Archive - October 2010

The Honeymoon is Over

Do you remember your first experience with puppy love? You fell in love with that cute girl/boy across the classroom, playground, grocery store, etc. Immediately, in your mind at least, this woman or man became your knight in shining armor or the...

A Bookworm Blessed

As seminarians, we swing between two world—books and people. Reading theological books and articles is a taxing experience. Heavy commentaries make a dent on our cheap faux wood shelves. PDFs and e-books suck up our bytes. We read. We read. We...

Family Life

There is a generation of pastors ministering today who were taught that they should take care of the church and let God take care of their families. As a result, the term ‘PK’ exists among parole officers to refer to a pastor’s kid...

College Scholarships Blogging Contest

College just announced the 4th annual Blogging Scholarship. They thought the great readers at GtS mightbe interested in it, as it offers student bloggers a chance to be awarded a $10,000 scholarship. They have been awarding student...
