell you by now you should not expect anyone to proove to you because things will just happen on your sight.NOTE–I KNOW YOU HAVE MANY QUESTION BUT EVEN DONT WORRY JUST PRACTISE AND DONT BROKE ANY COMMANDMEN….I say to you cleary PRACTISE WHAT IS GOING ON OR you will not understand the law and find yourself following devil.watsapp me i have more information0794974503,according to what small i know .thank you all

      • So, Christoph, I think that Chinese have to obey completely to their Führer, dictator Xi, in order to conduct a normal controlled life …to be able to sell or buy …

        This Artificial Intelligence is called by the Indian priest and preacher, SADHU SELVERAJ the anti-Christ !

        Beste Grüsse aus Belgien.

      • I would say the two beasts can have a number of manifestations in human history of past and to come. Looking at the communist China. Mao could be the first beast. The current boss is the second, whose name is a number. Roman numeral 11. They both live/lived in a sea (zhongnanhai). Now they are implementing a digital currency that will become a only way of buy and sell. Another of such manifestations is Marx/communism movement of past and the neo-communists in today’s academia and our education system, following people like Michel Foucault.

      • This is true but, the chinese did not come up with this system, they only came up with the concept and partnered with google to develop it. It is more a google system than a Chinese system.

    • We very rarely hear of the anti-vax anti-debit card etc. protests in the UK, and especially not their association with the mark of the beast, and I have been trying to discover why this is becoming a major issue in the USA. Reading the articles here by Matthew Halsted and replies to them does helped, although I still find the associations of the mark of the beast with these things rather strange.

      I’d certainly agree with the suggestions Dr. Halsted makes here. The ‘Apocalypse’ , to give it its original name, was after all a familiar genre of Hebrew literature which used symbolism to reveal the spiritual interpretation of historical and current events. Ezekiel, Daniel, 1 Enoch and 4 Ezra are examples of this genre. That would mean that the Apocalypse of John is is looking back at the Messianic prophecies and events in Jewish history in an interpretation of the stark choice facing Christians when he was writing: Jesus or Caesar? Would they commit their all to Jesus, or barter their souls to the false deity of Caesar, with his emblems on the coins in their hands, his praises in their mouths and his lies in place of the truth in their minds?
      Do we have the name of Jesus tattooed onto our forehead and hands, wear phylacteries with his name on them? It’s unlikely: rather we have him constantly in our thoughts, embedded in our soul, and as best we can in our actions, represented by our hands. An antiviral vaccination will not depose Christ: nothing external can do that. As he himself said ‘it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”

      • I just think the mark of the beast may be for those without the seal of the Holy Spirit who are worldly

        • I think what Matthew Halsted is saying to us all, and rightly so, Is that all the unpleasant things in the book of Revelation, the 666, the mark of the beast, the no buy and sell, whatever it is was totally and finally fulfilled in the 1st century. It has no relevance whatsoever in the 21st Century. So no one need to have any fears at all.

          • … if that is the case then where are we now and what in God’s green earth are we doing here if all of that has come to pass?

        • You right. But just to reminding you that the Covid-19 vaccine itself, is not the MARK of the BEAST. Why? Because the Bible says that the MARK of the BEAST is opposite to the MARK or SIGN of the Lamb or Yahweh-Hoshua, and since the SIGN or MARK of the Lamb of God is the Seventh-day Sabbath Ezekiel 20:12,20 that is why the MARK of the BEAST isn’t Covid-19 vaccine or microchips, but SUN-day false substituted Sabbath is the MARK of the BEAST. Your comment is also true but again it is only the BEAST’S devices or tools…that they will use to tracking…not to buy or sell etc. The Bible also mentioned that we are not to ignore the devices or tools of the Devil or Satan meaning if we know that inside the vaccine has something that belongs to the BEAST 060606=666, and all kinds of things that we not suppose to put inside our body than all we got to do is to refuse it

      • Good post Jed. All this hype, especially in the USA, is because Christian have a futurist view of Revelation. They imagine the prophectic scriptures re: the anti-christ and The Mark Of Beast have not happened yet. Combine this with all the hype about us living in the very last minutes of human history is pushing Christians over the edge. There is a real crisis of fear and anxiety going on at the moment fueled by covid. Its all just one big massive delusion. I only wish Christian would have a good look at and meditate upon Rev 1 v 2&3 and Rev 22 v 6&10. John wrote The Revelation nearly 2000 years ago yet in the chapters and verses above John is clearly stating and warning his contemporaries that in very short space of time cruel persecution is going to befall the Church by the man of sin Nero. So the Anti-Christ and TMOTB and the buy and sell thing has already been totally fulfilled and of course has got nothing to do with the covid and has got nothing to do with the 21st century. I only wish Christians would take a partial preterist view of the book of Revelation before the secular world start thinking Christians are all looneys.

    • I’m without words at how completely wrong you are. There are thousands of christians having dreams and visions from the Lord warning about the vaxxine and the chip. In the coptic gospels, you know the ones that Rome’s “officials” decided not to include in the biblical canon, Jesus is quoted as saying “Beware the tricks of Lucifer” Revelation 13:11 expresses the Beast HAVING TWO HORNS LIKE A LAMB (appearance of a lamb) Both the Covid 19 and microchip are tools/devices that Satan is using to bring about the NWO. Rev 13:16 in the greek – translating “mark” is “Charagma” – “etching, engraving, particularly as a sign of ownership. This microchip “marks” both the physical AND astral/etheric body. ALMOST ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is read Rev 13:11 to the end and youd see 85% of what you’ve said is distinctly and irrefutably in correct. WE ARE AT THE END OF TIME – and of course Satan knows this all too well. Do some serious research on this microchip and READ YOUR BIBLE WITH EYES OPEN , your eternity depends on it. You spoke of the microchip as having nothing to do with “the Mark”, this is most curious as my research has led me to conclude that it is the linchpin in reducing humankind to robotic cyborg status. There is a scientist named Carl Sanders who has a video where he explains what it actually does. I don’t have time to find the THOUSANDS of videos where christians testify of the Lord Jesus telling them about the microchip and the “Beast System” – his exact words. I’ve researched this extensively, and am astounded how people ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANS seem to have no idea what is already upon them. Lucifer gave humankind computer technology – but not withput including his tricks that ensnare souls. His objective is to take as many souls with him to the Lake of Fire.

      • I don’t believe the devil gave us computer technology, surely not. If it was anyone it would have to be God. There is a certain amount of quantum physics involved in making computers operate and only God is the inventor of Quantum Physics.

        • you should look into sygils , the characters that are used in conjunction with the names of spirits or demons , and the look at all the characters and symbols that are affiliated with electrical junctions and the such , very telling if you ask me , i dont think our creator would have anything to do with the things that have been created out of anything other that necessity , and the word tells us that He gave us everything pertaining to LIFE and GODLINESS , so i do believe it is as it said , they are our own creations , and that was never A GREAT THING EVER . GENERALLY SELFISH AND POINTLESS . MAN DID NOT DO ANYTHING BUT MAKE LIFE HERE MORE COMPLICATED !!
          blessings Yahushah lives and loves

        • Doesn’t Satan wish to be like God, and create? Doesn’t the computer as it has evolved to its form now like the complexity of DNA and the end goal is to “create” AI, artificial intelligence? Isn’t the computer a crucial device to sex trafficking, pornography exposure, video games that detach young minds from family friends neighbors GOD? Stating that computers was from God reminds me of the time in the garden when the serpent told Eve the same thing. I’ll just leave it at that. Also, while on the subject, computers… The image of Apple with a single bite, symbolically for me, reminds me of the forbidden fruit that changed the world forever and brought upon sin. Now here we are with Bill gates who wrote software for Apple, then created Microsoft has somehow managed to be the forefather to spearhead of this entire vaccination globally? Since when does someone who wrote computer operating software become the face of the world for vaccinations. It was Satan in binary language that entice him and they cut a deal, that’s how he got riches, that’s how Steve Jobs lost Apple at one point and Bill Gates is still reign supreme, and now he’s just fulfilling his end of the deal. His patent # in 2019 is as follows 2020060606A1. Again, not reading to much into but just half hazardously, all I see is 2020 666 AI. What to make of it, I dunno. Coincidence? Perhaps. God showing us in plain sight what’s before us, maybe. Take it for what it is, it’s your soul. Which is what’s at stake, right? We all know the story about the flood. Man refused to evacuate at the first warning. Water reached to the second level and the boat came by and again denied rescue. Then it reached the roof and another rescue attempt be he had such faith that God was going to deliver him from certain death, that he refused. So when he did perish, as he stood before God, he asked why didn’t God save him. God replied was that he tried three times, but the man refused the obvious in plain sight and was looking for his “own” divine rescue. Why did I write all of this? I can’t say, I didn’t even expect to reply. Bless Him and praise Him and may he find mercy upon on sinful hearts through our redeemer and Lord. Be blessed, stay blessed to not be stressed. With love.

      • I am not a bibilcal scholar and will not pretend to be. However I was raised around the teachings, the parables, and the lifestyle. I do not believe the devil created technology. Completely unrelated, if you have the time follow and study DR. Steven Greer. He has a documentary on Netflix called the unacknowledged that could help with quite a few misunderstandings when it comes to the technology we have today (but you must be open; everything is new to at some point). Back to my main point. Lost, meeting christians, pastors, and “proophets” who completely let me down a child/young adult. I recently finished a book called The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. it speak on the 9 insights to human evolution. This is not me saying this true or end all be all, or that the bibles teachings are wrong, but just a thought from a young man that maybe, just maybe its all connected. Love being focus. People often try to debunk anything involving the word “Evolution”. I mean the mere mention of the word gets you labeled amongst fellow believers as if the two (science/spirituality) cannot exist at the same time and be one. These rapture predictions and more have been wrong on many occasions throughout my lifetime (25yrs), NO one know the date or time of his return. Whether it has already happened or is futuristic. Im still trying to understand. I know what I feel. I know what is shown to me. I am aware of deception. I am educated on the history of Christ. I believe what it says, but I do believe there is more. I believe that as we seen if we look at history churches, religions, empires and so on all changed things to mold to their rule/views. Put in and had taken out what would guide the public their way. Mostly by fear. that proven true with past leaders, dictators, slave owners, and different religions throughout time. I always hear about the end. Ever since the beginning of me, I’ve been told about the end from elders at my church or family. A rather hopeless feeling to be honest. This book (Celestine Prophecy) speaks about to purpose, or to know the meaning of life to leave this preoccupation period focused on greed and the need for power. instead on the true meaning of life. love. energy. This earth is garden. In this garden, there is energy all around us. you hear people say “speak it into existence” or “tell the universe” or even “ask and you shall receive”. Jesus is love. Radiated and projected energy amongst his followers,hence the euphoric feeling of closeness people get when they are truly free and become one with God and his creations.
        again, I do not know nor will pretend. But i do know God is love. I have felt that much.

        This is my first time ever being involved with any public online speaking on such topics. Respect to you all. Thank you.

      • Please study the Jewish marriage ceremony. Don’t let someone else view tell you what you believe. We must be Bereans. Here’s something to start you out. Don’t just use it. Look at verses and study and not just looking at one side skewed to your preconceived thought. You find the answer your seeking. Instead, read and study with an open heart with no preconceived notions and you will see the true, real story unfold before your eyes.

        Marriage Covenant The father pays for the bride and establishes the marriage covenant. Acts Acts 20:28; 1Cor. 1Cor. 6:19-20; 1Cor. 11:25 Eph. Eph. 5:25-27

        Bridal Chamber Prepared The son returns to his father’s house and prepares the bridal chamber. John 6:62; John 14:2; Acts Acts 1:9-11

        Bride Fetched At a time determined by the father (Mtt. Mat. 24:36), the groom fetches the bride to bring her to his father’s house. “Although the bride was expecting her groom to come for her, she did not know the time of his coming. As a result, the groom’s arrival was preceded by a shout, which forewarned the bride to be prepared for his coming.”3 John John 14:3; 1Th. 1Th. 4:13-18

        Bride Cleansed The bride undergoes ritual cleansing prior to the wedding ceremony. 1Cor. 1Cor. 3:12-15; Rev. Rev. 19:7-8+

        Wedding Ceremony The private wedding ceremony. Rev. Rev. 19:7+
        Consummation In the privacy of the bridal chamber the bride and groom consummate the marriage. Rev. Rev. 19:7+

        May God bless the study and reading of His Word!

        Marriage Feast The celebratory marriage feast to which many are invited. Mtt. Mat. 22:1-14; Mat. 25:1-13; Luke Luke 12:36

      • Naughty people go into the lake of fire, satan and his angels go into outer darkness, or, as scientists’ now tell us “black holes”, where neither object or light can escape and that’s for eternity

      • You are perfectly right, many of the Christians don’t know what is already on them. What is the essence or the purpose of implanted cip on the human body? Only those who don’t understand the Bible can be deceived by this false teachings. I don’t know why some of the Churches has thrown out their Bible of God and follow up the knowledge of Scientists and Philosophers who deceiving the world by technology through Political Leaders. He talked of only the beast, what about the horns, heads, who are they? I have noticed that through vacations that mark can be given to people. We must to be careful on anything taking into our bodies, no one knows how is going to be done and that’s why the Bible always warning us to be careful so that we will not be deceived. Revelation 19:20 tell us that they will deceived people to receive the mark, chapter 20:10 also make us understand that deceived people with their false Prophets. As a Christians we to understand the system of the world we are in clear from 2Thessalonians 2. It is those who will perish will be deceived by this power of error. Today many churches has allowed themselves to be deceived by politicians with political laws. And may preachers follow such things which is so-called technology systems of the world through scientists and philosophers. This knowledge is applied by the Satan to deceive God’s people which the Political Leaders are supporting it. We must not forget that permission has been given to Satan to do his work until all God’s word will be fulfilled according to Revelation 17:17. So need to be careful on what we follow, how can God gives a knowledge to do a vaccine that can protect the body from getting virus or germs but he cannot give the knowledge of doing the vaccine that can cure the virus from the body of those who has already got it? Are we blind to know this fact from God’s word? If so, then, I think God love those who are not affected by Covid 19 more than those who are already affected and dying based on the political tricks if it true as they are saying. We I have more to say but few to write, I will end my point here.

      • I implore everyone to read what I am about to say: DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS TEACHING! It is 100% FALSE DOCTRINE and a lie from Satan. How can we possibly ignore that this vaccine has 666 all over it??? And to say it won’t be a real mark? Come on!!!! The mark can absolutely be taken through deception. Anyone with half a brain who reads the Bible knows this. Have you heard of “LUCIFERASE” ? It is a light bearing property included in the vax. Have you seen patent060606 filed by Microsoft? That’s the nanotechnology incorporated within the vax as welll. THIS VACCINE ABSOLUTELY BEARS THE NAME AND NUMBER OF THE BEAST. He who has an ear let him hear!!! Satan could deceive even the elect if possible!!!! Yes it’s but mandatory yet and no one is being forced to do anything YET. But it will come. This is an RNA vaccine which changes your DNA and makes you no longer made in Gods image. Once you take it there is no turning back. YOUTUBE DR NORTHUP for more info!!!!!

