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Added links to the following papers by Mark D. Nanos under the category From the New Perspective (thanks to Mark for providing the links):

‘Broken Branches’: A Pauline Metaphor Gone Awry? (Romans 11:11-24)

‘Callused,’ Not ‘Hardened’: Paul’s Revelation of Temporary Protection Until All Israel Can Be Healed

Have Paul and His Communities Left Judaism for Christianity?: A Review of the Paul-Related Chapters in ‘Jewish Believers in Jesus and Jewish Christianity Revisited’

Paul and the Jewish Tradition: The Ideology of the Shema (also available on YouTube)

Paul’s Relationship to Torah in Light of His Strategy ‘to Become Everything to Everyone’ (1 Corinthians 9:19-22)

Review of ‘The Jesus Movement: A Social History of Its First Century’

Romans 9-11 from a Jewish Perspective on Christian-Jewish Relations

Romans: To the Churches of the Synagogues of Rome

The Myth of the ‘Law-Free’ Paul Standing Between Christians and Jews

The Polytheist Identity of the ‘Weak,’ And Paul’s Strategy to ‘Gain’ Them: A New Reading of 1 Corinthians 8:1-11:1 

What Does “Present Jerusalem” (Gal 4:25) in Paul’s Allegory Have to Do with the Jerusalem of Paul’s Time, or the Concerns of the Galatians?

While sharing much in common with scholars working out of the new perspective, scholars like Mark Nanos, Pamela Eisenbaum, and others are critical of other aspects of the new perspective as articulated by scholars like Dunn and Wright. The term “radical new perspective” has been suggested by some, but for the time being the current category on The Paul Page seems the closest “fit.”

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Written by Faithlife Staff