
As you may or may not know, I recently completed a 2 week intensive for Hebrew 1.

Today I got my grades and was very pleased with my B+.

The grade however got me to thinking… do all seminaries have the same grading scale? My B+ was a 91-93… I remember in undergrad (oh, so long ago) that 90-100 was an A… Not anymore…

So, here is my seminary’s grading scale. Is this what everyone else uses?

A 97 – 100
A- 94 – 96
B+ 91 – 93
B 88 – 90
B- 86 – 87
C+ 83 – 85
C 80 – 82
C- 78 – 79
D+ 75 – 77
D 72 – 74
D- 70 – 71
F below 70
I incomplete
W withdraw
S satisfactory
P passing
Written by
Ryan Burns
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  • Ours at Multnomah { http://www.multnomah.edu/seminary } is slightly shifted from that … A is 94-100, A- is 90-93, B+ 87-89, and down the line. Yet scales can be a bit deceiving … for example, in my Biblical Theology course last semester the highest grade on a single assignment was a 94. The final was worth “more” because it was nearly impossible to garner an A. It would have to be a paper the prof wished he had written himself. And to get an A- in the course I had to almost ace the final.

    For that I am thankful. We need to be challenged and pushed beyond ourselves to be desparate for Christ and His enabling.

    As a married student and a father I realize that getting an A may not be God’s best for me. Still have a 3.9 half-way through, but realize that my priorities (responsibilities before Almighty God) are my wife and son, not proofreading my doctrinal paper a third time. In fact, one prof made that exact point during our first semester. He said, “For some of you it would be sin to get an A in my course, because that means you neglected something more important.” Neglecting the development of our souls (knowing Christ is greater than the highest grade), the care of our families, being faithful in the workplace, and loving people beyond our tiny bubbles. It’s not a competition for the best grades, but rather we are called to be humble and faithful, knowing we are mere men and can only do so much.

Written by Ryan Burns