    • Invisible ID + vaccine with current technology – BBC

      “Travellers would present the customs officers with an entrance visa and a vaccination record. That could be a paper card – or a tiny tattoo on their arm, invisible to the naked eye but readable by an infrared scanner. This technology already exists and has been tried on live animals and human cadaver skin, said researcher Ana Jaklenec at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their method uses micro-needle patches that can deliver both the vaccine and a squirt of an invisible ink under the person’s skin, storing the vaccination record.

    • Well, it doesn’t take much to see that the left support the world here in the US. They even totally abandoned God in their platform statement with Obama not too long ago, then begrudgingly retracted it. And what does the world want? But that globalist system that has nothing to do with God and aims to repeat the same one world government schemes since Nimrods tower. Is that enough allegiance? Can you really be on the left these days and NOT support the devil?

      And so now…either these globalists are matching the Biblical scripture or they are really in plain view, what it’s referring to. It’s uncanny.

      I for one will NOT GET THE VACCINE.

      Revelation 18:23

      And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries [pharmekia] were all nations deceived

    • Thhis coming vaccine will not be ‘IT’ but sets the stage to get everyone used to getting tagged like dogs. It doesn’t have to be visible just like a dog’s microchip isn’t. It will be obvious to everyone that the purpose is allegience to the system, no guesswork. Therefore if you wonder and have to ask around whether it’s the mark of the beadt, then it’s NOT. God wouldn’t trick his elect like that. Be readonable, fellow Christians.

    • One SHOULD be concerned over THE MARK. Imagine trying to purchase anything (eggs to a house) but to enter the facility …you have to be scanned for PROOF of having excepted the antivirus. And everybodies running around screaming democrats are socialist…ummm…excuse me for noticing but …we are their rigjt now and have been since the shut down .

    • Hi Charles it will not matter anyway because if you are part of the true church the body of Christ your going to be raptured this is the blessed hope. The first 3 chapters of Rev the church is mentioned after that the church is not mentioned and the 70th week of Daniel begins. GOD will deal with unbelieving Israel and the world. The Anti Christ will be revealed the White horse the first of the four horsemen. So before all hell brakes loose on earth we will be going home. Praise the Lord

    • The mark of the beast is invisible. It’s a tattoo. It’s call the MICRO NEEDLE ARRAY PATCH.

    • So what if the vaccine was the mark? think about this for a min. COVID being used to control and the vaccine to push the control even further? Without vaccine cannot buy trade or sell. And people to basically worship some government official whose claiming to save the world and with everyone depending on a government for rations and everything else whose to say it isn’t the mark?

    • I’m sorry for all the wackadoodle comments. The church is in a serious crisis right now people have stopped studying and reading the Bible. I get what your saying. Reading the Bible in Context, context is important looking at history and looking at what things mean in the herbrew verses is so important. I’ve been learning this since the COVID hit. There’s so manyConspiracy theory networks and false prophet and teachers teaching followers of Christ wackadoodle. So troubling. Keep up the good work and Bible study. Thank you.

    • we are getting fined and arrested for going to church in covid..even for drive thru church..i can only imagine whats next with the vaccine..

    • If Revelation was written to express what Apsotle John was going through personally, it wouldn’t be visions he was seeing, which he reported as he saw them, nor would it be a prophetic book. Lots of people with “PhD” behind their names are running around like the Gnostics of old to sow discord among Christians. The author writes as if with authority on the subject matter, because some scholars think 666 is referring to Nero, nonsense. The author is missing the whole point of the book of Revelation. It is about the beast. It is about the beast having 7 crowns, and 10 heads. Meaning, 7 kings, and 3 weaker countries following them. The chaos we are seeing in the world today, is a prelude to a unification of the world, which will be run by 7 kings and 3 additional countries, probably used as enforcers. The beast, 666, is that collusion and concentration of power. We will see all faiths, not just Christianity, marginalized, maybe even banned worldwide. Their argument will make initially make sense, peace demands unity, but they do so at the cost of if there is no light, then there is darkness. And after going through the chaos that awaits us, we will see the Lord and His armies conquering the evil that will come upon the world. Having noted all of that, I am not going to take the vaccine, because in 30 years they couldn’t come up with a vaccine for the cold (a type of coronovirus), but in 6 months baam, we get a vaccine for Covid-19. Sounds like pharma had some great lobbyists worldwide, cause they got more sales from guaranteed payers than they ever dreamt possible.

    • This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding CALCULATE the number of the beast, for it is the NUMBER OF A MAN, and his number is 666.

      Joe Biden: JOE at 30330.. in 2020.

      Let us CALCULATE the number of the MAN Joe 30330… 2020 / 3.0330 = 666

    • This vaccine does separate you from God
      It manipulates your dna and God won’t recognize you as His creation

      Look up YouTube channel. Revelations of Jesus Christ

      The pastor explains this very well
      I found this channel after crying to God to show me the truth

    • I have heard that the vaccine was the mark of the some people think most whites are about money and power is not true most of us worked hard for what we have we was not born into money

    • Personally context is extremely important however so is history and a timeline. For the mark of the beast to be implemented the antichrist has to be born and take his throne in Jerusalem which according to contractors could take atleast 50+ years. Prophecy has been fulfilled several times that we read from the book of revelation amongst other lesser prophets.

    • What is wrong with people? Our government is now taking over by the evil doers for satan! IWake

    • What do you mean it’s not possibly the mark of the beast since it’s not “visible”? Once you receive the vaccine, you receive documentation – proof of vaccination. Said documentation allows you entrance to stores and airports, etc. That seems pretty visible to me.

    • This is a nice history of how to deceive the people. Yes it takes wisdom to understand the Mark or the Name or the Number of his name 666. If you study, painful boils break out on those that take the mark. sounds like they had something different in them than those that didnt take it. the mark will be in your hand or forehead , oh dont forget about Luciferase which is a bioluminescence and is used as a MARKER and is also the name of Satan, Devil, Baal. dont listen to this guy.

    • If that’s the case, why are we not raptured already ? And why is the anti-christ not revealed yet ? Why do some pple follow numerology, which the Bible is against ? It’s a life and death thing when it comes to taking the Vaccine.

    • Covid is killing a disproportionate number of us with the indwelling of the holy ghost. In fact we are more prone to covid’s effects because we have the holy ghost dwelling in us. Adam the son of god whose name translates into something like “to show blood” is the primary example of what we’ve been gifted with. The fallacy has been that show blood meant that you could see adam blush. Is god so trivial that he’d put importance into being able to tell when somebody blushes? Show blood means that as the son of god adam had the indwelling of the holy ghost. Maybe something that only god can see, but you’ve probably noticed a glow in the faces of your fellow christians. A bright red and rosy sort of look, maybe even a flushed appearance from time to time. This rosy look, flushing, etc. is what is being targeted by covid. I say get the vaccine, live to fight another day.

    • He’s most definitely a deceiver and satan controls him with such denials. Revelation 13 and the rest,was written predominantly about the future (Last Days right before the 2nd coming) not for that present time of 2000 years ago.The man here is violating the prophecies and is leading leading Christians astray,or trying to..Any one with commonsense can see that the technology we have now is laying the foundation for World Government,Total control and the Antichrist system with Pope as the false prophet..perhaps not this pope,but looks like it…
      This writer here will be severely punished for this ,there’s a curse on anyone who twists the book of Revelation…He needs to Repent and get born again and be led by the spirit..Even secular people are starting seeing this much more should Believers?

  • You are evil personified. You are a false prophet. You subtly boast of your education and your educated connections. Well let me quote 1st Corinthians 1:27.: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;” Anyone who believes these scribblings are destined to join him in the lake of fire.

    • I quite agree – these self-acclaimed persons of knowledge – these false prophets are ever seeking but never coming to the truth – they analyze and debate with bits from here and there but do not know the Father through the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
      We will know it when it comes and refuse it – if you believe, endure; until love and peace are restored when Christ our Lord and Saviour returns

      • The truth is the truth. Straight, to the point, with no boasting. Peace and love to you, Joe, and all mankind.

    • This commentary on the “mark of the Beast” is the most accurate I have ever read. To blatantly judge another and call them out as “evil” and a “false prophet” demonstrates what? Your love of Christ? Your passion for study with an open mind? You support and encouragement for your brothers and sisters?
      Are you a prophet? Though have not paid the Price of a Prophet….You know “Everything”!
      How do you reconcile that ALL Prophecy states very clearly that a mere 10% of those Professing Christ would actually doing the “will of God” in this hour? I assure you judging harshly will be reciprocated back to you as “Higher Law” is reciprocal in nature.
      If you are really bold and open minded and have transformed your mind to the mind of Christ why not do some research on the top Doctrines most “reformed” churches agree on and how Turtillion and Constantine added tons of pagan ideologies and doctrine into the Church when the Catholic Church had more power than the state. Easter is just the tip of the Baal worship/Pagan/Nimrod style/Mythology teachings added.

      • The whole world will be decieved by the beast and false prophet, but also those who have no love of the truth God will send a strong delusion on them that they believe a lie.
        It is bad enough we have to contend with the beast and false prophet if we live long enough to experience it, but God too will hammer us if we don’t care enough to study to show ourself approved and not get sucked into believing these false preachers and teachers.
        Perilious times indeed.

      • Well spoken! I agree with you 100%. I believe you will have to denounce Jesus Christ to take the Mark of the Beast. There have been many vaccines. This is really no different. They are not saying in order to get this vaccine you have to say there is no God, order you don’t believe in Christ. It’s simply do you want it or not. Take it or not. Don’t believe it has any significance on Mark of the Beast. Only God knows when that will happen and how, and when that times comes we will know what it is, NO DOUBTS!

    • A very informative article and quite correct. I got caught up in the ID2020, vaccine Bill Gates etc and it wasn’t until I read Revelation that I see how incorrect my thinking was. There will be no mark of the beast until the Son of Perdition arrives on the scene. Watch and follow the signs Matthew 24.

      • I agree with much of what you say there Mary-Ann. I am glad you got enough out of Revelation to see the false theories about Bill Gates and ID2020. These conspiracy theories are truly delusionary. But i would challenge your believe re: TMOTB and the son of Perdition as not having arrived yet. John wrote Revelation almost 2000 years ago, but take a look at Rev 1: v 1 & 3 and also Rev. 22: v 6 & 10. Here he is clearly stating that the prophecies contained therein are on the verge of starting to happen and he is warning his 1st century contemporaries of the horrible times ahead for them. I believe Pastor Matthew has a Preterist view or most likely a partial preterist view like myself of Revelation, it has to be the correct view of Revelation so things make some kind of sense. The 666 Anti-Christ John is talking about is Nero who died of assisted suicide in AD68. TMOTB and the buy and sell thing are all part of Nero cruel reign. Hope you get something out of this post. God Bless

        • Do you know have any idea how many times the bible states Jesus is returning? You keep saying revelations has already taken place, have you read the entire book? Has Jerusalem came down from heaven? Has the 1000 year reign happened yet? Has the horrific plagues mentioned occured yet? Has Jesus Christ and his saints came back and defeated Satan yet? Has the judgment happened yet? Has the earth been destroyed and the heavens to? Nothing has been made new yet has it?

          Therefore it’s impossible for revelation to had taken place yet.

          It won’t be fulfilled until this world is completely destroyed and God is reigning here on earth in the new Jerusalem.

          I really don’t see how anyone could believe that revelation has already been fulfilled. That makes no sense..

          • Right you are James! Jesus has not come back yet, Armageddon has not occurred yet, though it seems to be shaping up with Russia, Turkey and Syria north of Israel, and there certainly hasn’t been a new heavens and a new earth yet that I can see! All you metaphoric and pro-history theologians will need some very convincing hermrneutics to convince me otherwise! One of the errors of eschatological hermeneutics is the dualistic meaning of prophecy. For example, the earth has always had earthquakes, pestilence, famine, etc., but right now, on 2020, they are occurring with greater intensity in shorter periods of time. A simple look at charts will show the graph line moving sharply upward at an intensely increasing rate in just the last 25 years. This should not be dismissed and written off as mere coincidence. Yes, there was a fulfillment right around the corner in time for the 1st century church under Nero. Persecution continued under Diocletian as well. But that is not the end of the story! In fact, the Word even declares in Luke 21 and Matthew 24 that these things shall happen in end times. Well, we’re still here so that alone should tell us that the end has not happened yet! All references to children notwithstanding! So I agree that there are things yet to be. And the things we are seeing are quite alarming. For example, I listen to Dr. Dershowitz, retired Constitutional law professor at Harvard, say in a ‘live’ broadcast to a Fox News reporter, that it could become a law that nobody could hold a job, buy groceries, go anywhere…unless they had proof they were vaccinated. He said that law enforcement would have every right to take you by force and give you the vaccine because YOU propose a health threat to society. So here is where it gets interesting. It sounds like the MOTB, but is it? Well, my answer is that if the antichrist is not on the world stage claiming he is God in the flesh to the Jews in their new temple yet, then it cannot be what is spoken of in Revelation 13. At best, it would be a precursor. I admit the technology is here, including invisible tattoos and scanning devices, and chip implants, etc. But would the government mandate, let’s say, require you to deny Jesus? Would it require swearing allegiance and worship to one who claims to be God incarnate? If yes, then we should NOT take it. But if it is just given like a flu shot in the shoulder, not the forehead or back of the hand, and there is no temple, or man who claims to be God to the Jews, whom they readily accept, according to Scripture, then I don’t think we have cause to worry about our salvation. Does the vaccine contain tracking technology? Maybe so. But you can be tracked right now through your cell phone, your Internet activity, public cameras, where and when you swipe your credit card and what you purchase, and more. The cashless society is right around the corner for us all. This will ultimately be the economic system of the antichrist. But that son of perdition, though he may be alive, has not yet been made manifest. We must watch and pray, as Jesus told us, and occupy until He comes!

