My Journey – What is going on?

Ok friends, not giving any advice in this post… Just thinking out loud here…

So, if you know about me then you know I am not currently attending seminary. I’ve been taking seminary classes virtually and was planning on transferring to a residential campus at the start of 2008. Through a series of events that I have not had time to share yet (though it is on my “to be posted” list) my wife and I decided to move forward with the decision to quit my job, move to far away, and attend seminary. It was a decision based on much prayer and through much council. Through the whole process it appeared that God’s hand was working things in such a way that it was going to work… now, here we are, about a month away from when we need to move and we haven’t sold our house. This is the final piece to the puzzle. It is also the make or break of the whole deal. No house sell, no move, no seminary… do not pass go, do not collect $200.

So, I sit here today… wondering. Did I miss something? Lord, what are you doing? I know you aren’t a con-man trying to hide your will from me… but I just don’t understand.

Thankfully, I am not crushed by the situation… it isn’t like I’m freaking out. I’m not questioning God’s plans and purposes… But I’m just confused. Everything seemed to be right, and now this.

So, I’m not sure what to do. We figure that we have about another week before we miss our window of opportunity for this upcoming semester (the one we have already registered for). After that, I’m not sure what happens… Do we put off seminary for another 6 months? Continue to live in this state of limbo? Do we throw in the towel and just keep trying to do virtual classes?

I don’t know… no answers here.

You have any answers? Anyone want to buy our house?

Written by
Ryan Burns
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  • Brother (and Sister),

    I know I seem to be the only one leaving comments, but this is one of the most common issues in seminary. I know of so many people here on Southern’s campus that has been in your situation. My wife and I were not exactly in that situation (we have never owned a home) but we were put in a bind quickly after moving down here and being “locked in” to everything.

    Let me juse encourage you that God is sovereign and He will see you through this. If God has called you to seminary, then God will see that you get here. Trust in God. This is something many seminarians (and unfortunately, ministers as well) fail to do. We are so quick to hit the panic button oh we of little faith!

    I will be praying for your family as you decide what to do next, but keep in mind how Job responded to “not so great news” with praise and adoration of God. If you are looking for modern day encouragement, please read some of my archived entries on my diary. Especially the ones leading up to the move (July) and the ones in August (after the 9th). This semester has been an exercise in faith. While God has not answered in my time, He has certainly answered in His. Trust me on this one (as one who is living on faith), God will take care of you.

    Your brother in Christ,

    Terry Delaney

  • Thanks Terry.

    I’m very comfortable trusting that God is working and doing according to his perfect will. That is really the thing that helps me sleep at night… and wake up for that matter.

    I appreciate the comments and the prayers!

  • Quit my engineering job in N. Ca, placed our house on the market, and moved to Dallas to go to DTS with the call of God. House sell fell through, house got vandalized (they stole our entire kitchen including countertops and cabinets!) and we are just now getting to house back on the market to try to sell it in a much worse market than we had. I just completed my first semester at DTS so I understand when things don’t make sense. God wakes me up some mornings at 5 some at 6 to spend time with Him. I know that these trials are part of the invisible curriculum but it blind sided me. I was expected blue skies and the yellow brick road…how nieve. God is bringing me face to face with the ugliness in my soul and the depth to which I need changed. There is no easier road or God would use it. His words to me..It is necessary. The world has enough slick salesman for preachers. God needs men of God who will speak the truth to a lost and dying world who are uncompromisiing. This site is a real encouragement; I just discovered it. Welcome to God’s school as Chuck Swindoll put it.

  • Ron,

    Thank you for your testimony! I (we) would love to talk with you more about how God has been showing you His love and mercy during your trials. I, too, can relate to things falling apart after you leave for seminary. We got down here and found out ten days later that my wife’s genetic sequencing job was not a viable option. We went three months w/o any real income (with two children and one on the way) and watched God provide enough money that most all of our bills were paid on time, school was paid for and food was on the table. He alone is good brother. We will be praying for you.

    Terry Delaneys last blog post..Visiting on the Lord’s Day

  • Ron, well said…. well said.

    Oh, and seriously crazy story man… they stole your countertops… seriously crazy.

Written by Ryan Burns