        • And I suppose you will TAKE this vaccine? Seriously??? The implications are just too damn serious to ignore!!! The astronomical numerical synchronicities are unbelievable!!! 2020060606!!! Patent # for Luciferase ( Lucifer’s face?!!? ) is 2020 060606 ( year 2020 and 666!!! )!!! Who OWNS this insidious patent? Not the World Health Organization, not the F.D.A. but “Microsoft!!!” This stuff called “Luciferase” is a florescent nanotechnology that is trackable via GPS satellite systems and the new 5g antennas!!! All smart devices will also be able to “zero in” on those who take this horrifying vaccine, which also changes your DNA!!! How much you wanna bet that when you find yourself face to face with Jesus, he will tell you …. “DID I, OR DID I NOT WARN YOU?!?” YOU TOOK A VACCINE THAT I CLEARLY SHOWED YOU WAS THE MARK OF THE BEAST, AND NOW YOU ARE ETERNALLY FINISHED!!! I’M SO SORRY TO HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS, BUT I CAN NO LONGER “SAVE” YOU!!! THE INSTANT YOU TOOK THAT VACCINE, YOU BECAME AN INEXTRICABLE PART OF THE BODY OF SATAN!!!
          Hey Hey Hey, I will DIE before I let them put that chit into ME!!! If that means I die of Covid-19, so be it. My fat —- won’t last long against that virus. But it’s better to die sooner and live for eternity with Jesus than to gain killer vitality and immunity, only to be left behind to face the great tribulation, intense suffering and death, followed by an inescapable eternity in HELL!!!! This article is “spot on”, Jack!!! This vaccine has got “666” written all over it!!! I had a dream ( maybe the first dream I ever received from the Lord. It was very disturbing but brief. I was in a bright white sanitized hospital room. I saw a small child get a shot in the arm. I strongly sensed that this child was was suddenly “not the same” anymore. She had been somehow “altered.” I knew that her fate was sealed. Her “aura” seemed to disappear, and I knew I simply HAD to get the hell out of there!!! I then woke up. Believe me, this vaccine will send you straight to hell. Do NOT take it, and for cripe sake, DON’T force it on your poor KIDS!!! Jesus may no longer be able to SAVE them!!! This chit’s no G-dam JOKE!!! I never could have imagined that the dreadful “mark of the beast” would be presented to us in the form of a vital VACCINE!!! I always thought it would be the VeriChip implant and that it would be the new currency following the predicted great financial “implosion.” Looks like I was wrong!!!

          • One more word of warning: The rapture is supposed to occur right when this vaccine finally starts getting “delivered” to people via converted ambulances and medical buses. This may be months away yet. But when you see these ( CoVax? ) buses getting ready to go into the neighborhoods throughout the world, the rapture will occur in order to save the faithful but unsuspecting, particularly the CHILDREN who would be forever lost to salvation!!!

          • This vaccine forever changes ones DNA it’s the grand delusion people or sheeple can’t see it.. this vaccine has luciferase a bioluminescent and quantum dots to connect you to the quantum computers that’s transported by the hydrogel in this vaxxx now…how does that help with covid?? Right it doesn’t. The HIV1 vectors in this vaxxx changes your DNA there is the cov2 virus and the hiv1 and chimp adeno virus in this vaxxxx.. nanobots/particles and more.. it’s the mark of the beast .. Jesus said to be as wise as a serpent.. this vaxxx is global delivered by the military and soon mandated and scary thing is churches are offering the vaxxx God is now separating the wheat from the tares these churches are the false churches spiritually blinded to the truth…. more importantly this vaxxx sole purpose is to change ones DNA.. that’s it.. make a new race of beings without prejudice as gaga and the elite say.. the elite globalists luciferians want depopulation and full control this vaxxx was planned for years and years covid was planned For this vaxxxx.. for those with ears to hear and eyes to see this vaxxx changes one from human to nonhuman.. God can’t recognize those who take it because there DNA has been changed… as the days of Noah the fallen Angel’s impregnated the women creating a new race of beings, nephilim.. sames happening now.. we are genetically marked.. and our human genome is now in the hands of men/satan.. Jesus is coming

          • I understand why you’d be worried about it, but going and saying “How much you wanna bet this is what God will say when you get to Heaven” and then impersonating what he might say just seems extremely wrong to do, also the vaccine doesn’t seem like it has anything really to do with whether your Christian or not. If you were to not get the vaccine you wouldn’t be killed for being Christian you know? I just don’t think the vaccine has anything to do with the antichrist because it wouldn’t be about you being killed if you didn’t worship the antichrist, the vaccine is just about keeping people safe from what I can tell.

    • You know, I never saw anti intellectualism given as a spiritual gift. How do you end up on a Logos Blog in you are against people educating themselves about the word of God whether through a Seminary/Bible College, through several courses offered by Logos (mostly) or just having the resources available to learn such as many of us utilize Logos for. Of course there is You Tube, Sermon Audio, and all manner of avenues to get educated about the scriptures whether one is looking for a degree program or not?

    • Hi Joe, Joseph, Christopher/FrankTV Pastor Matthew is certainly not evil or a false prophet or false teacher and is one day destined to eternal life. Your view of Revelation is a futurist one while Pastor Matthew holds a Preterist or partial Preterist view of Revelation which I think is the only view that makes any sense. Preterist believe that virtually every prophecy in the Revelation apart from a handful of things have found their total fulfillment in the 1st century AD. So 666 AC and TMOTB were totally fulfilled nearly 2000 years ago and have nothing whatsoever to do with the 21st century. Dr Ken Gentry has a great 3 series teaching on the Revelation on you tube. He can prove to you conclusively using scripture that Revelation has just about already being totally fulfilled.

      • This is why there are around 40,000 sects of the Christian religion. Everyone has their viewpoint as to what the scripture says. All of them think they can back up their belief with the Bible. Then there are how many versions of the Holy Bible?

    • So what about the timelines that are stated in the Bible??
      Shouldn’t be first the 2 witnesses return to earth?
      The Euphrates would run dry…
      The Anti-C still needs to be installed.. right?

      • There’s just too many coincidences about this: lucifer is said to mean light bringer and this this vaccine is said to have light (infrared) emitting/receiving capabilities, the lucies(luciferians) are behind the same vaccine . The intention is to help you fellow man execute a life saving decision but if you don’t it’s still your choice. Non of these well meaning people will be blamed for your blood should you ignore their ‘warnings’. This may not be the end of this world but definitely looks like it’s the beginning of the end times.

  • Just wait until Prophecy Watch gets ahold of these two pieces of heresy

  • You say the mark of the beast is on the hand or on the forehead, this in itself is wrong, this is what happens when you stray from the authorised version of the Bible, which states the mark will be IN the right hand or IN the forehead, the book of revelation is a future event that will actually take place, your opinions are actually very deceiving to people, which in turn proves we are actually in the laodicean church age, folks the King James Bible and the Holy Spirit for guidance is what you need to understand revelation and rightly divide the word of truth, why do I prefer the KJV, because if you take revelation 13 verse 1 the NIV replaces the apostle John whom Jesus loved with the dragon, which is a total shame on itself,

    • Stephen, can you point to a passage from the KJV or another version that makes clear that the seven churches that Revelation were written to are symbolic of various “church ages,” let alone where it can decisively been shown that we are, in fact, in the “Laodicean church age?” Otherwise, how can you claim to understand Scripture “only from the KJV and the Holy Spirit,” as you have urged us to do elsewhere? Unless you received direct revelation from the Holy Spirit on this, you, like all of us, have received instruction outside of those two sources as well.

      • Have you heard of higher committee of human Fraternity? Do you know what is going on here, tell me how do you think Jesus would refer to the mega churches of Joel Osteen or Kenneth Copeland, or how about Rick Warren and his ideologies,, and this is only a few examples of the laodicean preachers, a blind man would see the state of the church age at present and the neither warm nor cold teachings that are being presented today,

        • Stephen, you didn’t answer my question. You just asked me new questions which are based on the presupposition that the various churches represent the various churches. If you got this teaching from outside the KJV and the Holy Spirit (which you and I both know that you did), then your questions become meaningless because we don’t both have to agree that the churches of Revelation represent church ages.

          In fact, if one steps outside of the US and Europe, the church in Africa and China to me appears more like the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia, where Christians are regularly being persecuted for their faith to the point of death and still holding to the truth.

          All of this shows that while it might be Laodicea here in what you are paying attention to, a look elsewhere will show you that other churches could represent the “age” too, rendering the “church age” theory pointless and wrong.

          Again, you did not get that understanding from just reading the KJV and listening to the Spirit, did you? If you didn’t (and you and I both know you didn’t), you have no place to tell us that all we need is the KJV and the Holy Spirit, because you apparently needed more than that to (wrongly, in my opinion) divide the word of truth.

          • Kevin to be honest I tried to let you see what is happening in the world, to see if you would pick up on it, but let’s see what Jesus said about the book of revelation, the book of revelation was given as a vision to John the apostle that Jesus loved as future events to come,, twice at the end of revelation it is told to us that these are words of the prophecy of this book,
            Revelation 22:16-19 King James Version (KJV)
            16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

            17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

            18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

            19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

            Yes we are listening to men teaching the Bible, but it also tells us to test the spirits, whenever God reveals the truth of His word through the Holy spirit, no earthly man’s opinions will change it

        • Actually, if you consider the geography of Laodicea, John’s comments to that church (as to all the churches) are specific to their situation. Laodicea had no fresh water source of its own. It had to have cold water piped in from Colossae and hot water piped in from hot springs in Hieropolis. By the time it crossed the aqueducts to Laodicea, both types were lukewarm. Most commentators assert that John is saying, not that the church is somehow ‘half and half’, but that it has lost any distinctiveness from the society around it.

          • Great article. I really aPPreciate the insight here.

            Yes, the mark is not have to be something visible or on the body at all.

            But later .. John says that when God sends the 7 bowls of Gods Wrath, that everyone who recieved the mark would be tormented for 5 months. and the Power given to the locusts would be to “sting like scorPions…. but not to hurt any grass or any green thing or any thing that creePs or crawls.” sounds like a vaccine gone wrong to me.

          • do not despair. stay focused on the spirit of christ. these voices are all noise to distract. non of them know the truth or the day or the time. their words are meant to confuse. they speak with knowledge and authority but have none. seek salvation in the blood of the lamb, let nothing distract you.

      • Don’t bother trying to sort Stephen and his kind out. He is a KJV only cult android. They do not accept rational arguments because they are not rational

          • I don’t think anger, if this comment was made with anger, should be used. I believe we should tell people what the Holy Bible says, not judge them for not understanding because only God should be the judge, and He will help them find and understand the truth if they themselves search for Him. Because Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. We should encourage people to read His Word regardless if we have a different understanding of the context.

            We can share our perspective on what The Word can mean, but what is written is written the way it is for a reason. It is not our purpose to hate on people who want to understand God and/or build a relationship with The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost). We should try to correct them if what they take out from the context isn’t what The Word is actually trying to say. Especially, if they purposefully/willingly or accidentally choose to understand God’s Word the way they want to, because they might find comfort in ‘their way’ of understanding His text, rather than how He wants them to understand in ‘His way’ and find comfort, love, truth, and fear. We should fear and also love God.

            Finding comfort in God’s Word is perfectly fine. I encourage you to share God’s love with others and live the way He wants you to. Let The Lord guide you to Heaven, along with The Holy Spirit. To the statement a few sentences above, I was referring to how believing The Word the way you want to, rather than Believing what The Word of God is actually saying, might be dangerous to some extent. So arguing because of a difference in opinion shouldn’t be something to hate against, rather, we should strive to show or/and tell people about God and His Word, so that He may help them understand it.

            We as human beings aren’t God nor do we have His perfect/all knowing/understanding mind. Our job is to worship, love, fear, and bring others who are lost in this wicked world, to the Lord. And when the Holy Spirit is inside the person, He will work in Him. We should also motivate others to follow and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Because our responsibility in life is OUR PERSONAL relationship with God first, before we worry about those around us.

            Because we should be worried about our own souls BEFORE we worry about another persons relationship with God. Am I saying it’s wrong to care for others and their personal relationship with Christ before yourself? Yes and No. I’m saying it’s important to make sure you are right with God first because at any moment we can die or the rapture may come, and despite if we helped others to find Jesus in their lives, we are responsible for where our personal soul may go because of our personal relationship with Christ. Just as they are responsible for their relationship with Him.

            We should act the way God wants us to as much as possible, but also accept that we are sinners and that sinning is still possible, while understanding that God The Father, God The Son, and God the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost), 3 persons as 1 God, will be there to help us resist the urge to sin. So never sinning on Earth is impossible as we are all sinners. The possibility of sinning after we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior is still possible, but we have a stronger relationship with Him. With help of The Lord & The Holy Spirit, and knowing that Jesus (The Lord & Son of God) is the way to The Father & Eternal life with them overall, it will be harder to fight against sin ‘because’ we know the truth about it and how it can deceive us into doing more sin. God wants to & will help us because He loves us unconditionally, to be stronger and will help us grow with hard armor and sharper swords to fight against the evil of the world when we are closer and more connected relationship wise.

            He will fight for and with us against the devil, and we should fight for God because we love Him as well, and other reasons. This is why communication between us Christians and our relationship with Jesus as well as God The Father & The Holy Spirit, especially Jesus since He is the mediator, is extremely important.

        • With reference to your comment, I stand on the authority of the King James Bible, your issue is not with me but with the very word of God,

          • Steven, KJV is not the only bible. I am born and educated in Switzerland. Every language has its own bible, I for one one have the Stuttgarter Erklärungsbible. Please learn Biblical Hebrew for the Old Testament and Koine Greek for the New Testament the book I have is called “Word study Greek-English by Paul R. McReynolds, this book even provides interlinear translation and the NRSV, then will you understand that KJV is not entirely what you think. It was a book that had been put together in a haste and the knowledge we have of the old languags is improved.

        • The devil is out and about don’t lesson to him king james is what you need to lesson to not the devil

    • Authorized by who? Where is there any evidence the KJV is authorized by God? The fact that it incorrectly translated “Husband of on wife” like all other modern translations makes it just as fallible as the others. The Greek clearly says “one woman man” which has no bearing on marital status, but instead the character of the man. I’ve seen so many men discouraged because they were wrongly exempt from being able to be a deacon. The literal translation of a deacon is “servant”, yet somehow the KJV says that men who have divorced are unworthy of being a servant?
      Based on even one single error in the KJV, it’s easily safe to say it’s no more authoritative than the ESV. The only authoritative texts are the original writings, period. Please prove me wrong. Unlike you, I can be convinced to change my mind if the evidence is compelling enough.

      • You are so right! I am one of those guys that you were talking about. The KJVO position almost talked me out of pursuing ministry. However, I ran across an article by Macarthur and Sproul stating the meaning was a one woman man. I realized the independent baptist churches where I am from are ran mainly by uneducated men.

      • The KJV is the most accurate version of the Bible taken from the ancient Greek and Hebrew texts/scrolls. However, during the course of transposing the scrolls over the centuries, a scribe would read the old scroll and if someone had written something in the margin, he would review this entry and think, “maybe this is what is meant” and he would transcribe that into the newer scroll and on and on through many different scribes and scrolls.
        Even then, perhaps an en error in translation could be made but regardless, the world of God stands and there is salvation in His name and word and that is what God wants. “For all to come to Him and that none would be lost.” I tis noteworthy to mention that “we” do not find Christ, He found us. He came to seek and find the lsot.

    • Stephen you claim the Revelation is a book of the future, by that I am assuming you believe that the prophecies about the 666 and the beasts and TMOTB having not come to pass yet. You need to open up your KJV to Revelation chpt 1 v1 &3 and also Rev 22 v 6 & 10 and have a careful and methodical read. Revelation as you know was written almost 2000 years ago but if you study those verses you will see that John is warning his contemporaries that Nero’s reign of terror is about to commence. So how can you possibly say the prophecies about the Anti-Christ and TMOTB haven’t happened yet.

      • I have to ask then paddle on, if revelation as we know it came and went- then we are literally living outside of the New Jerusalem, because the 1000 years of Christ’s reign would have already come and gone, the beast thrown into the lake of fire along with all the unbelieving- right?

        Was this event covered up somehow? I would think that there would be something written about the 2 prophets, the entire earth seeing Christ return etc.

        Or do you believe that there was 1000 years of peace while Jesus ruled (from 70AD-1070? And then for the last 950 years, Satan has been waiting for his Gog Magog attack (or did that already happen too?)

        It is possible that when Jesus told them that there would be MANY Anti-christs, Nero was just one of them. His life did not impact the entire world.

        OR IF Satan is already defeated and cast into the lake of fire, then what spiritual forces are left on earth to dissuade men from following Jesus? Are you saying there is no passing away of the heavens and the earth? Because our world is literally falling apart and disease and sickness is rampant. Will the earth just be like this for eternity and the only hope is when we die? No actual “it is finished”- just “and then you die?”

        Nero maybe, but what about Hitler? He persecuted the Jews as well and was just as horrible. Where are the writings about that happening over and over and over again?Sorry, I am not following the logic on it.

        I don’t think the vaccine is a mark in totality because there is nothing spiritual with it (yet-but 6 months ago, we could freely grocery shop with no mask on too), but who is to say it would not be quickly required. How do you buy and sell if all currency is a digital chip- well, you take a chip, or are self-sufficient.

        • Hi Michelle. Thanks for your comments and inquiries. The Book of Revelation hasn’t been totally fulfilled just yet, there are still some things to go. Like the 2nd coming of Christ, the marriage supper of the Lamb, the white throne judgement etc etc. But the prophecies about the beasts, then there is the mark of the beast, and the buy and sell thing, they all have found there total fulfillment in the 1st Century and they all point clearly to Nero Caesar. John writing about the anti-Christ in 1John and Paul talking about the man of sin in 2 Thess.2 they also are talking about Nero Caesar. So all this talk about the mark of the beast in the 21st century is totally untrue and not Relevant. Dr Ken Gentry on You Tube has a great teaching on the Beast of Revelation, and also a very good 3 part series on Revelation and he can prove using scripture that the majority of Revelation has being fulfilled. Hope this is of some help.

          • Everyone with an opinion can usually manipulate the scripture to back up what point they want to drive home. I’ve seen the charts and graphs forecasting Christ’s return. Man seems to have it all figured out. Christ came to save the world NOT condemn it. Does it not make sense that God wrote the Bible in a way that even a child can understand? Not a crossword puzzle game that has to be deciphered by computers and scholars. No wonder man has fallen away from the truth of the “Good News”.

      • “The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.” (Revelation 8:8,9)

        When did this happen?

        Better yet….
        1/3 of Earth will be burned up
        1/3 of the trees will be burned up
        1/3 of the sea will turn into blood
        1/3 of the sea creatures will die
        1/3 of the ships on the sea will sink
        1/3 of the rivers and springs will become contaminated
        1/3 of the light from the Sun will be taken away
        1/3 of the light from the moon will be taken away
        1/3 of the light from the stars will be taken away
        1/3 of the day will be without light
        1/3 of the night will be without light
        1/3 of mankind will be killed in the sixth trumpet war

        Can you explain when any of these have happened?

  • Thank you for breaking it down in a way that makes sense and is still biblical. Some people will be blind to what the truth is. Sad.

  • Great article Matt. I am dissertating on Revelation, so articles like these are always a welcome read.

    Those responses though … ???? ???? ????

    • they are the truth the articles he disguising his true intentions tim a fellow commtenter said bil gates is envole he said no i say o too tho cause bill gates IS NOT FOUNDING WORLD WEALTH ORGANIZATION TO HELP FIND THE CUR FOR COVID ok so how he involve im a come back with ore info

    • I have read the book of Revelation probAbly 30 times in my life. From the time that I was about 10 years old until present day 30 years later.

      I am not educated in the bible in any formal way, as are not most of the people in this world. I read it every time out of the KJV of the Holy Bible because I was told by a friend who is very close to God that this is the most accurate version of the bible today that most of the people in the world have access to freely.

      As I began to read it it was a little difficult to read so I put it down and went to sleep. The next day I asked my friend what it said because it was so difficult for me to understand what was truly being said because of all the thou’s and there’s and just in general felt like it did not make sense what I was reading and I was and still am of a very high reading comprehension level but I did not understand it.
      My friend told me to clear my mind of all the clutter from the worries and troubles and stresses as much as I could, like really clear it until there was nothing concerning and then ask the Holy Spirit to come into my heart and help me to understand the words that I was trying to read…

      So that night I did it. And it worked! And I was filled with this feeling of “comfort” and “peace” and it was without worry or fear. It was like my body felt “calm” and “content” and it sort of felt like a wave of these feelings washed over me like water so not all at once but filling me or I should say filling inside myself inside my soul or my spirit.

      It was not without purpose though. I immediately took a deep breath in and focused with the exhale and began to read the book of revelations…

      And I understand it. I always have since that night on and every time before I begin to read any part of the KJV of the Holy Bible I ask for the Holy Spirit to help me the exact same way I did when I was ten years old.

      I believe that this is those pieces of the book unfolding before our very eyes today and I pray that anyone who can find my words will ask the holy spirit to come into their heart and show them what is truth and what is human rationalization and most likely that rationalization over years of life which will be hard to undo.

      I would also like to point out that sometimes and I guess more often then not I do have to say those words to feel the spirit actually come into my heart more then once to really feel it come over me… I believe that it can be very hard to connect with allowing the Holy Spirit to come into your heart if you are troubled by outside things. So I sometimes, as I have gotten older, have had to ask more then a few times and then ponder what it is that is blocking that wave of the feeling of it. It is usually that I havent completely done the first step which was to clear my mind.

      Anyways, I just wanted to share how a person can actually get to this place or state of mind to see things and understand whatever is true to you through a better understanding or interpretation of the words of that book of the bible.

      I think I should state that while writing this, I have been distracted by several things like noises or odd things happening around me making me lose my train of thought while I was typing this to you all.

      I finally just looked up very firmly and had to say some words and scripture to make the room I am in a little cleaner!

      Just sayin…

      May we all see Gods truth and may it clear our souls path to eternity next to him. May we make it there. Please remember that the greatest lie the devil ever told the world, that they believed, was that he does not exist.

      I hope these words help someone in this world.
      In Jesus name, Amen.

  • Fear mongering and awakening are two different things. The talk of compulsory vaccination and microchip implants as proof of vaccination or “vaccination certificates” in fact is part of the process of compelling people to deny their faith in Christ. They will introduce laws to forbid the worship of Christ – see the Noahide Laws. In order to enable them to do that and control everyone, people must be easily identified, monitored and followed. Through the microchip implants they can use today’s technology to track everyone and compel them to worship the Devil. THIS IS PART OF THE PROCESS. THEY ARE IMPLEMENTING IT INCREMENTALLY – PIECE BY PIECE.

    This is and should not cause fear but awaken us to strengthen our faith and be ready to defend our faith.

    The message for Christians really should be do not fear coronavirus. Do not “fear not” for Christ had already healed us by His strips (1 Peter 2:24). The world government is telling us to “fear”, and the solution to the fear they are causing in the name of coronavirus is mandatory vaccination. This is to force us to trust in the government and their medicine than Jesus Christ.

    TRUST JESUS AND DO NOT GET THE VACCINE AND THEIR ELECTRONIC CERTIFICATE. This should be the message to Christians worldwide.

    • Great article. Thank you. I also recommend Kennth Gentry’s

      The Beast of Revelation Identified and his book “Before Jerusalem Fell” which is was his doctoral dissertation on the dating of the book of Revelation. In it he makes a compelling case for an early date of Revelation.

    • Yes, “fear mongering and awakening are two different things.” The word of God tells us not to be asleep as others are, specifically in regards to the end times (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11). After reading this article, I honestly can’t tell if Mr. Halsted believes the beast is representing the future Antichrist or the historical Caesar? It almost seems like he’s saying “the mark” represented the coins that had Caesar’s face on it, so using the money was like “taking the mark.” So he believes that Christians back then had to choose to not participate in the economy (not buy or sell with Caesar’s coin) if they were loyal to Christ? I would need to research that on my own, but even if that was the case, then it’s simply a foreshadowing of the Antichrist’s coming “mark” spoken of in Revelation. The evil that has happened in the past is truly a foreshadowing of the worst tyrant the world will ever know – the Antichrist. The days are getting more and more evil. For example, Hitler certainly fit the bill, but he clearly was a foreshadowing, which means the Antichrist will be a Hitler times a million. And any other “marks” used in the past were just foreshadowings of the Antichrist’s coming mark. Our modern-day technology is already mega advanced and readily available for when the Antichrist comes to power so he will have the ability to control the people in ways Caeser and Hitler couldn’t even dream of. In the book of Revelation, John was told what would happen at the end times. In other words, he was told how the world would look right before Christ’s Second Coming. God didn’t give us bible prophecy to scare us, He gave us bible prophecy to prepare us.

      I do agree that you can’t accidentally take the mark. When the time comes, the people will know that they need it to buy and sell, and that they will have to pledge their allegiance to the Antichrist. The word “forced” in Revelation 13:16-17 doesn’t mean you will be held down by force and/or tricked into taking it – it literally means you will be forced to make a choice, but if you choose to not take it, you will be killed:

      “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years” – Revelation 20:4.

      As the end times approach, we are not to live in fear of what’s ahead because we are equipped in Christ: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7). God will never leave us or forsake us and His Grace is enough no matter what life throws at us, so stand strong and be wise: “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15‭-‬16). Scripture is clear that things will get worse as the end times unfold, but in the end, God wins. And no matter how dark the days look, God is still in control.

      “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ~ Matthew 28:20

      • Good day to you Sir,

        If i read correctly if we take the vaccine it means we are denouncing Jesus Christ? i don;t want to take the vaccine, Can God protect me so that i don’t get killed?

        • Hi Nicolette. on you tube google up Dr Ken Gentry, his 3 part teaching on the book of Revelation is absolutely brilliant. I can assure you absolutely that your life is not in any kind of danger and you certainly are never going to get killed. Enjoy!!!

        • I don’t want to take the vaccine either. But I don’t think it’s the mark of the beast. I won’t let them put a chip in or on though. I’m not a dog, and I don’t want to be followed by anyone.

    • Amen – and readers should know that the patent # of this Luciferase injection is 060606. These are not coincidences. The Great Awakening will be first – and then the Lord shall come for His remnant Church.

      • The Luciferase injection is not patent Number 060606 look it up. Microsoft did register something but it isn’t that.

    • you make sense now altho you can get the mark by them tricking you u would have to worship the beat BUT they may find ways to force you read the sunday law and the book of enoch the book usa hid from us But the mark could be wha you did not expect it could come from another cy there free will country like Geneva, Switzerland look at this now im a use my brain that good gave me WHO that have ears let them hear wait WHO means the world health organization like many scientist in movies they the WHO(world health organization can be tricked to give out a cure with the mark of the beat without realizing it they say the person THAT TAKES the mark has to be doing it but it didnt say persons making it cant be tricking in to making it read revelation 12 or 13

  • […] To take all of these things into account allows a much-needed moratorium on all the pointless anxiety and fear-mongering. The message of Revelation beckons us away from angst and worry. It bids us to gaze upon the slain Lamb—to worship him with loyalty, devotion, and commitment. Let’s make Christ our focus, not endless speculations that, at the end of the day, have very little to do with the message of Revelation — Read on… […]

  • I don’t think the vaccination is the mark but I am concerned that people are crafting methods to ensure people become immunized. One that causes me concern is the Gates Foundation which has filed their invention with The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for the chips and implants that they are going to use in specific countries to track who has been immunized and who hasn’t. I’ve done a good bit of reading about it and verified that they have filed their intentions and they have already punished the intended target countries and states. The United Nations Economic and Social Council is the parent organization for WIPO and you can find the filing details at

    • UNESCO maybe: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

    • So many thoughts if the vacine is or isn’t the mark. But i always come back to ..they want it so bad.,they planned this whole covid just to give us a vacine. This whole plan that involves the whole world .. covid is less than 1 percent lethal over 99 percent recover. So it’s not about truly caring about protection for us. This says there has to be something sinister going on. They are in a frenzy as they push us towards this vacine

  • Although I agree that the “mark of the beast” cannot be taken by accident, scripture is clear that it will be something you have to take physically in order to buy and sell:

    “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” ~ Revelation 13:16-17

    The technology we’re seeing with this vaccine is proof that our modern-day technology continues to advance, so surely this is the same technology the Antichrist will use for the mark. When the “mark of the beast” is implemented during the Tribulation, the people will know they need it to buy and sell, as well as pledge their allegiance to the Antichrist. Many will be martyred for their loyalty to Christ during the Tribulation and for not taking the mark:

    “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years” – Revelation 20:4.

    (I believe, based on scripture, that we have great reason to believe that Believers/Followers of Christ will be raptured before the Tribulation, so I believe this verse is referring to those who become Christians during the Tribulation, but regardless, persecution and martyrdom should be expected with the Christian life, especially as the end times draw near. Millions of our Christian brethren have been persecuted and martyred for their faith in the past and present.)

    The labor pains of the end times have been increasing for the past 2,000 years (since Christ’s death and resurrection) and even more so since the rebirth of Israel, which happened over 70-years ago (on May 14, 1948). The things happening are clear signs that the end times are approaching us faster and faster.

    “Then Jesus turned to the crowd and said, ‘When you see clouds beginning to form in the west, you say, ‘Here comes a shower.’ And you are right. When the south wind blows, you say, ‘Today will be a scorcher.’ And it is. You fools! You know how to interpret the weather signs of the earth and sky, but you don’t know how to interpret the present times.” ~ Luke 15:54-56.

    In other words, if they were keeping up with their scripture reading then how were they not able to clearly see that their Messiah was standing right in front of them? We need to read the signs of our time and know what time it is. This is called being a “watchman.” God didn’t give us bible prophecy to scare us, He gave us bible prophecy to prepare us. The word of God tells us not to be asleep as others are, specifically in regards to the end times (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11).

    There is no doubt that God is trying to wake us up and shake us up to “what time it is.” Being alert and aware of the end times is not “doom and gloom,” as some call it. Just like in the days of Noah, this world is growing more wicked by the minute, and it will continue to do so until Christ’s Second Coming. Satan knows the time is nearing that this ungodly world will be ready to embrace the Antichrist. As the end times approach, we are not to live in fear of what’s ahead because we are equipped in Christ: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7). God will never leave us or forsake us and His Grace is enough no matter what life throws at us, so stand strong and be wise: “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15‭-‬16). Scripture is clear that things will get worse as the end times unfold, but in the end, God wins. And no matter how dark the days look, God is still in control.

    “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ~ Matthew 28:20

    • I was reading all the comments, at least up to this point and want to say, maybe there’s a typo. There is not a Mark 15:54-56. I always look up scriptures to learn as well as confirm. Please advise.

    • Rebirth of Israel? You must be kidding. God had nothing to do with the illegal state of Israel in 1948. This was all done and executed by the UK. Why would God take Palestine and give it to the Zionists who are claiming now to be God’s chosen ones. Very few of them believe In Jesus as their saviour; they believe that a Jesus was Mary’s bastard child.
      Modern day Israel is a terrorist state. Good grief get yourself an education.

      • You are right, Shirley. And the trouble are all the crypto-Jewish pastors and Masonic pastors who are convincing their congregations to accept Israel and the Noahide Laws. Say a word against Zionism and you’ll be labeled an anti-semite by CHRISTIANS! That’s the sad fact.

      • Shirley, you ask why God would give Israel to the Jewish people when they don’t believe in Jesus. Well, why did God ask Jesus to die for sinful humans that were (and are) rebelling against Him? Because He’s loving and merciful. The Bible says God is primarily dealing with the church right now, but He has not abandoned the Jewish people. Gentile Christians have been drafted into the Jewish nation but have not replaced the Jewish people in God’s eyes.

        Genesis 13:15 says that God gave the descendants of Abraham the land of Israel forever. Genesis 35:12 further says that God gave the land to Abraham’s son Isaac and reconfirmed the gift to Isaac’s son Jacob, so the Bible says that God gave the land specifically to the Jewish people. God can temporarily remove the Jewish people for His purposes, as He did during the Babylonian captivity. But God upholds His promises, so I would predict that whatever humans want, the Jewish people are going to ultimately end up owning Israel.

  • Quite hard to swallow. While it does make sense in a way, I still believe that there is still a part of the prophecy that belongs to the current times. This article is quite dismissive of what we have right now and as if it is saying that the prophecy on 666 already happened. Then if that’s the case there are more questions that needs clarity like:
    1. Does it mean we now belong to the near apocalyptic end?
    2. Where do we belong in the prophecy exactly?
    3. Who then is the beast for you?
    4. etc.

    I’d still be rather be more careful of accepting that national ID system especially anything that will be implanted on me.

    • That’s your personal choice, each person has a right to, whether granted or not is another matter, but the Book of Revelation need not be used to prove your personal decisions as “God breathed.” If that were the case, we would soon be having close to 2 billion versions of the Bible!

  • Look at all of these posts… We are so much fighting umugst are selfs that we will make it easy for the enemy to pluck us one by one. All of use need to do are fighting on are knees that is where we will be the most powerful force. Let Jesus send the holy spirit to guide you on your next move what ever that looks like to you. It won’t be the same formula across the board from person to person but we all have a peice of the puzzle that when we come together through Chist we are one, a body of Christ to be recognized and thats what the enemy is terrified of.

  • Well if the Beast refers to the Roman Emperor Nero, a historical figure, what prior historical events correspond to the events described in the seals, trumpets and bowls?

    • Hi Joseph. I very much recommend the 3 part teaching series on the book of Revelation by the theologian Dr Ken Gentry. You will of course find it on you tube. His teaching I am sure will answer any questions you may have.

  • And by the way, your friend Craig Keener should read the Bible more carefully:” Of course, a person could respond by saying, “Yes, but the text says the ‘mark’ is placed on the ‘right hand or the forehead.’ Does this not therefore necessarily imply a physical mark?” The answer is no. Craig Keener offers helpful thoughts on this point. He notes how “the mark of the beast” in Rev. 13 acts as a parallel to the “seal” that is placed on the foreheads of Christians in Rev. 7:3-4.” The seal mentioned in Rev 7:3-7:4 is not meant for Christians. It clearly states that it is for 144,000 JEWS. I repeat: at the best, this “PHD” lacks any genuine Bible knowledge. More dangerously he has written these two scribblings to purposely lead God’s people astray.

  • It remains that the vaccine may include nano technology even to alter the DNA. That might not be the mark of the looser, however it might impact so much on the body and emotions of a person (mind control), that even the very elect may fall as Jesus proclaimed at the end, and as thus ‘ being mind controlled’, or via technology and micro waves be an open door for the looser’s troops as demons and being deceived and controlled accept that which will ultimately be the mark of the looser linked to worship of the looser team and hell after Jesus has won Armageddon with a… word. With arrogance the god of this world for now will, as always with deception OPENLY commence with his dark plans. When Jesus spoke of this generation will see the end and not die, He referred to His people that took up their rightful land in Israel since 1948. Time is running out. Marinatha.

    • Right – and readers should know that the patent# for that Luciferase injection is 060606. These aren’t coincidences. Pray for a Great Awakening before the Lord’s return!

    • It states that the very elect would be deceived IF it were possible. Nowhere does it state that they will be deceived nor that it is possible for them to be so. Also as others have noted furthermore the scriptures states: “And he cause the all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mak IN their RIGHT HAND, or IN their FOREHEADS:”
      (Revelation 13:16)
      KJV 1611
      Believer & Servant Leader,
      Rev Jewell

    • My thoughts as well on the DNA-altering, mind-controlling vaccine. I think that’s why mandates saddening became a thing in the USA, Australia, and other countries in recent years….all to get us ready to receive the big one without hesitation.

      I know of many many Christians that wouldn’t hesitate to take the vaccine in order to participate in buying and selling in our new world order (post Covid). In fact, all the box stores are now enforcing masks. Other countries are seeing this enforcement as well. Next it will be the vaccine.

  • Matt, I was really refreshed by your presentation and argument. Especially the fact that you take it back to the original languages, and the historical context and situation. I’m glad to know you didn’t come across some of the interpretations earlier in your evangelical tradition. I see some of the statements coming from “evangelicals” and I find it very difficult to refer to myself by that monicker any longer (though I remain an evangelical in the true sense of the word).

    Keep writing! And thank you again.

  • I don’t need math or even the bible to figure out that #45 is a beast. Not THE beast, because in that case his brasilian colleague couldn’t be a beast, too. For example.
    And the fact that so many so-called christians fall to obvious bushllit makes it more and more easy to me to turn my back on christanity, because the “god” who is claimed to be in charge either doesn’t seem to care – or more plausible: not to exist.
    Thanks, fundies, you are best proof of nonexistence of god. The harder you try proofing tge opposite the more you show the nonexistence of such a thing or being.

    • Most of us are still stuck in the same sin from adam. Not trusting God, not following Gods Word and blaming others for our actions. God gives the choice for him to be our God or for us to be our own god if you will. Do not let the folly of others keep you from seeking the God of Most High. He did give us the way through Christ the perfect example. God loves you and i do to.

  • Great article Matthew. I appreciate the focus on the historical context, in which you’ve presented this. Very clear conclusions. You referenced Suetonius, Pliny’s Panegyricus, the Sybilline Oracles, and Vita Apollonii. Are these historians’ works available through logos? I would love to get copies of them, as I don’t believe I have then in my logos library.

    • You referenced Suetonius, Pliny’s Panegyricus, the Sybilline Oracles, and Vita Apollonii All writings by non- Christian pagans Nice reinforcement of heresy

      • Great, so do they sell it in logos. A simple yes or no will suffice…. Thanks.

      • Not Really because all those ancient secular writers of Jewish History give an eye witness account which helps re enforce and add light and understanding to what scripture is trying to tell us, in some cases that is

    • Superb article. Let me build on what you’ve said as simply and completely as I can. Context is way too often ignored, but that doesn’t make it less important. One of the best rules of exegetical work fits here: we are at best the SECOND readers of the Revelation (let alone the rest of Scripture), so what is recorded had to have made sense to the FIRST ones. Those original readers in the 7 churches would have no clue what a virus is, let alone the specific Covid 19, a vaccine, our political system today, and all of the things happening with this. And them to ask them to apply what John recorded to God’s people 19 plus centuries AFTER THEM is a stretch. When we do that, we overcomplicate, I believe, what the Spirit led John to see and record. The key item I believe to draw from all of this (the entire book, not just the mark) is summed up in 1 question: does God have your allegiance, or someone/something else? Thankfully the bulk of your readers are aligned with God, even if we quibble over this mark. To read Revelation and be scared out of our socks or overly confused misses the point, which ultimately is God is in control, and you need to be His child. The reward of doing so is incredible, which is why I have much more fun with chapter 21 and 22 than here in the middle. Heaven will be incredible beyond anything we’ve ever seen, experienced or dreamed, and not mainly because of how its built or its beauty, but because we will be there in COMPLETE FELLOWSHIP with the God who loves us, created us, and REDEEMED US through Jesus’ blood.

  • If you’re a Christian, you don’t have to worry about the Mark of the Beast. When this takes place, we will already be out of here. This is what non-Christians will have to go through. It pays to be ready.

    • 100% false.
      there is no rapture
      there is no antichrist man
      there is no great falling away

      2nd thessalonians 2:8-12 already happened and its talking about christianity, christians are the antichrist.

      the man of sin the son of perdition = anyone not keeping god’s laws and worse yet teaching others not to do so.
      rapture = killed. 2 were in the field, one was taken, like in the days of noah. = killed.

      • If the Holy Bible says there is. Don’t say there isn’t. God’s word is true in all ways. If it is stated to be true, then it’s true. God will never do anything false. Meaning that God cannot sin and cannot make mistakes. He is always true.

  • It is getting old that every time something happens it is the mark of the beast, (666). You need to go back and study your Bible Prophecy. There are too many events that must transpire before the return of Christ.

  • Look people. I get that you guys can disagree with the article that’s fine. But seriously telling the author that they are evil??? I mean honestly how do you think that’s okay? I saw a comment that literally condemned the author to Hell. You can voice your opinion without being nasty about it. This is why people cannot stand Christians because they see how nasty we can be even though we have been called to LOVE others no matter what! Honestly if this article is wrong it’s wrong. But just remember the fruits of the Spirit are Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self- control. So far I haven’t seen any of these fruits in this comment section. So I hope y’all can think about that.

    • You probably weren’t too happy about Jesus scourging the moneychangers in the Temple were you? I wonder how much LOVE Jesus was showing them? This “PHD” is scribbling garbage that will lead good people to perdition

    • John Stuart Mill’s “On Liberty” may be a guide to a secular chat room context. I Thess. 5 may be a guide to a Christian chat room context: warn unruly; comfort feebleminded; support weak; be patient with all. May radicals take advantage of Internet and some adjustments need to be made. Heresy is a choice and it can be changed with courage and a sound mind. It is God who does the work: we must trust Him. Perhaps the Christian community needs to revisit key heresies.

  • My concern too is that older Christians who are vulnerable will refuse the vaccine because they are only listening to one voice and opinion and are not well informed. I don’t see how any Christian could live with themselves knowing they are spreading misinformation that will cost someone their life. If you refuse a vaccine because you believe it’s unhealthy or not something you philosophically can do well that should be your right, but if you are 85 years old and faced with a potentially fatal disease It might be better to listen to medical advice not controversial religious teaching.

    • “What profits a man if he gains his life (Takes something that is specifically warned against in the Bible) but loses his own soul. (is separated from God forever)?

    • Hi Lynn,
      I understand your concern for the vulnerable. I am in healthcare and work with those who are considered vulnerable. That is why I have a strong conviction to protect people from accepting something into their body which will likely do more harm than good. Commonly found ingredients in vaccines include animal proteins/DNA, aborted fetal tissue, aluminum, mercury, and formaldehyde, just to name a few. Aside from the ingredients listed, vaccines take years to develop, and our government says they want to have it ready by next year? In no scenario would I recommend anyone getting a vaccine that has not been thoroughly tested for long term effects. There has never been a successful RNA vaccine created, and the trials of those vaccines have caused an enhanced antibody response to the animals when exposed to the actual virus, causing multiple organ system failure and often death of the animals. So, I would implore you to read the links below (which are medically based not controversial religious teaching) and do your research before accepting a vaccine that could potentially wreck your health and that of your 85 year old loved one.

      • You may have to show proof that you have received the vaccine in order to enter public places like stores and banks your job ECT

    • I agree with all you say there Lynn, those that are anti vaccine are setting a dangerous precedent for others who are foolish enough to take on board and believe what they are preaching. They believe it is all tied in with the mark of the beast, and some kind of plot by the Anti Christ and NWO. They think they have a great understanding of the book of Revelation but the truth is sadly they have no understanding whatsoever. I wish all these Christians creating delusional fears would take sometime to watch on you tube Dr Ken Gentry 3 part video series on the book of Revelation. If they did they would suddenly all go quiet and then we would have peace.

  • Amen – and readers should know that the patent # of this Luciferase injection is 060606. These are not coincidences. The Great Awakening will be first – and then the Lord shall come for His remnant Church.

    • Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works…

  • I have read another article which has lost me my sleep the last few nights… I would appreciate any kind soul here to take the time to read it, see how it applies to us currently and fits in with everything that is going on. People have been so focussed on the vaccine and it’s components being “the mark” at the end of everything do you think that’s as little an effort as the devil would make. Take a vaccine and accept the antichrist or don’t and die in effect. Wouldn’t the devil hang it all on front of your face for choosing. Peace in the world. Removal of debt. More for all. Prosperity. Hope….. doesn’t that seem more worthy of a choice.. and what of those that make that choice. I would appreciate any response to this.

    • I noticed the doom and gloom method of putting fear into our society by social media, everyone is a novice slash expert in an excruciating annoying wanna be writer to express their need in self gratification to sell a book. I pray that everyone sticks to the Bible and not use it to spread fear but express hope to everyone is our goal.

      • Our country has been ruled by “Fear” since WWII, Fear of the atom bomb, fear of the “Russians are coming” Fear of War, Nuclear War, the Cuban missile crisis, aliens from space, Weather, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, and now they even name winter storms. So why can’t everyone see the ploy at work here with covid19?? AIDS is a virus and has been around since the 80’s. They still don’t have a vaccine for AIDS how did they get a vaccine for covid19 in 6 months?? I have a real problem with that. And Bill Gates a computer Geek has a vaccine to save us all, RIGHT! Who made him a scientist or doctor anyway?

    • There’s nothing about the end times that isn’t scary. However if you are a true believer you should be excited and not afraid! Put all trust in God and his word, study his promises to you! He loves all of us and doesn’t want us to suffer anymore. The world is suffering TOO much! God is Great and Jesus Christ sees our fears and removes them if you ask!

    • Yes, Kari. Look up St. Germain Trust. Look up who St. Germain is. Look up Rainbow currency. However, I still believe that the coro bug vax is great trickery on the part of Satan, likely to track us and show who will submit to non-science and complete evil man rule.

    • Hi Kerrie. Sorry to hear all this stuff on social media is giving you sleepless nights. I greatly recommend you watch on you tube a 3 part series on the book of Revelation by Dr Ken Gentry. I guarantee you after you have viewed this you will sleep every night like a new born baby, with a big smile on your face,and without a care in the world

  • Interesting topic. For a theological construct to hold true, there must be no incoherences, and all data must be taken into consideration.

    Some questions come up after browsing through the article and the comments:

    For the historical interpretation of Revelation persons:
    Rev 16:2 ESV: So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and harmful and painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.

    The information provided in this verse is unequivocal. Did not seem to have happened historically, seems to point to a future event.

    There are many instances in which authors carried by the Holy Spirit wrote things that were for the future, not their particular context.

    So an implant seems to fit the actual context for the prophecy in the above verse.

    Now for the mark of the beast concept:

    Can you spell “theosis”, or “deification”? note that false worship cult had at its heart such concept.

    Any group that thinks that humans will eventually have self-existence (as in the aseity of God), is out of whack, period.

    Being a living stone in the New Temple of God (the body of Christ), does not make you the Spirit that indwells such Temple.

    We as created beings will never have self-existence, as that is an incommunicable attribute of God, and is what makes Him worthy of worship.

    That aseity of God is what allows Him to be the one in the Throne as the absolute ruler, and we will never be in that position. [the antichrist will try to do a replica of such event in the 3rd Temple, and Christ will take care of him right away].

    Our life (even if everlasting) will always depend on God’s H:hesed, love for us and providence.

    You want to spot the accompanying spiritual mark to the physical one? her it is: you believing that you will be like God eventually (have self-existence).

    Another strange take:

    Beast as a system? do not think so, because will be cast to the lake of fire like the false prophet. Such event points to an entity like the devil.

    This is a very interesting topic, lots of questions, many strong reactions, because we care.

    But the Christlike attitude is to research, pray, reflect, share and comment to foster discussion to see if we can shed more light on the topic.

    No need to attack others, in theory we all want the truth to be found.

    Remember that the only fully orthodox Being in the Universe is God, everybody else has but a poor contextual understanding of His reality and message. If it was not for His Holy Spirit working among brothers and ourselves we would not be able to understand.

    The promise stands: the true sheep will not follow strangers, because they do not recognize such voices.

    Peace and grace.

    • one of the only real Christian comments on here Hamilton. but they will just keep on arguing and insisting each of them knows everything. its the biggest sign that they don’t. The biggest mistake is to think God isn’t in control of everything. satan can only do what God allows for the perfecting of his chosen ones, just ask job or paul or peter or Jesus. I have learnt over the years to thank God for everything in my life whether I see it as good or bad is irrelevant as all things happen for good for those who truly love god, and a true Christian would never insist that their interpretation of scripture is the be all and end all, cept of course JESUS IS LORD yaahaa

  • The Bible was written by people who had the Holy Spirit guiding them. It’s intent in my opinion is to guide us into a loving relationship with God and our Lord Jesus Christ. We are to follow as best we can all the teachings from Jesus. The Bible is to be read not scripture by scripture taken out of context to apply to a specific situation we want it to fit. That would be our desire, which clearly is not what God wants or intended. As imperfect humans we should be studying and reading the Bible to draw close to God and have a loving relationship with him so that we may have a loving relationship with others. You will then receive many blessings from Christ. The Corona along with many things through out history are an awakening to take a closer look at our relationship with God.

  • Okay, but hear me out on this…what if this vaccine is the result of the mark and its just being introduced to people. As of now they’re not forcing it of course, if you will, because if you think about it.. well first let me make this assumption…the antichrist is going to want people to believe he is God and he is gonna start a one world religion.. so he probably doesn’t want people to believe he is evil, he is probably going to say that the mark is to prevent theft. so the main point of this comment is i was just wondering… what if he [the antichrist] is coming sooner than we think and what if this is the mark and it’s only just an optional choice right now?

    • Nicolas read the comment before yours by Debby Harris . take your eyes off the world and put them on JESUS and what hes doing and you wont ever be deceived

  • Y’all lost your marbles. My wife just lost her job for refusing the darn test. Long term care. These tests are just stockholm syndrome training. If the medical cummunity complies who will warn you? Fair warning SHE WAS ALONE. 1 person in an entire hospital refused. Please just wake the heck up. This vaccine is no simple vaccine get off your butts and look at the blockchain/identity/lucifraseLIGHT marking technologies it is tied to. Sars = Seraphim = low earth 5g satellite constellations = RADIATION POISONING MEASUREMENT UNITS is not even getting into the sheer monstrous volume of wordplay going on here. You people think Hwawei just HAPPENS to sound like Yaweh? right. AI is just I AM reversed guys. He is building his own little mini heaven and earth to lord it up over. He like twisting words because the WORD is his enemy. How the hell can so many Christians forget the name of their savior. We thought he wouldn’t attack that? We suck. I agree that fear is stupid. But so is stupid. Stupid is stupid and really only births more stupid. We have the interNET, the world wide WEB. Sitting on Hwawei NET-WORKS built on Seraphim constellations and MAN MADE COMMUNICATIONS TOWERS. (Babel?) We are LAZY so called believers. As for the OP. The point he is arguing is theological and pointless to dispute. Might as well dispute turtles. Peace.

      • Yes. If you work in healthcare they REQUIRE not only a vaccine (when a available for COVID19), but also an annual flu shot, an annual TB shot, and Hepatitis (though once is enough for Hep!). I’m presently in the medical field and this is standard practice. You are working with sick and infected people, so it IS a requirement. Whether or not the coming vaccine is the actual MOTB, is what this blog is about. I do know that one of the chief biochemists that work for George Soros said that it should be a requirement to hold ‘any’ job. Now that’s going too far. If they make that a law, then this becomes something more than a vaccine by default. No company in the country requires that you take the flu shot by law! Only in healthcare. So if it becomes ‘law’ then it is more than just preventative medicine!

  • Thanks for cutting through the endless speculations by simply researching the context of the letter. I enjoyed how you broke down the cultish practice of Imperial worship and the challenge that presented to Christians. Think of all of the unnecessary books written and time in worship wasted being so distracted by trying to read the times without looking at the facts of history. Yet Christ does tell us to stay awake, to be on guard, and watchful. Perhaps the most important part of this is OUR worship (the world will have its taste for popular deceptions). Psalm 91:14 refers to an intimate knowledge of the savior as the reason for God responding to those who cry out to him in love. Let us set our hearts upon Jesus and only Jesus, who will provide everything we need in the days mentioned in the comments above.

  • This is blasphemy of the highest order. The Mark of the Beast ” in the hand” refers to what one does. The Mark of the Beast “in their foreheads” refers to what and how one thinks. The Bible is clear in stating that the 4th Commandment in Exodus 20 is the dividing line between the 666 Beast followers and those who follow the 4th Commandment. There will shortly come a time when it will be mandatory to disobey the 4th Commandment. (Indeed, it is already being talked about in governmental circles, as well as a demanded by Pope Francis, that “Blue Laws” be enforced.) This will be a conscientious decision (made in the forehead by virtually every human being on this earth) and working on the Sabbath Day will be the result of the action taken by the hand.
    Additionally, studying scripture states precisely who the Beast is (RCC) and who the Image of the Beast is (USA). The obedience to manmade laws will determine as to whether or not one is able to buy and/or sell.

  • I had a thought years back that taking the mark of the beast would be partaking in the body and blood of a clone (named Adam-3) who had partaken from the tree of life which was hidden from spiritual beings by angelic beings that were placed there but seen by this beast (no spirit) and would have eternal healing properties within his blood causing people to live forever in a fallen body, thus the boils and pains experienced by those who took this sacrament and would find themselves tortured for eternity in hell with imperishable bodies. This is a very scary thought.

    • To clarify, worshiping the beast by partaking of his body and blood to obtain a false eternal life. Think of the wickedness if people had imperishable bodies, these people would think themselves gods and think there were no consequences for them. By the way look at the time of my original post 3:33 pm. I might be half right lol.

  • In order for the beast and false prophet to convince or decieve the whole world, the bibles have to be changed, modified to agree with whatever the beast and false prophet are proclaiming.
    All scripture is not inspired by God, there are a plethroa of new bible translation that are definately not inspired by God.

  • Good afternoon Dr. Matthew.
    With due respect Pastor, your position on the MARK of the Beast in Revelation 13: 16-18 “as merely being SPIRITUAL and NOT physical / visible mark” is downright dangerous because the scriptures under verse 16 to 18 of Rev. 13 crystal clearly shows that the 2nd beast will “FORCED everyone … To receive the MARK on his RIGHT HAND or on his FOREHEAD , and NO one can buy or sell without the MARK imposed by the 2nd beast”.
    If there is no physical mark (but merely spiritual mark) then how could he distinguish and FORCE people into submission and CONTROL them ? Certainly , he cannot read their mind or heart if they are for or against him !
    My researches on the digital identification / RIFD shows that such devise (also called Artificial Intelligence – AI) can CONTROL the MINDS (neurons) of people implanted with them , hence , the Lord’s warning for us To REFUSE such mark or be damned! No wonder those with the mark will REFUSED to even repent or glorify God during the wrath of God ((Rev16:2 , 9-11) .
    Please also note Rev. 19:20 and Rev. 16: 2 , which both stated “Had the MARK of the beast AND Worshiped his image” , meaning that the 2 (mark and worship) are different things , hence , not just spiritual (worship the beast) but physical (mark of the beast) ! God bless.

    What if your opinion is wrong , many believer will betrayed and go to eternal damnation

    • The thing is, the church vehemently opposes abortion, as it should. But for the most part remains quiet about vaccines that use aborted foetal cells for their production. Along with gmo ingredients and a host of other toxic poisonous materials.
      These issues are enough in themselves that should make Christians want to avoid vaccines! And should be enough to push the church to speak out against them!!

  • What if that belief is believing in science so much you don’t ask for much proof anymore when the science itself in certain fields is practically guesswork with flawed modeling?

  • The Bible is very clear as explained from the Book of Rev.13; I had tried to go for banking two Months ago and I got the policemen were deployed at entrance at the bank. I washed my hands as well as having sanitizer applied.

    During the entry for banking, I was stopped to get a covid test using digital covid testing device to test my temperature or whatsoever, but I rejected the test that I have my special test from my Healer “Jesus Christ”, so I don’t need any test on my forehead at all.

    I was blocked to access banking, which is very true according to the Revelation 13, “people without the marks of the beast will be denied to buy or sell. The

    Therefore, the marks are real but we still glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ!

    • Mr. John, the Heat Scanners are not the Mark of the beast. The Mark will be introduce in the future. If you believe that please reply.

      • Being scanned by a heat detector isn’t the mark. You’re alright. Just talk with God and have Him guide you, and pray to think the way he wants you to think, as well as ask Him to help you be who He wants you to be, and live how He wants you to live. Also repenting more than once a day and praying more in generally is something I recommend. Also take time to study The Word if God more.

  • this whole post is false
    add to that the fact that you the author are quite literally the antichrist
    – for those who do not know, these freemasons secret societies [who began with the pact of psalm 83, to get rid of the true gospel, the true god, and gods true people, even to the point to where they now claim to be them, the fake jews in israel!] have spent a lot of money and focus on getting people to think there is a man coming to rule the whole world as an antichrist, but actually the antichrist is a group/demographic of people, not a man.
    Look at the greek interlinear website for 2nd Thessalonians 2:3, the terms “man of sin” and “son of perdition”, neither of these greek words are ever used for an individual. It’s speaking about people who don’t keep the laws of moses. Christians, and the handlers of christians/christianity = the “illuminati” secret fraternal orders of satan, ie Freemasonry.

  • This is my response to: “Are you saying a call to focus on the Lamb of God rather than minor issues such as “the mark of the beast” is evil, or are you referring to something/someone else?” – Charles King says May 18, 2020 at 3:30 pm

    Satan himself could not twist the scriptures better than you have done.
    You are the antichrist, the son of perdition, that wicked, the man of sin, all of these terms refer to people with your antichrist teachings. Not to keep the laws of moses, not to worry about the mark of the beast, and other such satanic teachings. You would lead people straight to hell. I refuse you.

  • Pastor Mat , the scriptures categorically and simply declares that the mark will be placed on the RIGHT HAND or on the FOREHEAD ( Revelation 13:16) , which clearly indicates physical positioning where the mark should be placed. It was meant to be a PHYSICAL IDENTIFICATION , as separator between anti Christ and god’s ally.
    Certainly , if the mark as you claim is only SPIRITUAL and not a physical mark , then there should be no more need to indicate the place the spiritual mark on the LEFT hand or on the FOREHEAD ( which is physical ) .
    Secondly , Rev 13:17-18 while it described that the number is that of a man , the MARK is a different thing from the man ! How could the number of the man (666) be a spiritual mark ? I understand that in biblical interpretation , if it meant what it says (Mark) then it should be understood to mean a physical MARK especially if it makes sense , otherwise , it has deeper meaning !

  • How is ANYONE NOT mentioning the RFID microship being the possible mark ?! Which they’ve recently passed a bill n°5672:

    to ban it from being mandatory, yet it remains “VOLUNTARY”. [meaning it will be left to be seduced onto desiring [it] with the help of celebrities & elect]

    Doesn’t the bible speaks on it ???

    If you scroll down the bill, there is a section where it states the following:

    (3) An employer may, as a condition of employment, as a condition of employment in a particular position, or as a condition of receiving additional compensation or other benefits, require an employee or prospective employee to comply with a court order that directs the employee or prospective employee to take an action.

    Which means, if the employer has a court order for you to have it implanted and you refuse to have that microship implanted then YOUR-JOB-IS-AT-RISK, which means: THIS “BILL” IS BOGUS! & MUST BE REVOKED A.S.A.P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    What if this whole instability invisible enemy hoax:
    CORONA *[6]* 66=18= *[9]* *CREATION*/
    VIRUS *[5]* 89=94=13= *[4]* *STABILITY*,

    was “man” made
    6+5= *[11]* door/GATES B$LL, to bring *”STABILITY”* 9+4=13= *[4]* towards a *NWO*= Order Out Of Chaos scenario! TO GET BEAST CHIPPED!

    Which introduced more openly the world to the 5G Towers benefits, yet DANGEROUS RADIATION ELECTROMAGNETIC EFFECTS, the beast microship implant, which been implanted in sweden for a few years now and certain states in america. It had minimum media coverage(purposely so) to which mind you, our Smart devices are already the beast beta tech move cause it seats in y’all RIGHT HANDS AND GOES UP TO THE EARS & DIRECT TOWARDS Y’ALL FOREHEAD PLAYING WITH THE SPIRIT/MINDS:




  • Man, im not religious at all, but yall have me hooked. I love when hardcore Christians have these wild ass theories; i have some pretty outlandish beliefs, but after reading this article ive had a resurgence of conviction in my own thoughts lol.

    • Since your here and reading this article, I believe Jesus is calling you. Get a bible and start reading Jesus told us all things before they would happen so we would know HE is who he says HE is. He wants a personal relationship with you.If you come to HIM in faith asking forgiveness for your sins, we are all sinners and under Gods curse until we repent and come to JESUS. Then He can hear you, until this step you are separated from Him.After you have been forgiven, All who come receive forgiveness the bible says.Then You are in right standing with God. Follow in obedience to Jesus what is written in scripture.Time is very short! This vaccine is the Mark of the beast.. AI is the beast Jesus is going to destroy it when He comes back with The Breath of HIS Mouth and all who bow to it.Please be reconciled to God. Time is short!! Praying for you

  • Interpretation of the scripture is singular, based on structure summary and purpose of the text, but the application is multifaceted, and transcends time. The prophesies are all interpreted according to their original structure, summary and purpose of the original text, but allowing men,especially religious leaders to deceive them most people alive at the time of the incarnation missed it. What is worship but obedience. Obedience to a false god is mutiny to the true GOD. Savior says “Let no man deceive you. “No man MIGHT buy or sell” The choice is always before us, but we are deceived into transmuting ourselves into those subject to the mark, by flagrant violations of the first and second commandments. Jesus is coming to destroy government, not enhance them.

  • A corona (Latin for ‘crown’, in turn derived from Ancient Greek κορώνη, korṓnē, ‘garland, wreath’) is an aura of plasma that surrounds the Sun and other stars.

    Countries around the world are lying about the illnesses and deaths. In the US the states/cities with the “Worst” counts are the same states/cities With the worst rioting going in. GF killing staged…both the GF killing and Covid are related to “I can’t breathe”. Money’s being removed…lawlessness is well in the works…wait til they announce the other 3 officers won’t be charged. Wait for the next “move” towards the new one world government under Satan worship. And absolutely I believe Ronald Reagan is part of it too! I actually believe this has all been one big master plan in the works for God knows how long and it’s coming to fruition. I believe Hollywood and our government and world leaders, and mass infiltration on every level and in every industry are part of pulling off this huge plan of world takeover for satanic worship. It’s all really in the works now (As it had been forever) and I absolutely believe the vaccine has to do with the Mark! And absolutely if you take it to be able to buy/sell/obtain what you need you are absolutely putting your faith in the government (Satan) over God…

    • Ronald Reagan died decades ago so he is probably not presently involved in forming a one world govt under satan worship as you claim. But who knows you could be right and I could be wrong, maybe i am missing something here.

  • All you really have to do is think about the level of infiltration of evil to fool so many people worldwide about the GF killing and Covid to realize no president can save us from what is taking place! The grandiosity of it all is EPIC! Everyone was mocked with all the “obvious” info that everything is a setup and the world as we knew it is being destroyed minute by minute with no one doing anything because no one can!

  • Praise our Lord Jesus.
    Assuming Rev 13:14-18, is talking about idol worship which is being greedy for anything aas Paul defines it in Eph 5:5.
    And the second beast ordered people to make and idol, PEOPLE are making a VACCINE we shall be so greedy for (worship) because we have been activated into FEAR by the disease.
    Every IDOL needs an ALTAR to prepare for it…
    An ALTAR requires three things;
    1. A blood sacrifice which is blood or death of humans which what CORONA VIRUS has done.
    2. CONSTANT PRAYER which what the word COVID 19 is, the name of the Mark of the beast, the identification of everyone vaccinated (Certificate Of Vaccination ID. AI.)
    3. And an IDOL which is the VACCINE being made…
    To conclude, let us just watch these signs..
    The RFID chip attachment to the VACCINE, the implant on forehead or right hand, its limiting buying and selling, persecution of all those who refuse to take the vaccination…
    These are simple prophetic signs and we won’t have an excuse when we take the Mark of the beast, Rev 14:9-11… Certainly we shall be worshiping an IDOL….
    Tr. Norman. God bless..

  • I just think the mark of the beast may be for those without the seal of the Holy Spirit who are worldly

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  • The vaccine most likely will be the mark of the beast. It will have infrared bar code associated with it and it is a dangerous rna vaccine. The Chinese government was established by the illuminati. Secret societies that are luciferian run the religious organizations and governments of this world. The pre-trib rapture is a false doctrine. Time to wake up.

  • I would like to add one thought for contemplation…. If the Covid Vaccine is indeed an RNA vaccine- which I believe that it is…. One should bear in mind that it will have the ability to literally alter your human DNA – so in theory- making you “no longer human”. Once this alteration occurs- it will be permanent. If you look to the laws that involve genetically modified seeds, like the ones altered by Monsanto, you will see that the farmers or consumers that purchase them, do not actually own them. The seeds ownership is still retained by the one that “created” them… in most cases in has been Monsanto. Which makes me question- will the those who take the vaccine now be owned by a corporation (or entity) which will in essence cause you to no longer have sovereignty over your God created human body….
    If it is not the ” actual mark”, it most definitely appears to be a component of it.

    • You are right on and very awake, Shannon! Keep spreading the word. I think you have it right! I wish everyone had your wisdom and enlightenment. God bless you!

      Judith Persin, RN

  • So confounding the word corona with 666 is seeking for a problem. The actual word is Coronavirus, a singular word representing many different virus in the same family. Check out what Australia had to do with horses that were infected with a different Coronavirus than covid-19. It literally transmitted from the horses to the ranchers, they have a law that all horses must be vaccinated. And no this vaccine doesn’t work for this virus.

  • You may have to show proof that you have received the vaccine in order to enter public places like stores and banks your job ECT

  • Thanks. Very good article taking the Bible into context. I, myself, am more of a partial preterist in my eschatology views, and also believe (contextually) that the mark is spiritual/ symbolic, not physical. Also the true name if the virus is SARS-CoV2, which is short for severe acute respiratory syndrome- coronavirus 2. So, I don’t know what the big deal is with the word corona.

  • I Do Not Understand Anything That
    The Guy Was Saying But All I Know
    Is That I Will Never Ever Take The
    Mark Of The Beast:

  • I rebuke this article in the name of JESUS! You fail to know the scriptures or have an understanding the way those that are saved do. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and His Word is rellevant and applicable through all generations from the Beiginning to the End (which are the present times). The people of God have the Holy Spirit indwelling in them and know in their spirit that we are living in the last days! They are the elect, and can not be misled! I suggest strongly that you repent of your sins, believe and read the Bible, give your heart to the Lord and be saved before it’s too late! Believe me if you have ears to hear, you do NOT want to find out the Bible is true when our King comes, it will be too late by then and you will go to perdition forever.

  • I don’t understand how the Covid vaccine could be the Mark of the Beast because you receive vaccines either in your shoulder or buttocks and the Bible says that the Mark will be given IN THE FOREHEAD OR IN THE RIGHT HAND. However, I don’t think that when the Mark is established that it will be as clearly identified as everyone suspects. Some have indicated that you will be forced to show your allegiance to Satan (which is true) but I also feel that the mark will be so deceptive that you won’t know if you are taking it or not until you have already done so. Think about this people. Those administering the vaccine are NOT gonna approach you and say “I’m working for the Anti-Christ and I’m giving the vaccine which has a chip in it and you will be taking the mark.” Keep in mind that Satan is a deceiver, and a liar, and the father of it. He greatest weapon is deception. So it is possible that the mark, whether in the vaccine or not, is going to be presented in a way that you will have no idea that it is the mark. The Bible even says, that if it were possible that even the very elect would be deceived.

  • I have also wondered about this. Moderna Vaccine requires nanoparticles where a physical 666 could be incirbed on them. RNA vaccines need a carrier to take the strands into the body.

  • Two issues I have with your presentation. 1. Just because the mark of the lamb is spiritual in no way suggests that the beast’s mark would not be physical. The whole point is that the beast and all the “fixins” are bastardized versions of God’s works. Easy historical example..God is a spirit. Idols are physical. The Lambs Mark is spiritual and it would make sense that the beasts Mark would be physical. Because putting our faith in physical vs spiritual seems to be a central point.

    2. Often in the Bible it is made clear that the prophecies are not solely meant for the ones who first received them. The prophecies are often “sealed” until the time of the end. Jesus made it very clear that the time of the end would be extremely obvious to anyone paying attention. Consequently, the prophecies are yet to be fulfilled. Describing Nero as THE Beast of revelation is naive and irresponsible (my opinion). He may very well be a precursor. Just like Covid and all its accompanying fear may be a precursor and a wake up call, though musnt necessarily be the end.

    3. Nowhere in the Bible is the message “Hey everyone, relax”. Yes be at peace. Yes accept that your life is in Gods hands and those are great hands. But never did Jesus or any prophet say “Hey guys, don’t worry. No need to be on guard”. And that seems to be central to your writings on this issue.

    4. You don’t have to say “I choose Satan over Jesus” in order to choose Satan over Jesus. If your actions plainly show that you have chosen satans system over God’s, then you have effectively worshipped Satan. I agree that you can’t be tricked into worshipping Satan, but it’s not trickery when you’ve had access to Gods word for thousands of years and choose to ignore it. I believe that there is nothing prohibiting the beast or Satan from being subtle and luring in worshippers.

    • What we need to know that the issue of the mark will be so subtle that few people will be aware. It will. Control economy and health. The Bible says it will be done in a very cunning way that most people will admiringly accept it while praising the beast’s wisdom and saying,” who is like into him in knowledge?”
      Brethren, let’s be ware, God is not mocked but whatsoever man soweth, the same shall he reap.

  • Mark of the beast or not! It does not matter! The vaccine makers since 1986 have no liability for killing or damaging you. These vaccines are full of putrid dangerous toxins, and now they are able to permanently change your human DNA and you will never be the same again. It is a grave sin and a stupid mistake to take this vaccine even if it is not the mark. Why? Because you are supposed to be made in God’s image and this will change you! It will damage your body, which if you are a Christian is supposed to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Why would you risk your health, and also why would you not stand up and fight for your Constitutional rights! Your body does not belong to the psychopath Bill Gates, your government, or the greedy Pharmaceutical companies! However, there is a patent for this vaccine. When your DNA is permanently changed by it, then perhaps you will belong to the one who holds the patent, just like Monsanto ( now Bayer) claimed ownership of all its GMO seeds. There is now technology that can be administered to destroy a part of your brain ( the God Awareness part) So perhaps after the vaccine has been taken by you, you will then turn against God and you will be so brain injured that you will not even realize what you had done. Hell is not a good place to go! Be courageous people. Stand up for liberty and freedom and all that is good. Why would you wish to be anyone’s slave? Why would you be so timid as to bow to an evil totalitarian government that uses fake science to trick and enslave you! Please, please wake up now! Stand up for the rights for which our forefathers and millions of soldiers died that you might be free! These freedoms did not come cheap!

    • I agree with you my dear. The Government did not create me and will not control my body. I take a stand against mandated vaccination

    • You are 100% RIGHT AND ON POINT!!! Finally someone with some sense !!! People just don’t want to believe what is right in front of them. The vax also includes “LUCIFERASE”- we can’t make this stuff up guys!!! This is it!!!

  • Your article is great but missing a few supporting passages.

    Deuteronomy 6:6-9
    “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.”

    Deuteronomy 11:18
    “these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.”

    People who believe in a physical mark trust in themselves and their ability to understand what the mark is. Their faith is not in God’s grace or Jesus to save them. Never does the Bible say we take/accept the mark, but that is what people teach. The Bible says we received it.

    How does it affect commerce? Your answer is correct, but a modern example might help others understand. In Canada, businesses who wanted government grants for hiring students had to sign a form to declare their approval of abortions. Those unwilling to sign were denied funding.

    That policy passed without issue. Others are coming. At no time does GOD allow for deception, so those who lie have already received the mark.

    The mark is our thoughts and actions. It has existed for eons and will continue. The warning is for those who receive the mark AND worship the beast.

  • You won’t be able to buy or sell without it the mark of the beast. Can we see how a vaccine with a tracking device may be that mark? Do not allow fear to cloud your thought process to take it. Even if it wasn’t the mark it would certainly set the stage for it. We need to fight for our freedoms. If the only way is a vaccine or death refer to your Bible. Most of us already have antibodies the virus has quickly mutated much like the flu we couldn’t keep up. Don’t rely on a vaccine don’t let them scare you into getting one. That fear of chasing this life is where I think a lot of Christians are struggling. Wearing a face mask you can simply take off is very different than mixing iron with clay.

  • I think there is an end to this debate…as BOTH major positions could likely be true. It is quite evident the Revelation was written concerning the time of THAT era and greatly concerns Nero Caesar as the “one who is” (the 6th king). If this is not the case then the warnings of imminent danger to the ORIGINAL audience of the book is rendered utterly useless.

    BUT…there is the possibility that Revelation is of dual-prophetic nature. This would mean that it has its primary relevance of the era of authorship…but could also be a “foreshadowing” of future events.

    • where name your proof other than spewing out stuff. John wrote the Revelations not long before Nero and no I don’t have the dates right off but he wrote it during his exile during the Roman Empire. That doesn’t mean he’s saying NERO would be the beast he’s talking about 1000’s of years later. He may not have to know how long away it was to be but it’s clear it’s looking forward from the Roman empire, not within its time.
      God told Noah to build an Ark at least 120 years before the deluge. He also wanted Noah to go out and warn people of it so if they chose they could be saved.
      The prophecies about the Northern Tribes being taken captive of a beast of that time were being told them for hundreds of years before. Same with Judah and their captivity. God warns his people about calamity long before it’s actually there. In Johns’s case, it just happens to be 1000’s of years before and not just a few hundred years.

  • There are two ways to interpret the Bible: from a scholarly point of view – from someone who has devoted their life to a subjective understanding of scripture, by studying the history of the text, the original language, the scholarly opinions of other biblical experts. Then there’s the inspirational understanding of scripture where anyone who reads God’s word can understand meaning. The beauty of scripture is that both modes of understanding can be present at the same time. God does not suspend our logical reasoning to impart spiritual truth. (The early scientists who believed that we can understand the workings of the universe were a perfect example of the blending of this knowledge.). Yet, scripture interpretation in the past has certainly been used and applied for incorrect and admittedly nefarious purposes – by both methods of interpretation – but my guess is the preponderance of those were by those who connected dots where there was no scholarly reason to do so. In this world of instant information where anyone and anybody can claim Truth it is easy to get lost in the miasma of that so called knowledge – especially when it is difficult to rely on information that has fifteen layers of references. That makes our biblical scholars and academics all the more important now – especially those who demonstrate they understand the spiritual applications of the Scripture as well – which I believe the author does. If anything most have devoted their lives and resources to 1 Peter 3:15 “ But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” As non-academic Christians I believe we are certainly no less called through prayer, discourse with other Believers – which includes such scholarly interpretations – to be ready to answer as well. Guard your hearts and mind to the Truth of scripture – else we will be distracted from the work Jesus would have us do.

  • I don’t know if the Mark Of The Beast in the book of Rev refers to the proposed covid-19 vaccine but from my health science training I do know that all vaccines are dangerous and since the vaccine gold-rush following the 1989 legislation changes that removed all damages liability from the vaccine companies, have been responsible for many (tens and hundreds of thousands of) serious injuries and deaths in children, while generating massive incomes for pharmaceutical companies.
    So childhood vaccination has become, in God’s eyes, for those who believe in God, an evil practice. And with this covid-19 one, the likelihood of harm, the incidence of death and injuries, is expected to be even greater because of the rush with which it is being developed. It will be an even greater evil and those responsible will be, in Jesus eyes, even more in need of having millstones tied about their necks before they are nudged over the side of their yachts.
    I also know that the so-called pandemic is a fraud being perpetrated on the world in order to bring about compulsory covid-19 vaccination, annually or several times a year, to generate unprecedented incomes of trillions of dollars each year for the vaccine companies.
    Since it is compulsory and since cash money is also in the process of being phased out, it’s quite likely that compulsory vaccination might be enforced by suspension of decliners’ (i.e. anti-vaxxers’) banking privileges and hence their ability to buy and sell.
    Given those facts I can understand why Bible believers might see acceptance of the covid-19 vaccine as the Mark Of The Beast.

  • It is certainly possible to include nanotechnology and even birth control medicine in the vaccine, in addition to providing protection from the virus like a flu shot. I have taught eschatology for 35 years and am knowledgeable in ancient Greek, ancient history and recenty have been in the midst of completing a medical degree. For example, having just finished a course in pharmacology, it takes an average of 12 years to introduce a new med to the market. It has to migrate through all the FDA protocols and clinical trials. Now, through the push of government, the CDC, WHO, and Bill Gates who has funded companies like Moderna quite heavily, we could conceivably have a vaccine ready before the end of the year. That’s very aggressive. Not saying we don’t need something fast to make our world healthier and get our economy back on track, but there can be no denial that Bill Gates, together with John’s Hopkins University DID run a pilot scenario called Event 201, which you can review on YouTube, months prior to the actual outbreak. Interestingly, one of the main speakers on the guest panel was the head of the CDC of China! And it is also true that Bill Gates father was heavily involved with the formation of Planned Parenthood. I have listened to speeches given by Bill Gates that completely support population control.

    OK. Before I comment on TMOTB, let me share some other things. Verichip does possess the technology to implant people with all pertinent information regarding their health record, personal identification, etc. During this pandemic, there were high ranking officials who were calling for a world government. Our world had acted in a cooperative way that was almost one in which you would expect from a New World Order. Strangely enough, the recent comet has been called ‘Neo-Wise’, otherwise an abbreviation for New Wisdom. The economic impact on the world, not just the USA, has been devastating. Essentially, our world currencies, all being fiat, are at the point of collapse. In other words, a global reset for the use of money will soon change. Please trust my economic outlook. I have been a student of economics and been watching this for over 40 years. What will the new system be?

    There have also been attempts by the Pope to unify world religions. All these things are happening simultaneously.

    Revelation, like many other prophetic scriptures, have a two-fold meaning. They were for things that were right around the corner for the people of Israel in ancient times, yet they also had a futurist reference. For example, Jesus has not returned yet, though he was expected by the Early Church.

    So in the end times, there will be 3 things. A world government, a one- world religion, and a one-word economy based on the mark, in which no person can buy or sell.

    The mark is associated with the antichrist and the number of his name. The mark is said to be ‘on’ the hand or forehead. Epi in more accurate translations than KJV, favors ‘on’ rather than ‘in’. Also, the Greek word ‘charagma’ (Rev 13:16), implies an image that is visible, like a world passport. Revelation indicates that it is a choice and that the mark is associated with worship of the antichrist.

    Now yes, Emperor worship did occur in ancient Roman times. But this will happen again in the not too distant future. The technology is here to create such a mark. We have scanners, optical and fingerprint validation systems, facial recognition, and more.

    Vaccines are usually injected in the shoulder, like my flu shot, and Hepatitis shots required for healthcare workers. I seriously doubt that this vaccine will be placed on the back of the hand or on the forehead. It’s just not how vaccines are administered. Some can also be given orally.

    So is this new vaccine TMOTB? I do not think so. But we certainly are seeing precedents for the true,coming mark and the inevitable New World Order. It tells us we are close and in the season. I am certain a 3rd WW is coming soon, as well as a 3rd Temple in Israel. Will the war be in the Mideast? It could very well be.

    Meanwhile, we still don’t know all of the ingredients that will be in the new vaccine, and they’ll never tell us. It’s proprietary. But whatever they inject may contain properties that can make the transition to the actual mark of the beast simpler.

    So to summarize my lengthy comment, I do not think this is TMOTB. Only a precursor.

  • If you want the real answers to any question that life presents, read the Bible, it has the answer for any and all of life’s questions and problems. How to draw close to God? Sincerely read His word, pray and He will reveal new truths from His word to you and you will grow in faith and be a stalwart man or woman of God. You will learn to separate the sheep from the wolves and prophets from false prophets. Ever learning and growing in grace.

  • Just a few links. My question is if we have to have a “mark” in order to buy and sell in the very near future would be to a have a vaccine – and proof. I don’t believe in most vaccines and if I was to “bow down” and get the “mark” to buy and sell isn’t that putting trust in the world/vaccine etc?…

    Microsoft’s patent: 2020 / 060606…&amp;

    Fits with: Rev 13:17-18
    …so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
    This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

    *Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that could be used in the vaccine:

    Covi-pass app (and others)

    Links to the Patents…
    MIT revealed the quantum dot vaccine tattoo, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, on December 18, 2019.


    Bill Gates, MIT Develop New ‘Tattoo ID’ to Check For Vaccinations

    Ninety-nine days later, another one of Bill Gates’ creations (Microsoft) revealed a patent for a “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data”. This patent is listed under the number of 2020 / 060606


    Do not put your hope in government
    Do not put your hope in religion
    Do not put your hope in material affluence and social acceptance

    There is only one True hope ~ Jesus Christ

    • Well Chris, after reading the link you provided about the ‘tattoo vaccine’ developed by MIT together with Bill Gates, I find this information rather alarming. As I mentioned in my comment, vaccines are normally administered via the antecubital space, that being the veins in the upper and lower forearm, or shoulder. Not the back of the hand or forehead. Your link about the modern affinity for tattoos and MIT + Bill Gates, and the proposed vaccine make me take a step back. As I said, the technology to produce the mark is here. The only thing NOT on the scene yet is the Antichrist and the world government. The mark, which will no doubt use this vaccine/tattoo technology, will need to wait until he arrives and those who take this mark have pledged their worship and acknowledgement of him as the saviour. If we have to take a shoulder or forearm shot, like a flu shot, before he appears on the scene, I am inclined to say it might be OK. If they tell you that you cannot hold a job, buy or sell, or obtain any government assistance of any kind unless you take the vaccine- before the Antichrist is even on the scene, then we really need to examine the situation and pray about what to do. This amounts to practically the same thing. One would then have to ask whether the ‘beast’ is really a person or a system. I am not sure I would want to take the vaccine under those stipulations. Good link. I was not aware of it!

      • YES! it is and Revelations never use the word antichrist.
        It uses beast and per the scriptures, the beast is the Govt. for all Gov’t have been beasts. The church as a whole is the whore or false prophet.
        The two-horned beast is our Govt along with the UN.
        The 7 headed beast comes from water and later in Revelations it tells us what that water is. it says the water is nations. peoples multitudes and tongues and in people around the world have created that water beast with their politics.
        The NWO as you may have called it is already here it’s called Globalism. NWO. CDC, IMF, UN, THe world bank.
        etc… It’s here its now!

  • If we’re not supposed to pay attention to Revelation, as it it states at the end of the article, why was it canonized in the first place? Of what importance is it.

    • @Charlotte: May I quote the end of the article again to you, as it is no so far up with that many comments: “The message of Revelation beckons us away from angst and worry. It bids us to gaze upon the slain Lamb—to worship him with loyalty, devotion, and commitment. Let’s make Christ our focus, not endless speculations that, at the end of the day, have very little to do with the message of Revelation.”
      In my understanding, this is exactly the opposite of “we’re not supposed to pay attention to Revelation”, it is urging us to pay attention to the message of Revelation, which is Christ will win, the Kingdom of God will come, pain will cease and tears will be dried because there’s one final King and Lord, who cares for us.
      The speculation about who could be the antichrist, what current day thing resembles the number of the beast etc. has so far proven wrong on all counts and distracts from the actual message which was the reason God had this book written for us and put into the bible.

      • if they do as you say or this author says they will be lost for they will have the mark of the beast.
        yes make christ your focus but the warnings about the mark are plain and what happens to those who worship the beast and take its mark is also plain.
        The slain lamb in Revelations was the only one worthy to open the books, the seals. But what is within those seals/books in imminently important that to take the mark means we will drink of his anger when the bowls or vials are poured out on mankind.

  • Everything in the bible has both a physical and spiritual dimension. Everyone considers the physical without considering the spiritual. For sure the mark will be directly connected to one’s future ability to buy or sell. Without evidence of good health you will not be able to buy or sell – go to work or the shops. However, the real marking in spiritual: it’s what you decide with your heart and mind, symbolised by the forehead, which you act upon, symbolised by the right hand.
    Taking the vaccine to maintain your way of life in the babylonian world system will be a decision you make in your heart and mind, thus you pledge allegiance to the world instead of trusting in God. The coming vaccine does indeed have 666 all over it but not in the way most people think. It will be the vehicle through which people will be forced to pledge allegiance to either Babylon or the kingdom of Heaven, Satan’s kingdom here on earth or the kingdom of God which Christ will usher in when he returns.

    Read Ezekiel 9 and you will see God too has a marking system, also on the forehead. It is put on those who wail and bemoan the state of the church and this world. Revelation states clearly: do not take the marking or else….

    • That doesn’t say the church it says those who bemoan all the abominations that are done there.
      The full context in which that is said is mark those who are crying out or bemoaning the abominations of things done there. and to another group, he said to go in and kill all those doing these things even small children old men women, etc… but to those who are marked do not hurt. and it goes on but that’s the gist.
      Similar to what Revelations say’s about the seal. but that’s after the beast mark is dolled out.not before.

  • What if people loose jobs and cannot feed their family without being vaccinated? Do you think that god wants us and our family to die from hunger? Wouldn’t that be similarly sinful as suicide? God is real and he has imposed on us these worldly constraints, we have to succumb to them as well.

    Personally I think about the lines “And do not bring us into temptation, but rescue us from evil”. It means attach to god, resist fear and all worldly arguments, then you will be saved, because your actions and the effect you have on the world will reflect the holy spirit and thus god. It means don’t believe the lies, don’t get lost from the path, don’t waste time, don’t fall for illusions and run after false convictions and particularly don’t participate in the cult and do not do anything that will strengthen it.

    Taking the vaccine, knowing that it is needed to survive, while refraining from engagement in the fear mongering and apraisal of modern science, by explicitly stating that taking the vaccine was not out of fear of the virus but out of being forced. This is also how one could understand?

    • Not sure if you’re real in your argument or just a liar?
      what does this say?
      and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
      if people lose their jobs without a vaccination yes God will take care of us.
      Matthew 6:26

      “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?”
      you’re calling God a liar then by using subterfuge into making people believe that God wouldn’t want us to have faith in that what he says he will do.
      Besides lots of weeds are edible as in dandelions etc… God won’t let people who take a step in faith starve so no it won’t be suicide.
      The warning about taking the mark tells us we will be tormented and be thrown into the lake of fire. Far worse than starving to death if you ask me. but god isn’t asking us to starve to death he’s asking us to step out in faith. Let him take care of the rest.

      • I think God might ask Christians to starve or be killed outright for refusing the mark. I think it’s good for us to be prepared mentally for that possibility and then be relieved if God provides food and protection instead. But what ever lies ahead for Christians, there is nothing more important than avoiding Hell, so it’s important to identify the mark and then avoid taking it at all costs. Nothing is worth going to Hell for.

  • In regards to the comment that we don’t know what GOD is thinking, The Scriptures teaches us in 1Cor. 2:16, that we have the mind of CHRIST, so HE has made it possible to see into the plans of GOD to a certain extent and only those who endure to the end shall be saved, CHRIST own words. So once save always save does not work. The article makes a lot sense, to be tricked into taking a mark of commitment from an enemy does not show allegiance to that foe, but rather willful commitment, worship and service to the enemy does in fact show loyalty to him, so there is no way you can take the mark by accident or be tricked into it is possible. Those who took the mark and worship the image of the beast cannot be saved (Rev.14:9-11), so if you were tricked or deceived into taking a mark you had no intentions of receiving your salvation cannot be lost to that degree, therefore accidental acceptance of the mark is not possible. When you look at the word receive in the text of Revelation, it does not allude to one who is deceive but rather one who is active in their acceptance.

  • The Sabbath will be the great test of loyalty; for it is the point of truth especially controverted. When the final test shall be brought to bear upon men, then the line of distinction will be drawn between those who serve God and those who serve him not. While the observance of the false sabbath in compliance with the law of the State, contrary to the fourth commandment, will be an avowal of allegiance to a power that is in opposition to God, the keeping of the true Sabbath, in obedience to God’s law, is an evidence of loyalty to the Creator. While one class, by accepting the sign of submission to earthly powers, receive the mark of the beast, the other, choosing the token of allegiance to divine authority, receive the seal of God. The Great Controversy 1888, page 605.2

  • It appears that Satan is using some so-called ‘men of God’ to give Christians false sense of security in these times. So, the mark of the beast is a ‘minor issue’? Clearly you do not represent Christ. Revelation was not based on the historical period in which it was written. It captures the entire trajectory of God’s judgement. Imagine a Christian defending Bill Gates of all people! I read that one of the compounds in the RNA vaccines is called Luciferase. What is a compound named after Satan doing in a vaccine meant for my body?

  • So two things: 1- I disagree that in order to worship something/someone you have to be aware that you are doing so. We live in a word, where humans worship everything from athletes to finanacial status but are unaware that this is what they are doing. To worship means to give worth to…so if we were to say, give more worth to a government mandate than to Faith in Jesus, we would in fact be worshipping that government
    That brings me to 2- when we rely on vaccinations, are we placing our trust on a vaccine rather than on our Savior Jesus to keep us healthy and safe? Once again we are placing more worth on a human made substance rather than our Creator…just food for thought

    • I’m gonna get silly here, don’t go grocery shopping, Jesus will provide, or drive your car 150 mph down your neighborhood street, Jusus will clear you path, drink a gallon of bleach to kill the corona …Jesus will save you. God has called us to use wisdom, I think that wisdom will show us that vaccination have saved millions of lives. That being said wisdom also would lead us to not take any and every vaccine or cure that that has not been tested. Yes some people get sick and even die from reactions to tested vaccines but millions are saved. And yes a ill conceived vaccine could kill more than the corona, but use wisdom.

      • you’re as evil as the author is.
        Yes! Jesus will provide if we can’t buy or sell he said so in what he said about the birds. Of”look how they toil not but yet are fed” How much more will your Father in heaven feed and cloth you”.
        You’re a false prophet as well.